Browse Copala Triqui – English



nacaj nacaj³²vdefenddefenderYa̱j ga̱a cuta' nii cacun' man so̱' no' xcúún so̱' nado' so̱' man 'o̱ síí nacaj man so̱'. Now that you have been blamed, you have to find someone to defend you. Ahora que te han culpado, tienes que buscar alguien que te defiende. against accusation
nache nache³viuntie (something), become untieddesatar, desatarseNache wayó The horse got untied.Se desató el caballo.Ca'anj so̱' nache̱ so̱' wayó ne̱ ca'a̱nj xcaj ní' chruun. Go and untie the horse and we will get firewood. Ve a desatar el caballo y vamos a traer lena. This verb can be either transitive 'untie (something)' or intransitive 'become untied'nachen
nachej nachej³²cfuyanjtinachejv1be mixedmezclarseMán nachej nij yuvii̱ ga̱ cuchij. The people were mixed together when I arrived. Estaban revueltas las personas cuando llegué.2dissolvedisolverCa'ni̠j so̠' pastillá rque na ne̠ nachej sa̠' pastillá rque na. Put the pill in the water so that it dissolves.Pon la pastilla en el agua para que se disuelva3be fermentedestar fermentado5. preparation7.5.3Mix4dissolvedisolverse1.2.3Solid, liquid, gascomp.chraan nachejadobe
nachendial. var. ofnacheuntie (something), become untied
nachíínvto ask forpedirBancó ro’ nachíín sa’anj qui’yaj xcúnj The bank asked for the money that I borrowed.El banco quiere que le devuelva el dinero que pedí prestado.
nachraaunspec. var. ofnachrájconstruct
nachra̱a̱ nachraavto feed (a fire) atizar (un fuego) Se̱ guun ráa̱ 'o̱ ní' nachra̱a̱ doj ya'an. Let us not stir up the fire, No tratemos de atizar más el fuego Nana̱ na 7.1Ca'a̱nj ní' quij gan' sane a̱ 'ó ní' se guun rá nachra̱a̱ ya'an se staj ne o' che'e cano̱ ya'an nij quij. We are going to go far towards the mountain, but no ones thinks of starting a fire, because if so, the fire will spead to the mountains. Vamos a ir lejos a la montaña pero que nadie se lo ocurra prender fuego, de lo contrario, se expanderá el fuego a las montañas. 5.5.2Tend a fire
nachráj nachraj⁵vconstructconstruirNachráj 'u̱nj nuvií. I am building the church. Estoy construyendo la iglesia. unspec. var.nachraa
nachri' nachri'³vhate, disrespectodiar, aborrecerNachri' ndo'oj ne'ej man nij yuvii̱ ne̱. I hate people who lie.Aborrezco mucho a las personas mentirosas.psychPsychological predicate
nachrínj noysterostión5.2.3.2Food from animals
nachuma̱a̱n na³chumaan¹cfnaxaga̱a̱vget up, rise (from a seated position)levantarse (de sentado)Ga̱a ne̱ naxuma̱a̱n so', ne̱ canoco' so' man Jesucristó, ca'anj so' a. And he got up and he followed Jesus and he wentMRK 2:14cAsa̱' 'na' nij maestró raa̱ ne̱ nachuma̱a̱n cunuda̱j nij soj. Cuando vengan los supervisors, parense todos.When the supervisors come, everyone rise.This verb refer to getting up from a sitting position. Getting up from a lying position is naxaga̱a̱. upright7.1.1Standnaxuma̱a̱n
nacoo̱ nacoo³¹1adjdrysecoVi̱j chruun nacoo̱ nicun' rihaan yo'óóTwo dry sticks stand in the groundDos palos secos están parado en el suelo.Táá ni̱j xruj xráá tacóó chruun nacoo̱.The pot is upside down on the dry tree stump. upsecarse ; secarNacoo̱ na rá chráá catu̱n'. The water in the stream dried up. Se secó el agua en el arroyuelo. Maan ndo'o che'é da̱n suun nacoo̱ nij quij.It is very hot, and so the mountains have dried up.Cota' so̱' tzej rihaan naán ga̱ ne̱ nacoo̱ tzej.Put the clothes in the sun so that they will dryGa̱ ne̱ síj nacoo̱ xéé ne̱ síj orá cao̱' nij so' ya'an xéé rá nij so' a.And then the clearing finished drying, and the hour arrived when they thought they would set fire to it.And then the clearing finished drying, and the hour arrived when they thought they would set fire to it.Thunder clothes3adjbe_shriveledcomp.chi'ii̱ nacoo̱tuberculosistinacoo̱dryder.nacoo̱ … nabe thirsty
naco̱o nacoo¹³adj1adultadulto, grandeA̱ naco̱o so̱'. Taj si' 'yaj narque̱ ndo'oj chrej man so̱'. You are an adult now. I don't have a reason to be giving you advice. Ya eres un adulto. No tengo porque estar dándote consejos. 4.1.2Types of people2.6.4.4Adult2oldermayorCavi' chaco̱j nicaa tinúúj síí naco̱o. My older brother's wife passed away.Falleció la esposa de mi hermano mayor.3big
nacoo̱ … na nacoo³¹ … na³² vbe thirstytener sedChe'é se nacoo̱ Mariá na, quiránj no' na tsi̱'. Because Maria was thirsty, she bought a soda.María tiene sed por eso compró un refresco. Ne̱ daj chiha̱a̱ míj se̱ quina'aa nuún rque nij so' do̱', se̱ canacoo̱ nij so' na do̱', ‘Never again will they hunger; never again will they thirst.'REV 7:16Che'é se nacoo̱ Mariá na, quiránj no' na tsi̱'. Because Maria was thirsty, she bought a soda.María tiene sed por eso compró un refresco. With the 'be thirsty' sense na 'water' appears as an (idiomatic?) object after the subject.der. ofnacoo̱na
nacua̱jdial. var. ofnucua̱jpowerful, strong healthy powerfully loudly
nacuchra'unspec. var. ofnacuxra'open
nacuénacue⁴vroll upenrollar̵Rihaan so̱' si̱j na'vee cache̱e̱ taj 'u̱nj, ne̱ nacue̱ so̱' tuvéé so̱', ne̱ na̱n' so̱' tucuá so̱' á“I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” MRK 2:11Ga̱a ne̱ naxaga̱a̱ síí na'vee cache̱e̱ yo', ne̱ nacué so' tuvéé so', ga̱a ne̱ curiha̱nj so' rá ve', ni'ya̱j taran' nij yuvii̱ ma̱n rá ve' a. He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. MRK 2:12a
nacunaunspec. var. ofnagunamelt
nacunj ngravy (from meat drippings)salsa espesa (de carne o de pollo) food
nacunj aruú nrice puddingatole de arroz5.2.3.4Prepared food
nacunj catzi̱i̱ natole (possibly with added sugar)atole blanco5.2.3.4Prepared food
nacunj rnee natole made with beansatole de frijol5.2.3.4Prepared food
nacunj tse ncorn-based drinkatole de elote5.2.3.4Prepared food
nacunj tzi̱' nsweet atoleatole de dulce5.2.3.4Prepared food