Browse Copala Triqui – English



nacutáj nacutaj⁵cf'nijnuutááv1wrapenrollar, envolverNacutáj Juán ne' catuu_n chruun. Juan wrapped the rope around the tree.Juan enrolló el arbol con el mecate.Nacutáj tsej catuu_n ne'ej. The baby is wearing a diaper.El bebé lleva puesto el pañal.2wrap yourself in (something), be trapped inenvolverse, enredarseAcoj ndo'o. Nacutáj so̱' doj roto̱ man so̱'. It's very cold. Cover yourself in more blankets. Hace mucho frío. Envuélvete con más cobija. Nacuta̱a̱ tséj catuu̱n ne'ej. The baby will wear a diaper.Él bebé llevará puesto un pañal. 5.3.7Wear clothing
nacúúnnacuun⁵v1callllamarDan me se nu̱u̱ ro̱j so' rque rihoo chéé rihaan na, ne̱ naqui'yaj sa̱' ro̱j so' nanj rii xcuaj, ne̱ canacúún Jesucristó man ro̱j tinu̱j ro̱j so' canoco̱' ro̱j so' man Jesucristó a. And they were in a boat and preparing nets to catch fish and Jesus called the two brothers to follow Jesus.MRK 1:19bNe ca'na̱' 'u̱nj canacu̱nj 'u̱nj man síí sa̱' ma'. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” MRK 2:17dDan me se sese mozó mé so̱' ga̱a canacúún Diose̱ mán so̱' ca̱nocó' so̱' man Diose̱, ne̱ se̱ nanó rá so̱' ma'. Were you a slave when you were called? Don’t let it trouble you—although if you can gain your freedom, do so. If you were a servant when God called you to follow God, do not be worried.1CO 7:21-22a3.
nacuxra' nacuxra'³naxra'vtopen abrir―'O̱ se si̱j ne'en nacuchra' rihaan síí tuchri̱i me síí nihánj á. He is one of the people who can open the eyes of the blind. Él es uno de las personas que pueden abrir los ojos de los ciegos.JHN 11:37b7.3.6Openunspec. var.nacuchra'
nado'nado'³vlook forbuscarCuyu̱j nado' xlúú rihaan yo'ó.Pigeons look for worms in the dirt.Las palomas buscan gusanos en la tierra.nano'nano̱'
nago' nago'³vdeliver, givedevolver, repagar, entregarNago' xnii raga' man rej xnii. The boy gave the key to his father. El niño entregó la llave a su papá. This often has the sense of returning something to its original owner or place.
nago'...chrej sa̱' nago'³...chrej³ za'¹vurgeaconsejarga̱a ne̱ ca've̱e nago̱' no' chrej sa̱' man nij chana̱ ta'a̱j se vaa ga̱a̱ 'e̱e̱ rá nij chana̱ ta'a̱j nica̱ no' do̱', ta'níí no' do̱' a. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children,Pueden aconsejar a las jóvenes a amar a sus esposos y a sus hijosTIT 2:4
nago'…graciánago'³…gracia⁴vgive thanksdar gracias… ne̱ che'é dan me nagó' 'u̱nj graciá rihaan Diose̱…and that is why I give thanks to God ROM 1:8
nagüéjnagüej⁵vshrink, pull away fromencogerQuiránj ’u̱nj ’o̱ cotón nacaa ne̱ quinuu ’u̱nj man yo’ tzaj ne̱ quizíj gaa ne̱ ’o̱ che’e naguéj yo’.I bought a new shirt and I put it on, but then it shrank.Compré una camisa nueva y me lo puse entonces y despues se encogio’.synnaxuunnuguni
naguna naguna³²meltderretir1.2.3Solid, liquid, gasunspec. var.nacunanahuna
naguun naguun³vto becometransformarse, volverseNaguun rúnj va'nu̱j x'ne'. We became three groups.Nos convirtimos en tres grupos.
nahiin naiin³²nmother (vocative)madre (vocativo)Me 'yaj so̱' ga nahiin vaa nucuaj so̱' na'. What are you doing mother, are you well? Qué haces madre, estás bien?
nahunaunspec. var. ofnagunamelt
nahuun nahuun³vrecoversanarseNahuun chana̱ qui'yaj rmedió. The medicine cured the woman.La mujer sanó con el medicamento.
najnaj³vto be locatedestar ubicadoRej xco̱ so̱' naj xcuáá.Behind you there is a snakeRmii ga̱ yáj catsi̱i̱ ga̱ yáj maruu̱ naj rihaan yo'óóThe black and white ball is on the groundAbstract nouns often use this verb of location
nájnaj⁵v1stay behindquedar atrasado Vaa orá náj so'. There are times when he stays behind.Hay momentos cuando se queda atrasado.Legend (174)2remain, stayquedar3be located4be lying down
na̱j guunwhatevercualquieraCa've̱e qui̱'yáá 'u̱nj na̱j guun rasu̱u̱n me raj qui̱'yáj á”. I am free to do whatever I want Sí, yo soy libre de hacer lo que quiera.1CO 6:12b
na''maân cachi'go down (of fever)
na'maân cachi'vto go down (of a fever)bajar (de fiebre)―Quii aga' 'o̱ me na'maân cachi' man xnii na̱nj á Yesterday at one o'clock the boy's fever went downAyer a la una, la fiebre del joven JHN 4:52bcomp. ofna'maancachi'
na'man'vexpand, swellesponjarseCa’nej so̱’ xrnee̱ rque na ne̱ na’man’ xrnee cua̱jPut the beans in the water so that they expand quicklyPon los frijoles en el agua para que se esponjen rapido.comp.tana'man'
namán naman⁴vreturn home, arrive homeregresaNamán ta'ni̱j xnii ve'. My son returned to the house. Mi hijo regresó a la casa. … ne̱ ca'anj nij so', ne̱ namán uún nij so' chuman' Jerusalén a. Then the apostles went and returned again to Jerusalem.ACT 1:12aNamán chu̱cua'án' Ca'aj xichra' ca' xichra' ca' ata̱ no' cacheé no' chata̱' ga̱ naá a. Grandmother Ca'aj went back home and scratched the pine resin that she was carrying when she was walking in the sky in past times.La abuela Ca'aj regresaba y rajaba el ocote que cargaba, cuando andaba en el cielo en tiempos pasados.Holl 77 (2) 1.5The verb is usually transitive and the object is the name of a place that is the home of the person, either the simple word ve' 'home' or the name of a town or city. In some examples, however it is used intransitively.
na'mii na'mii³²vbe reconciledestar reconciliadosCunu̠' roj síí nihánj tzaj ne̠ na'mii uún roj so'. These two fought, but they made up again.Estos dos se pelearon, pero se han reconciliado.
namij namij³²v1swell, fattenhinchar, engordarMe rasu̱u̱n chá so̱' ne̱ 'na' namij ndo'o so̱' ga̱. What is it that you are eating that you are beginning to get fat?Que es lo que comes que empiezas a engordar?Namij ra'aj rej ñan quixtáj xcuu tacanj. My hand swelled up where the wasp stung me.Se me hinchó la mano en donde me picó la avispa.2thick, abundant (of hair)largo, espeso, abundante (de cabello)Namij ndo'o yuvé raa̱ so̱' vaa ne̱ ca'anj so̱' caca̱ raá so̱' Your hair is very long and you need to cut it.Se ve que tu cabello está largo y necesitas cortartelo.3ready to harvestlisto para cortar, cosecharNamij natoo vaa ne̱ ca'ne' ní' gane̱ cane̱ natoo. The plantain is ready to cut and ripen.El platano está listo para cortar y pueda madurar.
nan' nan'³vreturn homeir a casa, regresarNan' 'u̠nj ve'. I'm going home.Me regreso a la casa.
ñanñan³1prtlocative relativelugar que, donde, lo que2compso that
ñan'yan'³cfña̱n'nnight, midnightnoche, medianocheNe̱ dan me se quita'aa nij so' man ro̱j so', ne̱ caxríj nij so' taga' man ro̱j so' 'o̱ yan' a. And then they caught the two of them and put them in jail at night.They seized Peter and John and, because it was evening, they put them in jail until the next day. ACT 4:3a