Browse Copala Triqui – English



ña̱n'yan'²cfñan'advat nightde noche, a medianoche
naná nana⁴vchangecambiar… qui'yaj soj se tucuanj soj man nana̱ a'mij ga̱ cunuda̱j nij soj; gane̱ ca've̱e naná tucuáán nga̱ naj chiháán ní' vaa ne̱. ... make my words yours so that we change obsolete ideas in our town… hagan suyas mis palabras para cambiar sus ideas obsoletas.Nana̱ na 79.1
nana̱ na³na¹ n1language; story; wordlengua; palabra; cuento; Cuni'yaj ndo'oj rihaan cunuda̱j nij soj síí cuno se snanaj.Thank you to all who have listened to my words.Gracias a todos que me escucharon.Nana̱ na 24.12air; windaire, viento1.1.2Aircomp.aga' o' nana̱comp.nana̱ chre̱edemon, evil spiritnana̱ ne̱lies, gossipnana̱ yo̱o̱tornado, whirlwind
nana̱ chre̱e na³na¹ chree¹³ndemon, evil spiritdemonioNda̱a quisnúú ma'a̱n snó'o yo', qui'yaj nana̱ chre̱e, ne̱ nucua̱j ndo'o caguáj nana̱ chre̱e, ne̱ curiha̱nj nana̱ chre̱e nimán snó'o yo', ne̱ nahuun sa̱' so' a. The impure spirit shook the man violently and came out of him with a shriek. MRK 1:26comp. ofnana̱chre̱e
nana̱ nagua̱n' nado' chana̱nadvice given by the ambassador at the end of a traditional wedding.consejo que da el embajador al final de casamiento
nana̱ ne̱ na³na¹ ne²nlies, gossipchismeNij soj si̱j me síí ne̱ ca'ne' rá soj ga̱ suun uun ne̱, se taj, ne̱ 'o̱ che'é quixna'a̱nj nana̱ ne̱ chiháán ní'…You who are gossips, refrain from spreading rumors ...Ustedes los chismosos deténganse de fomentar sus intrigas …Nana̱ na 64.1comp. ofnana̱ne̱
nana̱ nugua̱n' uchruj ra'nga'ncurseconsejo de maldecir; consejo de malos auguriosThis is a type of speech in a traditional courting, when the young woman's family is resistant to the marriage. The ambassador makes this speech, which causes the family to open the door.
nana̱ sa̱'ngospel
nana̱ yo̱o̱ na³na¹ yoo¹ntornadotornado ofnana̱
nana̱ yo'o̱j na³na¹ yo'oj² dust stormtormenta de polvo1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
nana̱ yo'óó chru̱u̱ na³na¹ yo'oo⁵ chruu²sandstormtormenta de arena1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
nana̱ yuva̱a̱nstormtormenta
nanaj nanaj³²Adv-PreVslowly ; slowlydespacioNanaj ndo'o chéé ne'ej. The baby walks very slowly. El bebé camina muy despacio. Nanaj nanaj cavii ituu rihaan chraan ne̠ catúj ituu rá ve'. The thief climbed the wall very slowly and entered the house.El ladrón se trepó en la pared muy despacio y se metió en la casa.
na'néé na'nee⁵v1clothe (another person)vestir (a otra persona), poner ropaNe̱ qui'yaj nij tanuu cachriin tanj, ne̱ cuta' nij so' raa̱ Jesucristó, ne̱ na'néé nij so' yatzíj tintá sa̱' ndo'o man Jesucristó a. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe JHN 19:2Ga̱a ne̱ na'néé nij so' yatzíj sedá man Jesucristó qui'yaj Herodes, ne̱ veé dan na'néé uún Herodes man so' rihaan Pilato a. And Herod made them dress him in an elegant robe, and they sent him back to Pilate. Entonces Herodes hizo que vistieran a Jesuchristo en ropa de seda y Herodes envió Jesuchristo a Pilato.LUK 23:11b2sendenviar3releasesoltarDan me se na'néé nii man Pedró ga̱ Juan..After they released Peter and John, ...Despues que soltaron a Pedro y Juan...ACT 4:23
na'ngáj rána'ngaj⁵ ra⁴cfa'ngájadjto be deceitful, trouble-makerser engañoso, cizañoso(a)Man se na'ngáj u̱u̱n rá nii ne̱ cuta' nii cacun' manj. They just made something up and put the blame on me. Nada mas inventaron y me echaron la culpa. comp.síí na'ngáj ráperson who spreads false rumors
nanii nanii³²tinanii1V-ppescapeescaparseNij síí nanii rihaan sayuun naguun nij so̱' síí sa̱'. People who save themselves from being prejudice become good people. Las personas que se salvan de los perjuicios se convierten en personas de bien. Quinanii tucuya cha̱na̱ rihaan nij síí 'yaj chicuún xo' rihaan a.The female rabbit escaped from the ones who she owed money to.La coneja se escapó de sus prestamistas.Rabbit & Money 1.1The subject of this verb is the one who escapes; the verb has a PP complement with the preposition rihaan.2vbe savedsalvarse, escaparse'O̱ se nimán ní' me se yo' me cuchuma̱n rá ní' ne'en ní' Jesucristó, ne̱ ca've̱e cunu̱u sa̱' ní' rihaan Diose̱, ne̱ tu'va ní' me se yo' me ca'mi̱i̱ ya̱ ní' cata̱j ní' se vaa noco̱' ní' man Jesucristó, ne̱ ca've̱e quinani̱i̱ ní' rihaan sayuun ado̱nj.For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.ROM 10:10
nanij nanij³²cfnijtinanijvigo downbajarNanij xtaa 'na' xo', ne̱ anó xo' chuchee le'e̱j, ne̱ cavii xo' xta̱' ga̱ chuchee le'e̱j na̱nj á.The eagle comes down and grabs a chick and rises up with the chickEl águila viene bajando y agarra un pollito, y sube al cielo con el pollito.The Eagl 14.1ne̱ quene'en so' se vaa nanij Nimán Diose̱ raa̱ ma'a̱n so', ne̱ ase vaa cha'aa̱n ro', vaa Nimán Diose̱ , curuvi' yo' a. he saw (heaven being torn open and) the Spirit descending on him like a dove. MRK 1:10
nanjnanj³²advthis wayasi9.2.2Adverbs
nanj nanj³²ncigar, cigarettecigarro, puroTucua' ndo'o ichruu̱ nanj. The smell of the cigar is very strong. Es muy penetrante el olor del cigarro. 5.2.4Tobacco
nanj nanj³n1sack, bagmorral, bolsaAta̱ so̱' do̱ nanj 'núúCarry the sack of corn for a whileCa've̱e cata̱ so̱' do̱j nanj 'núú ca'anj ní' na'. Could you carry the bag of corn for a little bit so we can go? Podrías cargar la bolsa de maiz un poco para poder irnos?2netred, ayateTi̱guíj soj nanj rque na rej x'nu̱j rihoo rej nuva̱' rihoo, ne̱ quiri̱' soj xcuajei“Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some fish.” JHN 21:6bThe possessed form is se xnánj.
na̱njnanj²detonlysolamente, puro
na̱nj nanj²advalwayssiempreNa̱nj daj 'yaj xnii nihánj ni uno rihaan rej yo'. This child always does this and does not obey his father. Este niño siempre hace esto no obedece a su papá.
na̱njnanj¹prtemphatic particleparticula de enfasis
ñanjyanj³n1paperpapel2book, letterlibro, cartaCaráán so̱' xráá danj so̱' ñanj libró.You covered your book.Usted cubrió su libro.Lapeseró táá xráá ñanj libró.The ballpoint pen is on top of the book.possessed form is danj33studiesestudioscomp.ñanj libróbookñanj tinanga'fototucu'ñón ñanjstudent
ñánj yanj⁵nwaxceraXtaan me 'o nij xcúú ri̱i̱ ñánj. Bees are one of the animals that make wax. Las avejas es uno de los animalitos que producen cera.