Browse Copala Triqui – English



naxcáj naxcaj⁴vgo forward, progressprogresar, levantar, avanzarseNij yuvi̱i̱ yaj suun ndo'o cuaj naxcáj nij yo'. People who work a lot advance quickly. Las personas que trabajan mucho rapidamente progresan.
naxca̱jna³xcaj²1vtraise, riselevantar, alcanzarNaxca̱j ra'a so' a.He raised his hand.Él se levantó la mano.Holl. sketch p. 257.Naxca̱j so' ra'a so' a.He raised his hand.Él se levantó la mano.Holl. sketch p. 258.Naxcaj ra'a soj me soj arán' rá tucuáán naca̠. Raise your hands if you agree with this new reform.Levanten sus manos quienes están de acuerdo con esta nueva forma.The first example shows an option of incorporating a body part into the verb. It is also possible to use this verb as an ordinary, non-incorporating verb, as in the second example. upright7.3.2.4Liftcomp.aga' na̱xcáj cuchri'2vtcause to riseMa̱a̱n se naxca̱j nu̱' Diose̱ man so' ca'anj so' rej xta̱' na̱nj ado̱nj. “... God had taken him away (lit. caused him to rise up).”HEB 11:5cThis sense is used in the Biblical contexts of causing the dead or lame to rise. The object here is usually preceded by the accusative man.3liftlevantar7.3.4.2Pick up
naxcáj … ñanjna³xcaj² … yanj²vobtain a legal documentobtenir un documento legal
naxga̱a̱na³ʃga:²unspec. var. ofnaxaga̱a̱get up
naxna'anjnaxna'anj³²vbe abundant
naxra'naxra'³nacuxra'v1open, expandabrir, expander2break out (of a chick in a shell)romper (de pollito en cascaron)Naxra’ chuchee le’e̱j rque chruj.The chick is breaking out of the shell.El pollito está rompiendo el cascarón para salir.3brotarsproutNaxra' yanu' raa̱ nij tiha̱j. The cornsilk is sprouting on the ears.Estan brotando cabello a los elotes.4arisesurgirNaxra' uún nij síí me rá cunu̱' ga̱ gobiernó. Groups that want to fight with the government are arising again.Surgen nuevamente grupos que quieren pelear con el gobierno.5expand your vision, have an open mindtener la mente mas abierta, vision mas amplia6regain sight?7watery(of eggs)ser aguado5. dishesnuxra'
naxru' naxru'³v1fall downcaerRiháj che'ej rihaan yu've' ne̱ naxruj. I slipped on the ice and I fell. Me resbalé en la nieve y me caí.Juán qui'yaj quinaxru' chruun. Juan made the tree fall.Juan hizo que el arbol se cayera.2fallcaer7.3.1.4Knock over
na̱xrujshaken, disturbed?conmovido, alterado?'O̱ se nicu̱n' so' rej x'nu̱j, ne̱ se̱ ca'vee na̱xruj, qui'ya̱j so' ma'. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. ACT 2:25b
naxuma̱a̱nna³ʃumaan¹dial. var. ofnachuma̱a̱nget up, rise
naxuun v1shrinkencoger'O̠ ruun ñuu̠n quinúnj man cotoó nihánj tzaj ne̠ 'o̠ che'e̠ naxuun yo'. The first time I put this shirt on, it shrank.Por primera vez me pusé esta camisa, pero se encogió.synnagüéjnuguni2slidedeslizarNaxuun so̱' libró rihaan Juán. Slide that book to Juan.Desliza el libro á Juan.3pull backretirarse
na'ya'na'ya'³vwash (the hands)lavarse (las manos)Na'yá' so̱' vaa nique̱ ra'á so̱'. Wash your hands because they are dirty.Lávate las manos, las tienes sucias.5.6.2Bathe
nayaa nayaa³²vtreadleerNij yuvii̱ ne'e ndo'o ro' nayaa ndo'o nij yo' ñanj.People who know a lot have read a lot of books. Las personas que saben mucho han leído muchos libros.
nayáá nayaa⁵vreduce, go downreducir, disminuirNi naya̱j scaa rndeé vaa nichraa̱ guee̱ tu'va scaa. The liquor bottle was not emptied; it is full up to the the rim.El garrafón de aguardiente no ha disminuido, sigue lleno. pot is nayaj1
nayuunayuu³vgo down, reducebajarsene̱ taj ni'yón cuno taran' nij síí ne̱ rá ve' se vaa nayuu rá ve', ne̱ da̱j se uun rá' unó' nana̱ yuva̱a̱ avii rej xta̱' ro', da̱nj guun rá nij so' ga̱a nayuu rá ve' a.Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. ACT 2:2
nda̱' rálike, in the same way (introduces comparison)misma maneranda̱a rá
nda̱' senda'¹ ze³²correlconneven if, althoughaunque
ndaa̱Older spellingnda̱aup to, to from even after?
ndaa̱Older spellingnda̱aup to, to from even after?
nda̱a ndaa¹³1prepup to, tohastaSuun ndo'o cuchi̱' ndaa̱ yo' na'.Is it very difficult to get there?Es muy dificil llegar hasta alla?Suun ndo'o cavi̱i̱ Juán nda̱a Yacue̱j nama̱n Juán nda̱a nihánj na'.Would it be difficult for Juan to leave Oaxaca and come here? Sera muy dificil para Juan salir de Oaxaca y llegar hasta aqui? 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2from desdeAsi̱j nda̱a yacue̱j cachéé taco̱j 'u̱nj namán nda̱a ngaj.I walked from Oaxaca and arrived at PutlaDesde Oaxaca camine y llegue a Putla 3adjeven4after?da̱a-ndaa̱ndaa̱
nda̱a ñuún ndaa¹³ yuun⁴advthe next timehasta la proximaNda̱a ñuún nari' tuvi' ní' We'll see each other next time.Nos vemos en la proxima ocasión.
nda̱a rádial. var. ofnda̱' rálike, in the same way
ndo̱'ndo'²advvery muchmuchoSuun ndo̱' cuchi̱' ndaa̱ yo' na'.Is it very difficult to get there?Also pronounced ndo'32ndo̱'ondo'overy many
ndo'ondoʔo³²-ndo'o̱fr. var. ofndo̱'very muchvery many
ndo'o̱Older spellingndo'overy manyfr. var. ofndo̱'
ndo̱'odial. var. ofndo̱'very much