Browse Copala Triqui – English



raanraan³²adjsecurefirmecomp.nica̱j raanbe faithful to
raa̱nunspec. var. ofraa̱n lightning
raa̱n raan³¹vto flash (of lightning)relampaguearCama̱n' ráj suun ne̱ raa̱n ndo'o. It looks like it is going to rain because there are lots of lightning flashes.Parece que va a llover porque está relampagueando mucho.
raa̱n raan³¹ nflash of light in the sky caused by lightningrelampagoXraa̠n ga̠a go tu'vii.First there is lightning when there is thunder.Relampaguea primero cuando cae el rayoIn Triqui raa̱n refers to the light in the sky after the flash of lightning. The English words 'lightning' and 'thunder' both correspond to tu'vii., thunderunspec. var.raa̱n
raca'ndry stick, dry stalkramaCa'anj xca' so' rca' cacaa ruvaj.Go bring some kindling to make a fire.Ve a traer leña para hacer fogón.
rachrúúnnbreadpan, comp.rachrúún tzi̱'sweet bread
rachrúún tzi̱' nsweet breadpan dulce5.2.3.4Prepared foodcomp. ofrachrúún
racuíj racuij⁵vt1helpayudar ̵No̱ xcúún ní' ra̱cuíj ní' man tuvi' ní' güii naránj rá ní' na'.Do we need to help our fellow man on our day of rest? Necesitamos ayudar a nuestros compañeros en el día de descanso?MRK 3:4aCa'veé quiri̱' so̱' xrcuíj so̱' manj cuan' na'. Could you help me today?Podrías ayudarme hoy?Tzaj ne̱ dan me se caracuíj xana̱ man so' a.But it happened that a woman helped him.Pero una mujer le ayudó.When The 10.1This sense has a person as object.2help (someone) to do (something), support (someone) in doing (something)ayudar (a alguien) a hacer (algo), apoyar (a alguen) a hacer (algo)sane̱ taj a̱ 'o̱ ní' racuíj man nij xnii ma̱n rihaan chiháán ní' ca'a̱nj tucu'ñón nij so' doj rej chiháán nij tu'vii̱.But none of us supports the youth who go to study in the city.Pero, nadie de nosotros apoya a los jóvenes a que vayan a estudiar a la ciudad.Nana̱ na 12.1Cu̱nó so̱' nana̱ nihánj, ne̱ ra̱cuíj Diose̱ mán so̱' nari̱' so̱' cunuda̱nj yo'ó nij nana̱ chugua̱nj.Hear these words, and God will help you to find all these words.2TI 2:7object controlxrcuíj
racunj nbrainsseso5.2.3.4Prepared food
racúnj nopossumtlacuache
racu̱nj ra³cunj²cfcunjnmarrowsesos, tuétanoCunuda̱j nij yuvii̱ vaa i'na̱' nuu racu̱nj rque cúú man nij. All living people have marrow in their bones.Todas las personas tienen tuétano en los huesos.2.1.6Bone, joint
racuunCopyright, SIL International 2009, CC BY-ND 3.0
raga' raga'³nkey, lockllave, candadoNago' xnii raga' man rej xnii. The boy gave the key to his father. El niño entregó la llave a su papá.
raga' yavénbunch of keysmanojo de llavesJuán me síí nica̱j raga' yave rque taga'. Juan is in charge of the keys to the locks in the prison. Juan es el encargado de las llaves de los candados de la presión.
ramii ramii³²ngrease, lardgrasa, gordura, mantecaNica̱j ndo'o scúj ramii.The cow has a lot of fat.El ganado bovino tiene mucha grasa.It is impolite to use this to refer to humans. oil
ramii chacáá nmanteca de cerdolard (pork)Ca'a̱nj so̱' yu'vee quira̱a̱n so̱' ramii chacáá qui'ya̱j chuvi̱i ní'. Go to the market and buy lard for us to cook.Ve al mercado y compra manteca de cerdo para que cocínomos. oil
ran'ran'³vsufferdañarNi taj 'o̱ me ran' ne'ej yo'.Nothing hurt those babies. Nada les hizo daño a los bebés.Legend o 4:4Quiran' ndo'oj sayuun chuman' Efeso, ne̱ dan me se ase vaa sayuun ran' síí unu' ga̱ xcuu yuva̱a̱ ro', ta'nga' da̱nj vaa sayuun quiranj, ne̱ me che'é qui'yáj da̱nj, rá soj, sese yu̱u̱n che'e̱ cavi̱j ga̱. If I fought wild beasts in Ephesus with no more than human hopes, what have I gained? I suffered many problems in the town of Ephesus and the problems that I suffered were like the problems that one who fights with wild animals suffers, and why did I do this, do you think, if I will die for nothing.1CO 15:32a'O̱ se ase vaa ran' 'núú ga̱a unô nii man yo' rque yo'óó ro', da̱nj ga̱a̱ quira̱n' ní' ado̱nj.Because as corn suffers when someone plants it in the ground, so will we suffer1CO 15:36eDan me se, gu̱un nique̱ soj ra̱a̱ tucuá soj qui'ya̱j sañuun donj, gane̱, ta'níí soj me se, da̱j nique̱ quira̱n' ne̱, quina̱j nique̱ yo' a donj, nica̱ soj me se, da̱j nique̱ quira̱n' ne̱, quina̱j nique̱ qui'ya̱j soj vaa donj; So it is that there will be poverty in your homes because of the problems, and so your sons will suffer harm and remain in poverty; your wives will remain in poverty and will suffer harm due to the cruelty of your character.tanto es así que habrá pobreza en sus hogares por causa de los problemas, entonces sus hijos quedarán en la orfandad y causarán lástima y quedarán en la pobreza, sus esposas quedarán en la pobreza y causarán lastima Nana̱ na 54.1comp.síí ran'
ran'ran'³prtpeoplepersonaspossible numeral classifier? or attenuated measure word
ra'ña̱njra'ñanj¹̱a ne̱ nij ne'ej me ze 'o̱ 'o̱ güii cachij nij ra'ña̱nj ndo. And the babies grew up very quickly day by day. Y los bebés crecieron rápidamente día a día. Legend o 2.3
Ranchó proper.nConstancia del RosarioConstancia del Rosario
ranga'ranga'³1buenos dias; Good morningbuenos diasA greeting used when there is some light in the sky, but the sun has not yet risen.2Good morningPhrasePhraseA greeting before dawn.
ranga'ranga'³adv-postduring the dayde dia-ranga̱'openly
ra'nga'ra'nga'³cflli'ntraptrampaRa'nga' cache̱n so̱', ne̱ cuchru̱j so̱' raca' nacoo̱ a, taj chataj no ro̱j so' a. "Make a trap and cover it with dry branches," said the bird."Pon una trampa de lazo y echa ramas secas!" les dijo el pájaro.Holl 77 (2) 5.2Cuta̱' ní' ra'nga' ne̱ quini̱j xtaj ne̱ quiri̱' ní' nee cha̱ ní Let's make a trap so that the deer will fall in it and so we'll get meat to eat.Hagamos una trampa para que caiga el venado y así obtendremos carne para comer.This is a large trap for deer. comp.a'mii ra'nga'curse
ranga̱'raŋaʔ¹Older spellingranga'during the dayopenly
ránjranj⁵vbuycomprarRéj quiránj yuvíí nacaa̱.My father bought a new mat.Mi padre compró un nuevo petate.comp.síí ránjcomprador