ra'ya̱nj rára'yanj¹ ra⁴1vhasty, impatient, rushedapresuradoNe ra'ya̱nj rá síí 'e̱e̱ rá man tuvi' qui'ya̱j so' sayuun man tuvi' so' ma'. Love is patient, love is kind. The ones who love their friends and family are not hasty and impatient, and will not make problems for their friends and family1CO 13:4aSe̱ guun ca'ma̱an ra'ya̱nj rá soj ma'. Be patient with everyone1TH 5:14dThe negative of this verb is a frequent translation of 'be patient', soon
rcaj yuva̱a̱ncollared lizardlagarto de collarSe cavii tuchi' so̠' rá chruun se staj ne̠ quichiha̠n' rcaj yuva̠a̠ man so̠'.Don't provoke the lizard by climbing up the tree; it might bite you.No povoques el lagarto venenoso subiéndote al árbol; te puede morder.Crotaphytidae species1.
rco'rco'³nbushlandmonteNa̱nj ndo̱' vaa rco̱'.The bushland is very thick.El monte es muy espeso.
rcojrcoj³²vpull out (hairs)arrancar (pelos), desplumarRcój sa̠' ní' tachrii xráá chuchee.You have to pluck the chicken well.Hay que desplumar bien al pollo
rcoorcoo³²n1class of fruit that includes cherimoya, sapote and soursopclase de fruta que incluye chirimoya, zapote y guanábana2chirimoyachirimoyaAnnona cherimolarocoocomp.rcoo chro̱nblack sapotercoo coto̱jyellow sapotercoo tanjsoursoprcoo tzi̱'cherimoya, annona
rcoo coto̱jrcoo³² cotoj¹nyellow sapotechirimoya dormilona, sapote borracho, sapote amarilloThis kind of fruit makes you sleepy.Lucuma salicifoliacomp. ofrcoootoj
rco'o̱orco'oo¹³nshallow bowlbandeja"Canu̱' so̱' mán so̱' reque roco'o̠o nihánj na̱nj á" taj tucuya rihaan racuun a.Hide under this bowl!, said the rabbit to the cockroach.¡Escóndase debajo de esta bandeja! dijo la coneja a la cucaracha.Rabbit & Money utensil
rcuaarcuaa³²cfxcuaanstrainer, colandercolanderaTixí' so̱' yo'óó chru̱u̱ rque rcuaa.Sift the sand in the strainer.Debes de colar la arena en el colador.synaga' rcuaacomp. ofaga'rcuaaNear minimal pair with xcuaa3 'ant; hormiga'comp.aga' rcuaacolander
rcua'a̱a̱nrcua'aan¹adv-posttogetherjuntos...ne̱ dan me se ma̱n rcua'a̱a̱n nij síí tucu'yón se-na̱na̱ Jesucristó do̱', ne̱ chá cunuda̱nj nij so' chraa a. ...and they were together with the disciples of Jesus, and they all ate together. MRK 2:15a
rcúún1button (on clothing)botón (en ropa)5.3.6Parts of clothing2button (on a machine)botón (en maqina)Canuu tanuu rcúú.The soldiers pressed the button.Los soldados presionaron el botón.