Browse Copala Triqui – English



re'é'dial. var. ofre'éurinate, defecate
re'e̱e̱ re'ee¹adjoldgastado, roto, descompuesto, viejoCanó nij aga' ma̱n rá ve' re'e̱e̱ cano' tucunj yo̱oAll the metal that is in the old house is rusty.Todo tipo de metal que hay en la casa vieja están oxidados
rejrej³²comp1so thatpara que2loc:rel
rejrej³nfatherpadreRéj quiránj yuvíí nacaa̱.My father bought a new mat.Réj is the form for 'my father', mothercomp.rej che̱jfather-in-law
rejrej³²n1placelugar2timetiempoGa̱a ne̱ rej taxre̱j naxaga̱a̱ Jesucristó, Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up...Entonces Jesús se levantó en la madrugada.Mark 1:35Nij se achrón ñanj me se na̱nj rej taxre̱j naxaga̱a̱ nij so'. Writers always get up early in the morning before dark.Los escritores siempe se levantan en la madrugada.comp.rej gue̱e̱holy place, paradise, heavenrej nichru̱unleft side rej nuva̱'right siderej síj güiieast daybreakrej síj güiieast daybreakrej xta̱'heavenrej yave̱uphill part
rejrej³²nson, boyhijo, muchachoMe 'yaj so̱' ga̱, rej.What are you doing, son? as an intimate vocative to address a younger male (of an age appropriate for one's own son).
rej che̱j rej³ chej¹nfather-in-lawsuegro4. ofrejche̱j
rej gue̱e̱ rej³² guee¹nholy place, paradise, heavenlugar santo, paraiso, cieloTocuá tu'vii me rej gue̱e̱. The house of the god of thunder is a holy place.La casa del dios del trueno es un lugar sagrado.comp. ofrejgue̱e̱
rej lárej³ la⁵ngodfatherpadrinorej lájmy godfatherJuán ro' anó so' ra'a rej lá so'.Juan shakes hands with his godfather.
rej nichru̱un rej³² nichruun¹³left side lado izquierdoA'ngaj cunu̱' xcóó nichrunj. My whole left arm hurts. Me duele todo el brazo izquierdo., left2.1.3.1Armcomp. ofrejnichru̱un
rej nuva̱' rej³² nuva'¹right sidelado derechoRej nuva̱' ñáán tucuaj. My house is on the right. Mi casa está a la derecha., left2.1.3.1Armcomp. ofrejnuva̱'
rej síj güiirej³² sij⁵ güii³n1eastoriente2daybreakcomp. ofrejgüii
rej xta̱'nheavencielocomp. ofrejxta̱'
rej yave̱nuphill part of (something)la parte superior de (algo)Ca'a̱nj ní' rej yave̱ naa ca'na' ní' Let's go to the top of the field.Vamos a la parte superior de la milpa. ofrej*yave̱
rengo̱ rengo¹adjlamecojo, rencoRá ve' yo' mán ndo'o síí ninaj do̱', síí tuchri̱i do̱', síí rengo̱ do̱', síí nuu chrúnj ra'a do̱' a.Here a great number of disabled people used to lie—the blind, the lame, the paralyzed.En éstos estaba en el suelo una multitud de enfermos, ciegos, cojos y paralíticosJHN 5: with difficulty
requedial. var. ofrquestomach in
requédial. var. ofrquégive
reque̱dial. var. ofrquestomach in
ri' ri'³1vtgetconseguirA'vee quiri'j sa'anj se achiin manjI was able to the get the money that I needed.7.4.3Get2vibreak downdescomponerQuiri' cuchri' nacaa̱ nica̱j so'. His new car broke down.Se descompuso el carro nuevo de él.7.8.1Breakcomp.ri' rá3vlearnaprenderVaa nihánj ne̱, me ma'a nij rasu̱u̱n sa̱' me nari' soj ne̱, ca'vee nari' soj do̱' ca'vee narii soj do̱', sane chamij chamij se guun ra soj nari' nij soj rasu̱u̱n chi'ii̱.Como es esto, cualquier incentivo que quieren hacer, lo pueden lograr, pero nunca, nunca quieren aprender cosas de mal.Address 10:13.2.2Learn4vmeet, encounterencontrar4.2.1.3Meet together5vcome to?Tana̱nj cuchumán ndo'o doj rá so' ni'ya̱j so' Diose̱, ga̱a ne̱ nari' nucuaj doj man so' a. In the same way, he believed even more in God and then strength came to him.ROM 4:20b6vconceive (a child)comp.tari'destroy, break
ri' rári'³ ra⁴vbe discouraged (about)desanimarse (de)psychPsychological predicatecomp. ofri'
riha' shoot (gun)dispararSo' riha' ga̠ chruun riha' He shot the gun.Él disparó con el rifle.
rihaan riaan³²1nfacecaraXtaan quixtáj rihaan Mariá. The bee stung Maria's face.La abeja picó en la cara de Maria. rihaanacuij rihaan2advhurry up anddeprisaRiha̱a̱n ndo'o canicáj so̱' telefonó rihaan Maestró Aarón. Hurry up and take the phone to AaronDeprisa lleva el teléfono a Maestro Aarón.typically used in the imperative.3preptoáQui'ya̱j so̱' sendo tucuaché so̱' do̱j ñanj rihanj. Do me a favor and pass the book to me.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions4prepin front ofen frente deCachee̱j do̱j rihaan so̱'. I will pass in front of you.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions5prepon, on top ofencima deCuta' so̱' ñanj libró rihaan mesá. Put the book on the table.Rihoo táá rihaan na ya'a̱nj. The boat is on the sea.El barco está en el mar.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions6prepforparaNo' achráá rihaan chii. She sings for the man.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions7conjinenMaá ndo̱' yati' rihaan rasca'. There are a lot of stars in the sky.8idiomthanqueSo' xcaa̱n doj rihaan José. He is taller than Jose.Ca'a̱nj 'u̱nj rihaan soj. Goodbye to everyone.Literally 'I go to you (pl)' but used as the equivalent of these English and Spanish phrases.9nforwardadelantecomp.chrej rihaan10neye-rihaa̱ncomp.Noco' rihaan güiiGood afternoon
rihaa̱nOlder spellingrihaanface to in front of on for in than forward
rihaan cutziinrihaan³² cutsiin³²nbeard (which covers all the face)barbudo2.1.5Hair