Browse Copala Triqui – English



rihaan nasurface of watersuperficie del agua1.3.1.1Ocean, lake
riháj che'é rihaj⁵ che'e⁴vto slipresbalarRiháj che'ej rihaan yu've' ne̱ naxruj. I slipped on the ice and I fell. Me resbalé en la nieve y me caí.
rihoo rihoo³²nboatbarcoRihoo táá rihaan na ya'a̱nj.The boat is on the sea. equipmentcomp.cúú riho̱o̱shoulder blade
rihúj rihuj⁵cfcayu̱jvwhistlechiflarVitaá rihúj ne̱ nacúún man nij yuvii̱ ca'a̱nj juntá. The captain whistles and is calling the people to go to the meeting.El capitán chifla y está avisando a que las personas vayan a la junta. of sounds
riirii³²nbe manyestar muchosRii ndo'o yuvii̠ mán nihánj.There are a lot of people there.Hay mucha gente allá.comp.uun ri̱i̱be abundant, numerous
rii rii³²v1take out, pull outsacar, extraerDan me se rej nii̱ me yo', ne̱ a'yuj me güii quiri̱i̱ Herodes man Pedró taga' rihaan nij yuvii̱ a.It was night and the following day was the day when Herod would take Peter out of jail to the peopleActs 12:6Ne̱ dan me se rihaan chruun do̱', rihaan yuvéé do̱', táá nij síí ran', rii nij yuvii̱ man nij síí ran' yo' xe' a. As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats ACT 5:15aQuirii cuchri' gruá man cuchri' ca'anj rej ruvaa̠. The tow truck pulled the car out of the ditch.La grua sacó el automobil que se fué en la barranca. something out of something7.3.2.8Pull2stick out (the tongue)sacar (la lengua)Inaj chuvee 'yaj cachi' ne̱ rii chuvee daa chuvee. The heat made the dog tired and the dog is panting.El calor ha cansado el perro y está sacando la lengua. 3chooseescoger… ne̱ quiri̱i̱ 'u̱nj se chuvií so̱'” ne'ej taj yo' rihaan tanj ne̱... ne̱. "... I will choose a name for you,” said the baby to the thorn."… te voy a escoger un nombre,” le dijo el bebé a la espina.Legend o 4.34catch (fish)pezcar… ne̱ tiguíj ro̱j so' nanj rque na, ne̱ dan me se síí rii xcuaj me ro̱j so' a. ...and they were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. MRK 1:165cast out, drive outne̱ quirii nij so' man Esteban rque chuman' Jerusalén yo', ne̱ guun che'e̱ nij so' go' nij so' yahij man Estebana. dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. And they drove him out of the city of Jerusalem and they began to throw rocks at him.ACT 7:58aGa̱ane̱ ca'anj so' nu̱' nij chuman' na̱j estadó Galilea, ne̱ ca'mii natáj so' rá ve' tucu'yón nij síí ma̱n nij chuman' yo' se-tucua̱nj Moisés, ne̱ quirii so' man nij nana̱ chre̱e nu̱u̱ nimán yuvii̱ a. So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. MRK 1:396take off (clothes)quitar (la ropa)Va̱j so' chrej, ga̱a ne̱ caráán síí itu̱u̱ man so' chrej, ne̱ go' uxrá nij síí itu̱u̱ man so', ne̱ quirii nij síí itu̱u̱ saga̱n' so', ne̱ da̱j doj se cavi' so', ga̱a ne̱ tanáj nij síí itu̱u̱ man so' a.They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. LUK 10:30b7extract (tooth)extraerQuiri̱i̱ doctór cuñaj se chá xcuu.El doctor va a extraer mi muela que tiene caries.5.4.4Care for the teeth8harvest (a field)9save-rii̱comp.rii talújspit; escupirrii ta'nga'be in charge ofrii yaníj
rii̱Older spellingriitake out choose catch (fish) cast out, drive out take off extract (tooth) harvest (a field)
rii talújrii³² taluj⁵vspit; escupirescupir; spitRii talúj so' a.He spits.El escupe.Holl. sketch p. 257.… ne̱ qui'ya̱j chi'i̱i̱ nij so' manj, ne̱ quiri̱i̱ talúj nij so' manj, ... and they will harm me and they will spit on me.LUK 18:32Quisíj ca'mii so' da̱nj, ga̱a ne̱ quirii talúj so' rihaan yo'óó… After saying this, he spit on the ground...JHN 9:6Some examples show equivalent of the object of 'spit on' with the preposition rihaan. Other examples use the accusative man.2.2.3Spit, salivacomp. ofriitalúj
rii ta'nga'rii³² ta'nga'³vbe in charge ofestar encargadoJuan me síí rii ta'nga' rihaan nij yuvii̱ nihánj. Juan is in charge of these people.Juan es el encargado de estas personas.The object of this verb is preceded by rihaan.comp. ofriita'nga'
rii yaníjvremove oneself from, separate fromsepararse (de alguna cosa, persona)Nij yuvii̱ ne ara̱n' rá ne'e man sndé nihánj ne̱ rii yaníj nij yuvii̱ ma'.The people who don't agree with this president and have separated themselves.Las personas que no están de acuerdo con este presidente se han separado.Vaa va'nu̱j ta'nij ne̱ 'o só' ro' 'ee ndo'o ráj ne̱ yavíj so' ro' rii yaníj.I have three sons and I love one of them the most and I reject the other two.Tengo tres hijos y a uno de ellos lo quiero mas y los otros dos, los rechazo.riiyaníj
ri'íj ri'ij⁵v1throw awaytirar (basura)Ri'íj so̠' ni'ya na'. Did you throw out the trash?Tiraste la basura? away2leave, quit, divorcedejar, quitar, divorciar... tza̱j ne̱ taj che'é quiri'i̱j tinúú ní' man no', sese a'vej rá no' cane̱ no' ga̱ so' a. But if she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. ...pero ella consiente en vivir con él, que no se divorcie de ella.1CO 7:12b4.1.7.1End a relationship4.1Relationships7.2.3.3Leave4.1.6.2Set self apart4. an organization2.6.1Marriage3throwtirar7.3.1.1Throwri'íjrejectri'íjrejectri'íj yaníjreject
ri'íjvto divorcedivorciarJuán ne̱ Mariá ri'íj tuvi' nij so'Juan and Maria divorced.Juan y Maria se divorciaron.ri'íj
ri'íj yaníjvthrow awaytirarTucuá suun a'ne' suu̱n ne̱ orún' rej ri'íj nij yuvii̱ ni'ya tzaj ne̱ nij síí xrej ri'íj yaníj ni'ya.The city government ordered that people throw the trash in only one place, but the disobedient people threw the trash elsewhere.La autoridad sanitaria ha ordenado de tirar la basura en un solo lugar y las personas desobedientes lo han tirado en otro lugar.ri'íjyaníj
ri̱n' rin'¹³adjunwashed, unbathedsin lavarDa̱j naxga̱a̱ so̱' nó xcúún so̱' na'ya' so̱' vaa ri̱n' so̱'. When you get up you should wash your hands because they are dirty. Apenas que te levantes, tienes que lavarte las manos porque están sucias.
ri'ñaanri'ñaan³²tadpolerenacuajo, ajolote1.6.1.4Amphibian
ri'ñanjri'yanj³²v1cookcocinarRi'ña̱nj ní' nee̱ cundá cha̱ ni'ñánj ní'. Let's cook meat for lunch.Cocinemos la carne para la comida5.2.1.1Cooking methods2cookcocinarRi'yanj ndo nee̱ suún ga̱ quisi̱j chá cununda̱j ni yuvii̱.I cooked enough meat so that there would be enough for everyone to eat.ri'yanj
ri'ña̱njri'yanj¹1adjquickrápido2fastrápidocomp.chi'ii̱ ri'ña̱njheart attack
rique̱rike²dial. var. ofrquégive
riqui̱j ri³quij¹³nfrogranaNavij nij riqui̱j yaa chiháánj. The leopard frog does not exist any longer in my town. Ya no existen más ranas en mi pueblo.̱ riqui̱jfrog (meat)
riqui̱j yaa ri³quij¹³ yaa³²nleopard frograna leopardaNavij nij riqui̱j yaa chiháánj. The leopard frog does not exist any longer in my town. Ya no existe más ranas en mi pueblo. Rana pipiens
ritzi̱' can' ri³tzi'¹ can'³nguavaguayabasynrutzi̠' xlá5. from fruit
ritzi̱' can'
ritzi' xlá ri³tzi'¹ xla⁴npomarosa (type of fruit)pomarrosa5. from fruitcomp. ofxlá
ritzi̱' yu̱u̱ ri³tzi'¹ yuu¹nsour guavaguayaba agria5. from fruitcomp. ofyu̱u̱
ri'ya ri'ya³vbe cookedestar cocinadoRi'ya nee̱ na'.Is the meat cooked?Ya se cocinó la carne?Ri'ya nee̠ qui'yaj no'. She cooked the meat.Ella cocinó la carne.