ri'ya'ri'ya'³ntraditional benchbanco tallado de troncoCada'aa soj ri'ya' cañaan soj tinuj.Take a bench and sit, friends.Tomen un banco y siéntense, compañeros.A type of bench carved out of a trunk and can be given the shape of an animal (cannot be hollowed out).
ri'yanjri'yanj³²vcookcocinarRi'yanj ndo nee̱ suún ga̱ quisi̱j chá cununda̱j ni yuvii̱.I cooked enough meat so that there would be enough for everyone to eat.
ri'yujri'yuj³vrotpudrirse, descomponerseMe che'e̱ ri'yuj nee̱ nuu rque chruun yu've ga̱?Why did the meat in the refrigerator rot?Porque se descompuso la carne que estaba en el refrigiador?comp.luj ri'yujleprosy