Browse Copala Triqui – English



síí nica̱j suun rey zii⁵ ni³caj² zuun³² rey⁴nkingrey4.5.1Person in authority4.1.2Types of peoplecomp. ofsíí nica̱j suuncomp. ofsíínica̱j ... suun
síí nihánj zii⁵ nihanj⁵nthis person (male)esta persona (masculino)Síí nihánj me KosukeThis is KosukeEste es Kosuke
síí noco̱' man Jesucristósii⁵ noco'¹³ man³ Jesucristo⁴nfollower of Jesus4.9.7.2Christianity4.1.2Types of people4.9.7.1Religious personcomp. ofsíínoco' va̱jman
síí ra̱a̱zii⁵ raa¹nleadercacique, jefe, encabezado4.5.1Person in authority7.2.5.3Guide4.1.2Types of people4.5Authority
síí ran'nsick personenfermocomp. ofsííran'
síí ránj ncustomercompradorSíí ránj cuchri' me 'u̱nj ne̱ natu'véj 'u̱nj yaníj. I am a car buyer and I sell them off.Yo compro carros y lo revendo. comp. ofsííránj
síí snu̱jzii⁵ snuj²mentally ill personpersona con problemas mentales3.1.2.1Alert
síí tucu'ñón ñanj zii⁵ tucu'yon⁴ yanj³nstudentestudiante3.6.2School4.1.2Types of people
síí tu'véj nvendor/salespersonvendadorJuán me síí tu'véj cuchri'. Juan is the one who sells cars.Juan is the car salesman.Juan es vendedor de carros.comp. ofsíítu'véj
síí uun chij zii⁵ uun³ chij³²n1boss, masterpatrón, lider, encargado4.5.1Person in authority4.1.2Types of people2elderanciano2.6.4.5Old person
síí xajzii⁵ zhaj³²nfraud, swindlerfraudulento, engañoso, timador, estafador4.1.2Types of people4.3.5.5Deceive
síí xcu̱njzii⁵ xcunj²ndebtorsdeudor6.8.5.3Owe4.1.2Types of peoplecomp. ofxcúún
síí xno̱ drunk personpersona borracha5.2.3.7Alcoholic beverage
síí xno̱ nanj alcoholic (person)alcohólico5.2.3.7Alcoholic beverage
síí xre̱jndisobedient personpersona desobediente
síí xuun chana̱zii⁵ xuun³² cha³na¹nrapistraptor de mujeres4.1.2Types of people2.6.2.3Sexual immoralitycomp. ofsííxuunchana̱
síí yuva̱a̱ zii⁵ yuvaa¹ncriminal, miscreantcriminal, maleante, vicioso4.7.3Break the law4.1.2Types of people
si'íín adjsad, depresseddébil, deprimidoMe che'e̱ uun si'íín rá so̱' ga̱. Why are you depressed?Porqué estás deprimido?
síjzij⁵cfnasíjv1complete, finish, arrivecompletar, llegarGa̱ ne̱ síj nacoo̱ lléé ne̱ síj orá cao̱' nij so' ya'an lléé rá nij so' a.And then the clearing finished drying, and the hour arrived when they thought they would set fire to it.Thunder 14.1Ga̱a ne̱ asa̱' quisíj míj nij yo', ga̱a ne̱ cu̱riha̱nj uún síí cu'na̱j Satanás taga' nu̱u̱ so', When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison REV 20:, finish2reach, be enough; reach (a certain number)Ri'yanj ndo̱' nee̱ suún ga̱ quizi̱j chá cununda̱j ni yuvii̱.I cooked enough meat so that there would be enough for everyone to eat.Ca'na' na ya'a̱nj rihaan chumii̱, tsa̱j ne̱ taj 'o̱ quij síj cachij rihaan na ya'a̱nj ma'. The flood came to the world, but there wasn't any mountain that was able to grow more than the flood. Copala T 2.1Ne̱ que'e̱e̱ nij síí cuno se na̱na̱ ro̱j so' ro', cuchumán rá nana̱ yo', ne̱ veé da̱nj quisíj 'u̱n' míj snó'o canoco' man Jesucristó ta̱' asuun a.But many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand.And many of those who heard their words believed the words, and after that probably 5000 men came to follow Jesus.ACT 4:43massagesobarCa'vee quisi̱j so' do̱j mán na'.Can you give me a massage?Me puedes sobar?LOWsi̱j
si̱jL-stemsíjcomplete reach massage
síj rásij⁵ ra⁴vdareatreverseQuisíj rá so' qui'yaj itu̱u̱ so' sa'anj na̱nj . Will he dare to steal the money?Se atraverá robar el dinero?
sin' 'yaa yo'óó sin'³ 'yaa³² yo'oo⁵ crack in the earthgrieta en el suelo1.2.2.1Soil, dirt
sindésinde⁴n1presidentpresidente2'u̱nj me se nica̱j suun sndé.I act as municipal presidentunspec. var.sintésndé
sindu'sindu'³ndollmuñecaNavij cunej sindu' ñánj tu'va xnaj a, taj xucua̱'án' rihaan mané xucua̱'án' a."I've finished placing the wax dolls at the edge of my cornfield," our grandmother said to her comadre.The tar 16.1sndu'
singaa̱ shinybrilloso1.2.2.3Metal