taj xna'anj ma'a̱ntaj³² xna'anj³² ma'an¹³promise, announceprometer, anunciar…nana̱ nihánj nana̱ cachrón 'u̱nj che'é soj ro', nana̱ cataj xna'anj ma'a̱n síí 'ni̱j ra'a man ní' rihaan ní' me nana̱ nihánj a. ... that these words, the words that I am writing for you all are the words that our Lord promised us.1CO 14:37… nda̱a vaa cataj xna'anj ma'a̱n Diose̱ rihaan so', ne̱ rasu̱u̱n gu̱un ra'ya̱nj ya̱ vaa güii me nij rasu̱u̱n yo' ei. ... which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. REV 1:1aThis verb usually is followed by a prepositional phrase with rihaan.