Browse Copala Triqui – English



taj xna'anj ma'a̱ntaj³² xna'anj³² ma'an¹³vpromise, announceprometer, anunciar…nana̱ nihánj nana̱ cachrón 'u̱nj che'é soj ro', nana̱ cataj xna'anj ma'a̱n síí 'ni̱j ra'a man ní' rihaan ní' me nana̱ nihánj a. ... that these words, the words that I am writing for you all are the words that our Lord promised us.1CO 14:37… nda̱a vaa cataj xna'anj ma'a̱n Diose̱ rihaan so', ne̱ rasu̱u̱n gu̱un ra'ya̱nj ya̱ vaa güii me nij rasu̱u̱n yo' ei. ... which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. REV 1:1aThis verb usually is followed by a prepositional phrase with rihaan.
taj zi̱i̱ 'yajtaj³² zii² 'yaj³vnot existno existir
ta'loounspec. var. ofto'loorooster
talúj taluj⁵nspit of, saliva ofsaliva deSe̱ quirii talúj so̱' rihaan nij yuvii̱, yu'va' qui'ya' daj se stáj ne axri̱i̱ yuva̱a̱ nii man so̱'. Don't spit in front of other people, because if you do, they will scold you.No escupas enfrente de las personas, no es bien visto, si no te van a regañar. 2.2.3Spit, salivacomp.rii talújspit; escupir
ta'lúú algaealga1.5.4Moss, fungus, algaecomp.chi'ii̠ ta'lúúdengue
ta'maa̱n ta'maan³¹nthigh, upper legmuslo, piernaMe se 'nij snú' tu'maa̱n so̱' ga̱.What do you have between your knees?ta'manjmy upper legmi pierna2.1.3.2Leg
taman'taman'³vscatterdispersarIchij squíí taman' rej chej so' riquee lléé a.His father-in-law scattered seven pieces of incense in the clearing.Thunder 20.1Ga̱a ne̱ taman' uún so' ton yo' rihaan ve' mantá gue̱e̱In the same way, he sprinkled the blood in the tabernacle HEB 9:21The location is shown with the preposition rque or rihaan.
tan' tan'³cf'núú(non)possstan'ndried ear of corn (without the husks)mazorcaDan me se ne'en soj se vaa síí unô do̱j tzin' 'núú ro', do̱j tan' quiri̱i̱ so', ne̱ síí unô noco̱o uxrá 'núú ro', noco̱o uxrá tan' quiri̱i̱ so'…You know that he who plants little seed will also harvest few ears of corn. And he who plants lots of seed will harvest lots of ears of corn. 2CO 9:6CornCorn (all things connected)
tana tana³²ngoatchivo, cabraCaché so̱' nuj xráá tana Skin the goat!Desolla al chivo.
tana'áj tana'aj⁵vextinguishapagar, extinguirAcaa ndo'o quij sane cunucuaj nij yuvii̱ quina'aj ya'an. The mountain was burning up but the people were able to put out the fire. La montaña se estaba encendiendo pero lograron las personas a apagar el fuego. 5.5.3Extinguish a fire
tanaca̱j ta³nacaj¹anica̱jvtturn overvoltear, hacer piruetaTanaca̠j so̠' chraa. Turn over the tortillaVoltea la tortilla.Tanaca̠j cuchri' chéé xta̠' rihaan rasca'.The plane does pirouettes in the sky.El avión hace piruetas en el cielounspec. var.tanica̱jcomp. oftu-anica̱j
tanacoo̱vdry, wipe drysecar, pasar un trapoTa̱nacoo̱ so̱’ tzéj rihaan naán.Dry the clothes in the sun.Seca la ropa en el sol.
ta'naj ta'naj³²n1scarecrowespantapajarosCachrón so̱' ta'naj rque naa̱. Put scarecrows in the cornfield.Pon espantapajaros en la milpa6.2.4Tend a field2ghost, witchfantasmaMe che'é guun tintá xcóó so̱' ga̱? Ase' cutaan ta'naj xcóó so̱' xee? Why has your arm turned blue? Maybe a witch sucked it?Por qué tienes moretóns en el brazo? A lo mejor te chupó la bruja?comp.chana̱ ta'najwitchchii ta'najwitch
tanáj tanaj⁵vleavedejarTanáj so̱' me ma'a̱n rasu̱u̱n 'yáj so̱' ne̱ ca'anj ní'. Leave whatever you are doing and let's go.Deja lo que estás haciendo y vamonos… ne̱ tanáj nij snó'o man rej so' do', man nii so' do̱', ne̱ xcaj so' man chana̱ (that is why) a man leaves his father and mother and marries a womanGEN 2:24acomp.tanáj xco̱abandon
tanáj xco̱ tanaj⁵ xco¹vabandon, to leave behindabandonar, dejar atrás Se me rá so̱' guun so̱' yuvii̱ sa̱' tanáj xco̱ so̱' sañuun. If you want to be a good person, leave behind everything that is inappropriate.Si quieres ser persona de bien, dejen atrás todo lo inconveniente.̱ guun ya̱a rá soj ta̱náj xco̱ soj se xna'a̱nj ní' mene̱. ... don't stop speaking our language.... de verdad no dejen de hablar nuestra lengua. Nana̱ na something4.3.3.3Abandoncomp. oftanájxco̱
tana'man'v1get pregnantestar embarazadaDa̱j xcaj tuvi’ roj nica̱ síí nihánj tzaj ne̱ a̱ tana’man’ rque chana̱ na’.These people just got married, but the woman is already pregnant.Esta pareja apenas se acaban de casarse pero ya está embarazada la señora.2cause to swellhacer esponjarcomp. oftu-na'man'
tananijtananih³²unspec. var. oftinanijlower, lower the flag
tana̱nj tananj¹³adv1to the contraryal contrarioIt is often hard in the text to be sure of whether there is a negative presupposition present or not, so the difference between the 'likewise' and 'to the contrary' senses is surprisingly delicate.2likewiseasimismoVeé dan ne̱ ga̱a ne̱ tana̱nj 'yaj, ne'é so̱', xcua'án' Ca'aj yo' niga̱nj niga̱nj ne̱. After that, our Grandmother Ca'aj did the same thing almost always.Desde luego, la abuela Ca'aj hizo asimismo casi siempre. Legend o 1.3
tanavijtanavij³v1finishterminar2remove, take awaytinavijTINAVIJcomp. ofnavij
tanaxra'vcause to openhacer abrirTanaxra' ní’ nana̱ sa̱’ raa̱ nij xnii tucu’ñon ñanj.Let us open the minds of the students with these ideas.Sembremos buenas ideas a los estudiantes.Nij síí ne'e se snana_ ya'an o_ che'ee ta'nga' nij so' nana_ sa_' rihaan chumii_
tane' tane'³(non)possne'n1tail ofcola deXca̱a̱n ndo'o tane' wayó. The horse's tail is very long.La cola del caballo es muy larga. 2rope ofmecate de va'nu̱j tane' snó'othe man's three ropesHoll. sketch p. 283The unpossessed form of this word is ne'.tune'comp.chavii̱ tane'swallowtail butterflycúú tane'tailbone, coccyx
taneetanee³nlength between elbow and fingers; cubitcodo; medida de la distancia entre codo y el dedo2.1.3.3Finger, toe2.1.3.1Arm8.2.8Measurecomp.tanee cuxru'distance between elbow and closed fistxcóó tane̱eelbow
tanee cuxru'tanee³ cuxru'³ndistance between elbow and closed fistmedida de la distancia entre codo y puñocomp. oftaneecuxru'
tane̱j nmeasure of grainmaquila
ta'nga' ta'nga'³n1footprint, trace, brandhuella, seña, marcagane̱ se̱ squináj a 'o̱ se ta'nga̱' ní' rihaan nij ta'níí ní' ga̱ nij ta'nij x'no̱ ní' ca'anj chrej rihaan vaa.thus we won't leave any trace for our descendants in the futureentonces no dejaremos ninguna huella para nuestros descendientes.Nana̱ na 60.12circumcisioncircuncisión3markcomp.rii ta'nga'be in charge ofxcaj ta'nga'measure, weigh