ta'nga'vdistributedistribuir, repartirNij síí ne'e se snana_ ya'an o_ che'ee ta'nga' nij so' nana_ sa_' rihaan chumii_The religious ones have distributed the word of God to the world.Los religiosos han distribuido la palabra de Dios al mundo.
ta'nga̱'ta'nga'²nsmall partmenudoNi' 'o̠ yuvi̠i̠ ta'nga̠' tiha̠' rá ca'mii me so'. He is not one of those people who like to talk a lot. Él es una persona que no habla mucho. Ni síí cavi̠i̠ ta'nga̠' raa̠ me nij soj na'?Aren't you intelligent people?Ustedes no son personas inteligentes?
tanijtanij³²vtdrop, lower caer, bajar, arrojarta nij so̱' xruj ta̱j xta̱'lower the pot that's up therebaja la olla que esta arribaCha̱a̱ míj se̱ guun rá nij soj tanij nij soj man nij soj rihaan canee; Never consider lowering yourself into the pitNunca piensen arrojarse al abismo, Nana̱ na something
tanjtanj³²nthornespinaGa̱a ne̱ cuta' rihaan tanj ne̱. Then she put them on the top of a thorn. Entonces ella los puso sobre una espina. Legend o 4.1comp.cuej tanjradishrcoo tanjsoursop
tanuutanuu³nsoldier; policesoldado, policía… ga̱a ne̱ canacúún Cornelió ca'na̱' vi̱j se mo̱zó ma'a̱n so' do̱', yo'o̱ tanuu noco̱' man Diose̱ ga̱ so' do̱', ...Cornelius called two of his servants and a devout soldier who was one of his attendants. ACT 10:7der.tanuu catzi̱i̱detectivetanuu snadósoldiertanuu yuve̱detective
tanu̱u̱tanuu²nmiddlemedioAtaa curiha̱nj rej che̱j so' rej tanu̱u̱ lléé, ne̱ cao' staj so' ya'an rej siuu lléé na̱nj a.His father-in-law still hadn't left the middle of the clearing, when his son-in-law set fire to the downhill side of the clearing for sure.His father-in-law still hadn't left the middle of the clearing, when his son-in-law set fire to the downhill side of the clearing for sure.Thunder 22.1Ca'nej tanu̱u̱ ra'aj ga̱ nee. I cut myself in the middle of my hand. Me corté en el medio de mi mano con un cuchillo. 2.1.2Torsocomp.a'ne' tanu̱u̱interruptra'a tanu̱u̱middle finger
taran'taran³detall of todos; todos los... ne̱ catúj taran' nij so' a. ... and all of them went into it. JHN 18:1Dan me se che'é se vaa qui'yaj o̱rún' síí cu'na̱j Adán ne̱ cavi' taran' yuvii̱ ro'…Because the one called Adam caused all people to die...1CO 15:22
tari'tari'³vtdestroy, breakdescomponer'Na' so̱' ta̱rí' so̱' man núj na'.Have you come to destroy us?MRK 1:24bcomp. ofri'