Browse Copala Triqui – English



tuchi' tuchi'³vcause (problems), provokeprovocarA̱ se̱ 'ó ní' vaa güii, da̱j quira̱n' ní' se̱, se̱ xca̱j rá ní', chiha̱' sañuun ro', 'o̱ rasu̱u̱n anica̱j me', che'é da̱n taj me qui'yaj soj ga̱ tuchi̱' nij soj.This can happen to any of us if we don't reflect on it, because truly the violence is wicked and invades us. This is why there is no reason to cause problems.Esto le puede suceder a cualquiera de nosotros si no recapacitamos, porque verdaderamente la violencia es perversa y nos invade. Es por eso que no deben de ser provocativos. Nana̱ na 40.1
tuchri̱ituchrii¹³adjblindciego… ga̱a ne̱ quene'en so' 'o̱ síí tuchri̱i a. … he saw a man blind from birth.vio a un hombre ciegoJHN 9:1a
tuchu'vi'tuchu'vi'³vfrightenespantarTuchu'vi' xcuaa man Mariá.The snake frightened Maria.La culebrá espantó á Maria.
tucuátucua⁴vstretch outestirar Tu̱cuá so̱' ra'á so̱' á ̵taj Jesucristó rihaan so' a. Jesus said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” MRK 3:5c
tucuátucua⁴nhome of, house ofhogar de, casa de
tucua̱' tucua'¹nstrong smellolor fuerte, olor penetranteTucua' ndo'o ichruu̱ nanj. The smoke from the cigar is very strong. Es muy penetrante el olor del cigarro.
tucuá suun tucua⁴ suun³²ncourtcorte, tribunal, municipioNó xcúún so̱' ca'a̱nj so̱' rihaan tocuá suun tinavií so̱' cacuun rihaan so̱'. You have to go to court to resolve your case.Tienes que ir a la corte para terminar tu caso.4.7.4Court of law
tucuáán tucuaan⁵n1way, mannermaneraGa̱ ne̱, nda̱a nihánj ro', me ca've̱e natuna̱ nij tucuáán nga̱ ga̱ nij tucuáán naca̱ quina̱j rihaan ní'. So now it is possible to change old ways into new ways for our future.Así se podrá cambiar viejas costumbres, con una nueva formación para nuestro futuro.Nana̱ na, counsel3exampleejemploSane̱ me ma'a̱n 'o̱ suun quiri' soj do̱', me ma'a̱n 'o̱ suun nica̱j soj do̱', 'o̱ chrej qui'yaj soj me se, ga̱a̱ gue̱e̱ ndo'o nij soj ga̱ nij suun nicaj soj; daj gaa gane̱ guun soj 'o̱ tucuáán naca̱, guun soj 'o̱ tucuáán sa̱' quinaj rihaan nij síí ataa tinavij carrerá. So whatever job you have found, whatever duty you have performed, carry it out carefully, and thus be a new example, a good example that will stand for the new generation of students that have not completed their training.Entonces, cualquier trabajo que hayan conseguido, cualquier cargo que tengan, cuídenlo mucho, para que sean un nuevo ejemplo, un buen ejemplo para la nueva generación de estudiantes que no han terminado sus carreras.Nana̱ na 40.14furrowsurco6.2.2.2Plow a field5programprogramaga̱ cuchruj gobiernó asi̱j rque̱ ndo'o ro' 'yaa ráj, ne̱ quisíj tucuáán naj rihaan chiháán ní' cuana̱ vi̱j chiha̱a̱ ña̱a̱n yo', I believe that the government implemented the program for indigenous education in our towns forty one years agoEl gobierno implementó el programa de educación indígena hace muchos años atrás, creo que este programa ha estado en nuestros pueblos cuarenta y un añosNana̱ na 6.16source
tucua'anjtucua'anj³²vtput inmeterNe̱ cuchi' sa̱' necó ca'anj yo' tanij uu̱n yo' man yo' rá na, ne̱ tucua'anj yo' tune' yo' reque ya'an ruvaj...And the opossum arrived there and it lowered itself into the water and it put its tail in the campfire.El Orige incomp. oftu-'anj
tucuachétucuache⁴vpasspasarMariá tucuaché na rihaan rej no'.Maria passed water to her father.Maria le pasó agua a su papá.comp. oftu-achén
tucuachijtucuachij³²vtraise (children), rearcriarcomp. oftu-achij
tucuachran'achran'vtbreakromper, quebrar... ne̱ asino tucuachran' nij tanuu tacóó yo'o̱ síí noco̱' rej x'nu̱j Jesucristó, ga̱a ne̱ tucuachran' uún nij tanuu tacóó síí noco̱' níchrej x'núú Jesucristó uún a. The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other.JHN 19:32comp. oftu-
tucuachriinvsurroundcomp. oftu-
tucu'án nforked piece of wood.g. a slingshot handlehorqueta1.2.2.3Metal
tucu'ánCopyright, SIL International 2009, CC BY-ND 3.0
tucua'ñánjtucua'ñanj⁴vtcare forcuidarNi me rá yo' tu̱cua'ñánj ne'ej. She didn't want to feed them. No quería alimentarlos.Legend o care of somethingcomp. oftu-
tucuanetucuane³²vtwash (another person)bañarNe̱ tucuane nii man no', ne̱ cuchruj nii man no' rque ve' nata', and her body was washed and placed in an upstairs room. ACT 9:37b5.6.2Bathecomp. oftu-ane
tucuanee tucuanee³²vtdemolishdemoler, tumbar, derribarJuán tucuanee ve' nga̠. Juan demolished the old house.Juan demolió la casa vieja.comp. oftu-anee
tucua̱njadjin a lineen fila
tucuayuu vt1dumptirarTucuayuú so̠' ni'yaa rque cuchri' naran' ni'yaa. Throw the trash in the dumptruck.Tira la basura en el volquete. over2pour outverter1.3.2.2Pour3cause to fall (by shaking)hacer caer (por sacudir, tirar)Ca've̠e racuíj so̠' manj tucuayuu ní' nij mangó raa̠ chruun na'? Can you help me get the mangos down from the tree?Podrás ayudarme a tirar los mangos del árbol?comp. oftu-ayuu
tucu'nájvtcall (s.o.) by a namellamarDan me se cune' Jesucristó man síí cu'na̱j Simón, ne̱ tucu'náj so' Pedró man Simóna. These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter), MRK 3:16Ne̱ nij síí ma̱n chuman' Antioquía me nij síí guun che'e̱ tucu'náj “cristiano” man nij síí tucu'yón se na̱na̱ Jesucristóa. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch. And the ones who lived at Antioch were the ones who began to call the disciples of Jesus "Christians".ACT 11:26cDa̱j tucu'náj nii man so̱' ga̱?What did they name you? Qué nombre te pusieron? comp. oftu-'na̱j
tucunj yo̱o tucunj³² yoo¹³nrustóxidocomp.anó tucunj yo̱ooxidarse
tucunó tucuno⁴v1wag (tail)menearNari' chuvee che'e̱ xcuu ne̱ tucunó tane' chuvee. The dog found the scent of the animal and its tail is wagging.El perro encontró la huella de algun animal y está meneando la cola. movement2move (something like a stick) back and forthmenearThis verb can be used for any action that involves causing an object or body part to move back and forth, such as stirring, conducting a band, chasing away a dog, etc.7.2Move
tucu'ñóntucu'yon⁴vlearn; teachaprender, enseñar'u̱nj tucu'yón a'mii xna'ánj nu'I'm learning to speak Triqui.
tucu'ñón ñanjtucu'yon⁴ yanj³nstudentestudiantecomp. ofñanjtucu'ñón