xi̱jxij¹adjbiggrandeNicun' ne'ee̱ chruun varaá xnúún chruun xi̱jThe pole is leaning against the side of the big treeLa vara está inclinada sobre el árbol grande.cúú xi̱j ra'athumbcomp.xcuaj xi̱jshark, whaleyahij xi̱jrock, boulder
xin'xin'³nroof of the mouth paladarCachran' xin' ne'ej ne̱ ni chá ne'ej chraa. The baby has lost his apettite and is not eating. El niño ha perdido el apetito y no come. achran' xin' (break palate) is idiomatic for 'lose appetite'
xláxla⁴nsaddlemonturaCutá' so̱' xlá xráá wayó. Put the saddle on top of the horse's back. Pon la montura en el caballo. of burden
xlinguéxli³ngue⁴ncannibalcanibalDo̱' rej ñanj mán yuvii̱ sa̱' cuchij ráj, tzaj ne̱ nihánj ga ne do̱' rej mán xlingué me yo'.I thought that I had come to a place with good people, but there are only cannibals here. from animals
xlolo̱xlo³lo²nmasked carnival dancerchilolo, danzante de carnivalNichrun' güii tico xlolo̱.Carnival is getting close.Se acerca el día de carnaval.4.2.4Dance4.2.2.2Festival, show
nij xlolo̱
xluu̱xluu³¹nfalling traptrampa (que se cae)Quinij necó rque xluu̱.The trap fell on the opossum.El tlacuache cayó en la trampa.This is the kind of trap that falls down on an animal. When used with the verb nij 'fall', the animal is idiomatically the subject.6.4.2Trap
xlúúxluu⁵nwormgusanoCuyu̱j nado' xlúú riaan yo'ó.Pigeons look for worms in the dirt.Las palomas buscan gusanos en la tierra. animals
xlúú nichra̱jxluu⁵ nichraj¹nleechsanguijuelaSe̱ catúj so̱' rá chráá mán ndo'o xlúú nichra̱j.Don't go into the river because there are a lot of leeches.No entres al rio porque hay muchas sanguijuelas1.6.1.9Small animals
xnáxna⁴npaint, dyepintura, tintaMe xná tarnó so̱' yuvé raa̱ so̱' ga̱. What color are you going to dye your hair? De qué color vas a teñir el pelo?, paintcomp.ra'vii xnáorangernee xnábean (small red)
x'nááx'naa⁴ncalf, back of the legpantorrillaAvii ndo'o ya'aa maree̱ x'naj. The varicose veins in my calf are showing a lot. Me están brotando mucho las várices en mi pantorrilla.
xna'anjxna'anj³²vibe abundantabundarNij soj si̱j me síí ne̱ ca'ne' rá soj ga̱ suun uun ne̱, se taj, ne̱ 'o̱ che'é quixna'a̱nj nana̱ ne̱ chiháán ní', dan me 'yaj u̱u̱n sañuun man ní' rej ma̱n ní'.You who are gossips, refrain from spreading rumors because if you do not, it will spread, which will harm us in our hometowns. Ustedes los chismosos deténganse de fomentar sus intrigas de lo contrario se expandirá, estos nos causarán daño en nuestros lugares de origen. Nana̱ na xna'anjtestify, say