Browse Copala Triqui – English



'anj 'anj³²vtgoirCa'anj nga Ca'aj chraá ga̱ gaa rumi' chumii a. The old woman went to the river when the world was dark.La viejita Ca'aj fue al río cuando el mundo estaba oscuro.El sol y 1.1 “Ca'a̱nj soj yo' ne̱ 'o̱ lle̱ cutu̱n' soj ve' tocuá xcua'án' Ca'aj” ne̱. “Go there and completely pulverize the house, the house of our Grandmother Ca'aj.” “Vayan Uds. allá y trituren completamente la casa, la casa de la abuela Ca'aj.” Legend o 1.3comp.'anj cunu̱u̱sink'anj najecharse 'anj ni̱jestar en peligro'anj ni'ya̱disappear get lost'anj rábe stunned'anj raa̱'anj xcajfetch'anj yaníjmove to the side; go to a different placeanó tucunj yo̱ooxidarsetucua'anjput in
'anj chaca̱jdial. var. of'anj xcajfetchcomp. of'anjxcaj
'anj cunu̱u̱ 'anj³² cunuu¹vsinkhundirseQuisíj va'nu̱j quiri' rihoo va̱j 'u̱nj rihaan na ya'a̱nj, ne̱ ca'anj cunu̱u̱ rihoo yo' rque na ya'a̱nj...Three times I got a boat and traveled on the sea and the boat sank into the water. Tres veces estuve en naufragios2CO 11:25ccomp. of'anjcunu̱u̱
'anj naj vlie downecharse 'anj quinaj nij scúj. The bulls lay down.Se echaron los toros. movementcomp. of'anj
'anj ni̱jvbe in dangerhundirse'Anj ni̱j cuchri' rihaan cho'óó ata'.The car is sinking in the bog.El automovil se está hundiendo en el pantano.comp. of'anjni̱j
'anj ni'ya̱ 'anj³² ni'ya²v1disappeardesaparecerGa̱a ne̱ quix'núj ma'a̱n ta'yaa yo', ne̱ curiha̱nj ro̱j so', ne̱ cachén ro̱j so' 'o̱ scúj callé, ga̱a ne̱ ca'anj ni'ya̱ se mo̱zó Diose̱ yo' rihaan Pedró a.It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him. ACT 12:10b7.6Hide2. lostperderseCa'anj ni'ya̱ se sa'anj 'u̱nj. My money was lostMi dinero se perdióni'ya̱comp. of'anj
'anj rá 'anj³² ra⁴vbe stunnedestar sorprendido'o̱ lle̱ ca'anj ráj ga̱a quene'ej man sndé. I am stunned to see the president.Estoy sorprendido al ver al presidente.psychPsychological predicatecomp. of'anj
'anj raa̱ vito be absent (mentally)ser olvidadizoNi me chi'ii̱ ran' so' ne̱ na̱nj 'anj raa̱ so'. It's not known what illness he has but he's absent mentally. No se sabe cual enfermedad tiene, pero es olvidadizo.comp. of'anjraa̱Older spellingráá
'anj xcaj 'anj³² xcaj³²vtfetchtraerGa̱a ne̱ vaj xcua'án' Ca'aj chráá ca'anj xcaj yo' na rá ne̱. Then our Grandmother Ca'aj went to the river intending to fetch water.Entonces la abuela Ca'aj fue al río y pensaba traer agua.Legend o'anj chaca̱jcomp. of'anjxcaj
'anj yaníj 'anj³² yanij⁵vmove to the side; go to a different placehacerse a un lado; mover a un ladoNi sa̱' a'mii ssíj ne̱ 'anj yaníj nij yuvii̱ rihaan ssíj. The leader doesn't speak honestly and the people have moved away from him.El lider no habla con rectitud y las personas se han dispersado .Nda̱a vi̱j ca'mi̱i̱ so̱' rihaan so', ne̱ sese se̱ ca'vej rá so' cuno̱ so', ne̱ ca'a̱nj yaníj so̱' rihaan so' ei. Speak to him up to two times and he is not willing to hear, then separate yourself from him.TIT 3:10b7.2Movecomp. of'anjyaníj
'e̱e̱ 'ee¹adjheavypesado'e̱e̱ ndo'o yuvej. The rock is very heavy.La piedra es muy pesada.8.2.9Weigh8.2.9.1Heavy'i̱i̱comp.'e̱e̱ rátake care of (e.g. a problem) love, esteem
'e̱e̱ 'ee¹vlove, respect, esteem (with rá)estimar, cuidar, querer
'e̱e̱ rá 'ee¹ ra⁴adj1take care of (e.g. a problem)cuidar'e̱e̱ ndo'o ráj si'yáj telefonó.I take good care of my telephone.Cuido mucho mi teléfono.This is normally used in the continuative with no preceding word. However, potential and completive forms require the verb uun.2love, esteemamar, apreciarGa̱a̱ 'e̱e̱ rá nij soj man nij yuvii̱ ase 'e̱e̱ rá nij soj man ma'a̱n nij soj.You must love others as you love yourselves.deben de querer a las personas como ustedes se quieren a si mismos.Nana̱ na 76.3che'é se ca'na' nana̱ rihaan rój se vaa amán rá soj ni'ya̱j soj man Jesucristó ne̱ 'e̱e̱ rá soj ne'en soj cunuda̱nj yo'ó nij síí sa̱' noco̱' man Diose̱ a. because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people—COL 1:4'U̱nj 'e̠e̠ ndo'o rá man so̱' che'é da̱n narquéj chrej sa̱' man so̱'. I care a lot for you, and so I give you good advice.Yo te aprecio mucho, por eso te doy buenos consejos.psychPsychological predicatecomp. of'e̱e̱
'i̱i̱ʔi:¹dial. var. of'e̱e̱heavy
'na' 'na'³cfcuva̱'1vicomevenirCa'anj tiguíj so̱' na ca'na' so̱'.Go get water and come back.So̱' ataj rihaanj quíí se̱ ca'na' qui'yaj suun cuan'.You told me yesterday that you would not come to work today.Ca'na' tanuu yuve̱ cachíín xná'anj se chuvi̱i so̱'.The detective came to ask your name.Me che'e̱ ni ca'na' so̱' 'no̱' guii 'no' ca'na' ne̱ nda̱a yaj 'na' so̱'.Why didn't you come the other days up to now?2vcome and venir a3vbegin toempezar'Na' cane̱ nato. The plantain is beginning to ripen.El platano empieza madurarcomp.'na' nique'na' raa̱
'na' na nacuaj vupstreamcontra corrienteSe̠ guun rá ní' go' ní' xtáj rej ñan 'na' na nacuaj. One cannot swim against the current.No hay que nadar en contra de la corriente1.3.1.3River
'na' niquevcome homevenir a casaChe'é dan me ne quene'e̱n chacaa ca'na' nique vichij ma'.Because of that, the crow didn't see when the old lady came home.Por eso el cuervo no vio cuando regresó la viejita.El sol y 29.1comp. of'na'nique
'na' raa̱ vbe intelligent,ser inteligente, estar inspirado'na' raa̱ ssij ca'mii so' nana̱ sa̱'. The leader was inspired when he spoke good words. El líder se inspiró y habló las buenas nuevas.comp. of'na'raa̱Older spellingráá
'na̱j 'naj¹v1be callednombrado, llamadoNe'en soj me xcuu cu'na̱j xtaa na'.Do you know which animal is called the eagle?Saben ustedes cuál animal se llama águila?The Eagl 2.12namedllamadocomp.tucu'nájcall (s.o.) by a name
'nan'unspec. var. ofa'nan'sore
'ne̱' 'ne'¹adjsaltysaladoChá 'ne̱' ndo'o yo'. It tastes very salty.Sabe muy salado.
'nij 'nij³²cfnacutájnuutáá1vtwearcalzar, llevar'Nij ra'a Juán nuj guanté.Juan is wearing gloves.Juan lleva guantes.Me canu̱j 'nij tacoó so̱' cuana̱ ga̱. What kind of shoes are you wearing now?Qué tipo de zapatos llevas puesto ahora?Juán 'nij catuu̱n marque̱. Juan is wearing a sash. Juan lleva puesto un ceñidor.This verb is primarily used with clothing that is worn tight on the body, such as gloves, shoes, and belts. The subject must be a body part and the object is the item of clothing.5.3.7Wear clothing2V-ppbe inside, be stuck insideestar metido, estar adentro'Nij yuvé rque nihaa chra̱a.There is a hair in the chilaquiles.Hay un cabello en el plato de chilaquiles.This verb is used when there is tight contact between the subject and the container.3vbe amongestar entre... ta'a̱j síí rmi̱i̱ 'nij sca'núj soj ne̱ nij so' me se na'vej rá nij so' qui'ya̱j suun nij so'... some among you are idle and refuse to work....entre ustedes hay algunos que andan de vagos, sin trabajar en nada,2TH 3:11comp.'nij ra'ahave in the hand be in charge of'nij tu'vacarry in the mouth
'nij ra'a 'nij³² ra'a³cfnuu ra'av1have in the handagarrar'nij ra'a xnii sa'anj a.The boy is holding the money in his hand.El muchacho agarra el dinero.Holl. 1992:258.2be in charge ofestar a cargo de algoMe chana̱ 'nij ra'a nij xruj nihánj ga̱. Which woman was in charge of the pots?Cuál mujer estaba encargado de las ollas?comp. of'nijra'a
'nij tu'va 'nij³² tu'va³vcarry in the mouthtener en la boca'Nij tuva’ chuvee xcua’a̱nj maa nij chuvee le’e̱j.The mother dog carries the puppies in her mouth.La madre perra lleva los cachorros en la boca.7.3.1Carry2.1.1.4Mouthcomp. of'nijtu'va
'nij xcóóvpushapoyar con el hombroQui'nij xcóó so̠' do̠j cavee ne̠ ca'anj co'oj do̠j na na'? Can you hold the beam on your shoulder so that I can go drink some water?Puedes apoyar la viga con el hombro para que vaya a tomar un poco de agua?

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