Browse Copala Triqui – English



ga̱ga²1prepwithcon —Me che'é tico so̱' ga̱ ne'ej, taj chu̱cua'án' no chacaa a.Why are you playing with the babies? said the grandmother to the crow.Por qué estás jugando con los nenes? le dijo la abuela al cuervo.Holl 77 (2) 3.10Ñáán nij ta'nííj ga̱ 'u̱nj.My children live with me.Mis hijos viven conmigo.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2prepandyNe̱ Diose̱ me se guun rá qui'ya̱j chumii̱ ga̱ xta̱'…And God thought to make the earth and sky ...GEN 1:2fSane̱ a̱, asino ña̱a̱n soj ro', nó xcúún doj nari' sa̱' ñanj ga̱ xna'ánj xláBut you are first responsible for learning Spanish and your other subjects well Pero ustedes son los responsables en aprender primero bien sus estudios y el españolNana̱ na, postpositions3correlconnwhenNihánj me ca'mii ní' ga̱ nij soj síí me síí chuma̱n' ne̱, ga̱ uno su̱u̱n soj nuchre̱' rii ndo'o nij soj, Here we are going to speak with you , the citizens, when you must join togetherAquí vamos a hablar con ustedes los cuidadanos cuando tienen la obligación de reunirse todos.Nana̱ na 10.1Ga̱ naá ne̱ dan me cachéé ranga̱' tu'vii ga̱ naá a.Long ago it happened that the thunder god walked openly.When The 1.1Ga̱ may be the fast-speech variety of ga̱a or may be part of a more complex complementizer such as ga ne̱ or ga̱a naá.comp.chana̱ a'mii ga̱girlfriend
ga̱ga²prtquestion particlepartícula de preguntas¿Me che'e me vaa ní' da̱j se 'yaa rá soj ga̱.Why do you think that we are this way?¿Por qué creen que somos así?Nana̱ na 20.2Me síí caráán chrej rihaan soj se̱ cuchumán rá soj cuno̱ soj nana̱ ya̱ ya̱j ga̱. Who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth?Who hit the path from you that you will not believe the truth now? GAL 5:7b… ne̱ xná'anj so' man nij so', cataj so', ne̱: Me si̱j mé 'u̱nj, taj nij yuvii̱ ga̱ taj Jesucristó, xná'anj so' man nij so' a.... Jesus asked them, “Who do the crowds say I am?” LUK 9:18Ga̱a ne̱ cataj Jesucristó rihaan nij so': Ne̱ ma'a̱n soj, ga̱a ne̱ me si̱j mé 'u̱nj, rá soj uún ga̱ taj Jesucristó, xná'anj so' man nij síí tucu'yón se‑na̱na̱ so' a. Then Jesus said to them, "And you, then who am I, do you think?" said Jesus, he asked his disciples.“But what about you?” LUK 9:20aMe síí me tinúú 'u̱nj, rá soj ga̱ ̵taj Jesucristó rihaan nij so' a. he asked.Who is my brother, do you think? said Jesus to them.MRK 3:33b
ga̱ ne̱ga² ne²fr. var. ofga̱a ne̱thenthen
gaa̱Older spellingga̱awhen
ga̱agaa¹³conjwhencuando-gaa̱comp.coj nuu ga̱a chihan' xcuáá gáá man'antidote for rattle snake bite
ga̱a naágaa¹³ naa⁴idiomlong agohace mucho tiempounspec. var.maa ga̱a naá(existing) from a long time ago (existing) from a long time agocomp.maa ga̱a naá(existing) from a long time ago (existing) from a long time ago
ga̱a ne̱gaa¹³ ne²correlconnthenentoncesdan ga̱a ne̱ga̱ ne̱thenunspec. var.yo' ga̱a ne̱
gaán chihá gaan⁴ chiha⁴n1throat ofgarganta degaán chihajgaán chihaj2.1.1Head2tracheatráquea2.1.8Internal organscomp. ofchihácomp. ofchihácomp. ofchihá
gaán xtacu̱u̱ gaan⁴ xtacuu²nAdam's applemanzana de Adán, cartílago cricoidesXij ndo'o gaán xtacu̱u̱ Juán.Juan has a big Adam's apple. Juan tiene una manzana de Adán grande. 2.1.1Head
gaga' crown (on the tooth)(in the tooth)corona, incrustación5.4.4Care for the teeth
gaj gajsound of a crowsonido de un cuervoNe̱ "Gaj gaj," taj yo' ca'anj ti'un' yo' a.And it said "gaj, gaj, gaj" and fled.Y dijo "gaj gaj" y huyo.El sol y 31.1
ga̱n'gan'¹adjfarlejosGa̱n' ndo ro' 'na' 'o̱ xcuáá rca̱j taj nii. A dragon is coming from far away, it was said.Un dragón que viene de muy lejos, se dijo.Legend o 2.4
garroté nstaffbastón
gasté gaste⁴<Span aceitenoilaceiteGeneric term for all types of oil. oilcomp.gasté gun' da̱jperfume
gasté gun' da̱j nperfumeperfume5.4.5Anoint the body2.3.4Smellunspec. var.casté gun da̱jcomp. ofgastégun'da̱j
gobiernó gobierno⁴ngovernmentgobierno
goráunspec. var. ofcorálater
graciá gracia⁴nthanksgracias
guaj xton guaj³² xton³²nokaybueno
gue̱' gue'¹bitteramargo5.̱j coj gue̱'una hierba que usa para la diabetes
gue̱e̱guee¹adjholysanto, benditocomp.aráj gue̱e̱adorerej gue̱e̱holy place, paradise, heavense gue̱e̱host, communion wafersíí gue̱e̱saintly person
gue̱e̱guee¹1adjwhole, completeentero, completoSe cata'aa so̱' ra'vii vaa ine̱j, se vaa guee̱ cata'aa so̱'.Don't take half the orange, take the whole one.Ni naya̱j scaa rndeé vaa nichraa̱ guee̱ tu'va scaa.The liquor bottle was not emptied; it is full up to the the rim.2advin the same wayigualmente3advcompletelycompletamente4adjcarefulcuidadoso, delicadoSe vaj, nij tuvi' ní' cumán ga̱ rque̱ ro', gue̱e̱ nij so' doj ga̱ nij rasu̱u̱n chi'ii̱. Our countrymen who lived before were more careful avoiding problems.Nuestros antepasados eran mas cuidadosos en no causar problemas.Nana̱ na about5adv-postsafely
güejdial. var. ofgüéjjump, fly come off
güéj güej⁵tagüéj1vijump, flybrincar, saltarGüéj ñanj 'yaj nana̱The wind made the paper fly away.El viento hizo volar el papel.2vtclimbbrincar, saltar porGüéj ituu chingá aga'The thief jumped over the fenceEl ladrón saltó por encima de la cerca.3vicome offsoltarNe̱ yo'o̱ tuvi' nij so' ro', go' taneê so' neê espadá raa̱ se‑mo̱zó xrej ata̱ suun noco̱o doj, ne̱ güéj nu̱' xréé yo' rej nuva̱' yo', qui'yaj so' a. And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear.LUK 22:50güejvéjbrincar

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