uchi'uchi'³1arrive (there); arrivellegarSuun ndo̱' cuchi̱' ndaa̱ yo' na'.Is it very difficult to get there?Cuchi' yo' 'o̱ quij ne̱. She arrived at the first mountain. Llegó a la primera montaña. Legend o 4.12hear (with nana̱ 'word' as subject)Dan me se cachén do̱j güii, ga̱a ne̱ catúj uún Jesucristó chuman' Capernaum, ga̱a ne̱ cuchi' nana̱ rihaan nij yuvii̱ se vaa ya̱nj so' rá ve' a. A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, word came to the people that he had come home. MRK 2:1Literally 'Word came to (someone)...' . The one who hears follows the preposition rihaan.