rára⁴1vwantquererNij síí 'yaj x'ne' ma̱n ro', se̱ cunu̱' nij so' rá nij so', che'é dan 'yaj nij so' da̱j. Those who have created divisions have done so because they want to fightLos que han estado creando divisiones su intención es pelear,Nana̱ na 12.13.1Soul, spirit3.3Want2vthinkpensar3.2Think3prepwith
rááraa⁵(non)posschraantortilla oftortilla deCayuu tu'vej nga cayuu tacanj nga yo' cayuu quinij taraá yo' quinij se ga̱n' yo' quinij a.Se le cayeron y se le regaron su hilo, sus huaraches, sus tortillas, y su ropa.El sol y 65.1taraá-raa̱on top of head of
ra'a tanu̱u̱ra'a³ tanuu²nmiddle fingerdedo medioQuichihan' chuvee cúú ra'a tanu̱u̱ Juán.The dog bit Juan's middle finger.El perro le mordió el dedo medio de Juan.This finger can also be called cúú ra'a tanu̱u̱.When possessed, the form with cúú makes it clearer that we are talking about the middle finger and not the middle of the hand., toecomp. ofra'atanu̱u̱
ra'aanra'aan³vprohibit (from entering)prohibir (de entrar), impedir …ne̱ dan me quira'aan chu̱cua'án' Ca'aj yo' ve' rihaan ro̱j so' ya̱j a. ... and so it was that Grandmother Ca'aj prohibited them from entering their house at that time.…y así es que la abuela Ca'aj no les dejó entrar en la casa en aquel tiempo. Holl 77 (2) 13.1The first object of this verb is the location which is prohibited and the object of the preposition rihaan is the person or persons who are prevented from entering.