1.1.3. Weather

aman' aman'³vrain, snow, haillloverCamán' maa̱n yahi̱j cuan' ne̱ quixra' nij scura̱a̱n rihaan cuchri'.Today it hailed and broke the windshield of the cars.Hoy llovió granizo y quebróparabrisas de los carros.... se̱ caman' a̱ doj maa̱n nu̱' güii ca'mi̱i̱ natáj ro̱j so' a. ... it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; REV 11:6a1.1.3.3Rain
a'ñánj a'yanj⁵v1blowsoplarNucua̱j ndo'o a'ñanj nana̱. The wind is blowing very strong. El aire está soplando muy fuerte. air1.1.3.1Wind2blow (an instrument)tocarDan me se güii quinavi̱j chumii̱ nihánj me se nu̱' ca'ya̱nj se‑mo̱zó Diose̱ chruun a'yánj… And at the end of the world, the angel of God will blow the trumpet1CO 15:52b4.2.3.2Play music3winnowaventar6.2.1.1Growing grain
ca'aa̱n ca'aan³¹n1fogvapor, neblinasynngaa ya'a̱an1.1.3.2Cloud2flu, coldgripaDoctór me rá go̱' cúú cono'ó man nij xnii cundá ca'aa̱n. The doctor wants to give a flu shot to the kids.El médico quiere dar una vacuna contra la gripe a los niños. 2.5.2Diseasecomp.chuman' ca'aa̱nChicahuaxtla
cachi' cachi'³nheatcalorUun cachi' ndo'o tu'va na ya'a̱nj. It is very hot at the beach. Hace mucho calor en la playa.Ne̱ nu̱' ne'e nuún soj se vaa avii nana̱ yuva̱a̱ rej rque̱ rej sur, ne̱ nu̱' taj soj se vaa da̱j doj ca'na̱' ndo'o cachi' taj soj, ne̱ veé da̱nj 'yaj xa̱' cachi', ne̱ maan ndo'o na̱nj ado̱nj. And all of you also understand that when the fierce wind comes from down in the south much heat will come and then after than really it will be hot and it will rain a very much.And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. LUK 12:55The noun cachi' 'heat' is typically used with some verb like uun 'become', 'yaj 'do, make', or 'na' 'come'5.5.4Burn8.3.4Hot1.1.3Weather5.5.5What fires producecomp.aga' cachi'heaterna'maân cachi'go down (of fever)nuu cachi'be hot
chéé chéévimove (of clouds, the sun)moverse (de nubes, del sol)Chéé ngaa a The clouds are moving.Las nubes se mueven1.1.3.2Cloud
maa̱n yahi̱j maan³¹ yaij¹³hailgranizoCamán' maa̱n yahi̱j cuan' ne̱ quixra' nij scura̱a̱n rihaan cuchri'. Today it hailed and broke the windshield of the cars. Hoy llovió granizo y quebró parabrisas de los carros., icemaa̱n yahi̱jcomp. ofyahijmaa̱nOlder spellingma̱a̱n
na ya'a̱njna³² ya'anj²n1sea; oceanmarRihoo táá rihaan na ya'a̱nj.The boat is on the sea.El barco está en el mar., lake2floodinundación1.1.3.7Floodcomp. ofnaya'anj
nacoo̱ nacoo³¹1adjdrysecoVi̱j chruun nacoo̱ nicun' rihaan yo'óóTwo dry sticks stand in the groundDos palos secos están parado en el suelo.Táá ni̱j xruj xráá tacóó chruun nacoo̱.The pot is upside down on the dry tree stump. upsecarse ; secarNacoo̱ na rá chráá catu̱n'. The water in the stream dried up. Se secó el agua en el arroyuelo. Maan ndo'o che'é da̱n suun nacoo̱ nij quij.It is very hot, and so the mountains have dried up.Cota' so̱' tzej rihaan naán ga̱ ne̱ nacoo̱ tzej.Put the clothes in the sun so that they will dryGa̱ ne̱ síj nacoo̱ xéé ne̱ síj orá cao̱' nij so' ya'an xéé rá nij so' a.And then the clearing finished drying, and the hour arrived when they thought they would set fire to it.And then the clearing finished drying, and the hour arrived when they thought they would set fire to it.Thunder clothes3adjbe_shriveledcomp.chi'ii̱ nacoo̱tuberculosistinacoo̱dryder.nacoo̱ … nabe thirsty
nana̱ yo̱o̱ na³na¹ yoo¹ntornadotornado ofnana̱
ngaa ya'a̱an ngaa³ ya'aan¹³nfogniebla, neblinaVaa ndo'o ngaa ya'a̱an chrej. There is a lot of fog on the path.En el camino hay mucha niebla.synca'aa̱n1.1.3.2Cloud
ngaa ngaa³ncloudnubeNi vaj a̱ doj ngaa rihaan rasca'. There are not any clouds in the sky. En el cielo no hay nada de nube.
ni'yo̱j ni'³yoj²1nflooded riverrio crecido1.1.3.7Flood1.3.1.3River2adjrising, swelling (river)(rio) crecidoQuirnuu yuvii̱ qui'yaj ni'yo̱j. The person was swept away by the rising waters. La persona fue arrastrado por la inundación.
raa̱n raan³¹ nflash of light in the sky caused by lightningrelampagoXraa̠n ga̠a go tu'vii.First there is lightning when there is thunder.Relampaguea primero cuando cae el rayoIn Triqui raa̱n refers to the light in the sky after the flash of lightning. The English words 'lightning' and 'thunder' both correspond to tu'vii., thunderunspec. var.raa̱n
ssin' sin'³vthe ground is cracked, dryestar roto, romperseQuisin' cotoó nuj. The shirt I'm wearing is torn.La camisa que llevo se me rompió.
tió naman maa̱n nrainy seasontiempo de lluviaGa̱a naca coj ya'li̱j ra'a nij chruun, ne̱ ni'ya̱j soj man nij chruun, ne̱ ne'en soj se vaa da̱j doj 'na' tió nama̱n maa̱n a. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Cuando retoñan las hojas tiernas en ramas de los árboles, y saben ustedes que ya mero viene el tiempo de la lluvia.LUK 21:308.4.1.5Season1.1.3.3Rainunspec. var.dyó naman maa̱n
tu'vii tu'vii³nthundertrueno1.1.3.6Lightning, thunder
xcuáá cu'lúú xcuaa⁵ cu'luu⁵nrainbowarco irisRej ñaa nó maa̱ navii xcuáá cu'lúú. The rainbow comes out where it rains. Adonde llueve sale el arco iris. ofcu'lúú
yu've' yu've'³n1snow, icehielo, nieveCayu̱u yu've' cuan' taj nii. They say it is going to snow today.Dicen que va a nevar hoy., ice2ice creamnieve5.2.3.4Prepared foodcomp.chrúún yu'verefridgerator