1.3. Water

acaa̱ acaa³¹vleakgotearAcaa̱ ve'.The house leaks.La casa gotea.
cho'óó cho'oo⁵swampciénega1.3.1.1Ocean, lake1.2.2.1Soil, dirt1.3.1.2Swampcomp.Chóó YaaOjo de Agua
chráá naco̱o̱dry riverbedrio seco1.3.1.3River
chráá ca'aa̱nbranch of a riverafluente1.3.1.3River
chráá chraa⁵cfchraanriverríoCaxra̱' ndo̱' vaa chráá.The river is very wide.Maá ndo'o̱ xcuaj rque chráá.There are many fish in the river. pair with chraa3 'tortilla'ráácomp.tiquii chráábottom of a river
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chráá catuu̱nstreamarroyo, riachuelo1.3.1.3River
lacuanálacuana⁴nsea, lakemar, laguna1.3.1Bodies of waterunspec. var.laguaná
lijlij³nbubbleburbuja1.3.2Movement of water1.3.1.4Spring, well1.2.3.1Liquidunspec. var.xrlij
nana³²n1wateraguaCa'anj tiguíj so̱' na canan' so̱'.Go get water and come back.1.3Water2liquidliquido, fluido1.2.3.1Liquid-na̱comp.chuvee na̱nutriana nuu xlá peppermint teana nuu xtu'vi̱i̱tea made from epazotena re'e̱urinena tzi̱'sodana vinówinena xna̱jpoisonna xno̱alcoholic beveragena xuunwhirlpoolna ya'a̱njsea; ocean floodna yatan'beerxquíí na̱shrimpyu'uj nuu nacistern
na nacuaj downstreamcorriente1.3.1.3River
na anicajnwhirlpoolremolino (de agua)
na cuxru' yo'o̱jpuddlepozo de agua acumulado, charco1.3.1.1Ocean, lake
na laguná na³² laguna⁴nlakelaguna1.3.1.1Ocean, lake
'na' na nacuaj vupstreamcontra corrienteSe̠ guun rá ní' go' ní' xtáj rej ñan 'na' na nacuaj. One cannot swim against the current.No hay que nadar en contra de la corriente1.3.1.3River
na xuun nwhirlpoolremolino (de agua) ofnaxuun
na ya'a̱njna³² ya'anj²n1sea; oceanmarRihoo táá rihaan na ya'a̱nj.The boat is on the sea.El barco está en el mar., lake2floodinundación1.1.3.7Floodcomp. ofnaya'anj
naraa naraa³1vtfillllenar, rellenarCa've̠e nara̠a so̠' do̠j na co'oj na'? Could you pour me more water to drink?Podras llenar me más agua para tomar? in2overflowdesbordarseNaraa na rá chráá ne̠ 'o̠ che'e̠ catúj ni'yo̠j rque chuman'. The river overflowed and went in and flooded the town.El rio se desbordó y inundó el pueblo.
ni'yo̱j ni'³yoj²1nflooded riverrio crecido1.1.3.7Flood1.3.1.3River2adjrising, swelling (river)(rio) crecidoQuirnuu yuvii̱ qui'yaj ni'yo̱j. The person was swept away by the rising waters. La persona fue arrastrado por la inundación.
nuu vi̠jjoin togetherjuntarse1.3.1.3River
rej yave̱nuphill part of (something)la parte superior de (algo)Ca'a̱nj ní' rej yave̱ naa ca'na' ní' Let's go to the top of the field.Vamos a la parte superior de la milpa. ofrej*yave̱
rihaan nasurface of watersuperficie del agua1.3.1.1Ocean, lake
tiquii chráábottom of a riverfondo del rio1.3.1.1Ocean, lakecomp. ofchráá
tucuayuu vt1dumptirarTucuayuú so̠' ni'yaa rque cuchri' naran' ni'yaa. Throw the trash in the dumptruck.Tira la basura en el volquete. over2pour outverter1.3.2.2Pour3cause to fall (by shaking)hacer caer (por sacudir, tirar)Ca've̠e racuíj so̠' manj tucuayuu ní' nij mangó raa̠ chruun na'? Can you help me get the mangos down from the tree?Podrás ayudarme a tirar los mangos del árbol?comp. oftu-ayuu
xnéé nacanalcanal, zanja1.3.1.3River
xrnuun xrnuun³²n1coastcostaNij se 'na' xrnuun people who come from the coast1.3.1.5Island, shore2all the way down, below the base of Nda̱a xrnuun tacóó quij nuj I am below the base of the mountain.Estoy hasta en el más profundo del pie de la montaña.
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