1.5.3. Grass, herb, vine

aruú aruu⁴nricearrozSe̱ cara̱a tiha' so' ñaan rque aruú Do not put too much salt in the rice.No le pongas mucha sal al arroz.1.5.3Grass, herb, vinecomp.caan aruúwatermelon
caan aruú caan³ aruu⁴nwatermelonsandía Tzi̱' ndo'o chá caan aruú. The watermelon is very sweet. La sandía es muy dulce1.5.3Grass, herb, vinecomp. ofcaanaruú
caan yume̱ caan³² yume²nyellow squashcalabaza (amarilla) from plants1.5.3Grass, herb, vinecomp. ofcaanyume
chin' chin'³ngrasspasto, zacateGa̱a ne̱ 'o̱ chrej me se navij rá, navij rá, navij rá ro̱j xnii ne̱ ca'mii ga̱ nij xcuu canó nij xcuu 'yaj, chá, chá chrin' ne̱. Then (earlier) it turns out that they decided, they decided, the two boys decided to speak to the insects, all kinds of insects, to cause them to eat, eat grass. Entonces de modo que decidieron, decidieron, los niños decidieron hablar con los insectos, todo tipo de los insectos para hacerles comer pasto.Legend o 1.1Holl. chrin'1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
coj rihaa tze̱j na plant used for diabetes una hierba que usa para la diabetes2.5.7.2Medicine1.5.3Grass, herb, vine2.5.7.3Medicinal plants
coj yaj ya'anj na hallucinagen used for divinationuna hierba alucigenica que se usa para adivinar1.5.3Grass, herb, vine2.5.7.3Medicinal plantscomp. ofcojyajya'anj
cuya' cuya'³ntall grasszacate1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
cuya' limón cuya'³ limon⁴nlemongrasshoja de limón5., herb, vine
ichi̱j coj gue̱' na plant used for diabetes una hierba que usa para la diabetes, herb, vine2.5.7.3Medicinal plantscomp. ofichi̱jcojgue̱'
'núú 'nuu⁵cftan'ncornmaízAta̱ so̱' do̱ nanj 'núúCarry the sack of corn for a whileThis refers to the dried ear of corn with the leaves5. from seeds6. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)6.2.6Process harvest1.5.3Grass, herb, vine-'nuúcomp.'núú ta'loopopcorn
stan' (non)posstan'near of corn ofmazorca deCornCorn (all things connected)1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
tiha̱j ti³aj¹ntender sprout, baby cornelote tierno, jiloteAtaa cano̱ tiha̱j mán naa̱ The cornfield still has not sprouted corn.Todavía no jilotea la milpa. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
tinotino³²nprickly-pear cactusnopal táá tucuya raa̱ chruun tino; chá xo' quili' a.and the rabbit was on top of a prickly-pear cactus eating cactus fruit.y el conejo estaba encima de un nopal comiendo tunas.El zorro 1.1The leaf is called tino, the whole plant is called chruun tino.1.5.3Grass, herb, vine1.5.5Parts of a plant5. from leavescomp.tino chuneecactus sp.
chruun tinoCopyright, SIL International 2009, CC BY-ND 3.0
tino chuneetino³² chunee³ncactus sp.nopal de zorroThis kind has many spines and is not edible.1.5.3Grass, herb, vinecomp. oftinochunee
ya' ya'³nmaguey fiberixtle1.5.3Grass, herb, vine1.5.5Parts of a plantder.ya' aneloofah scrubbing pad
yanu' yanu'³ncornsilkpelo de eloteNaxra' yanu' raa̱ nij tiha̱j. The cornsilk is sprouting on the ears.Estan brotando cabello a los elotes. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)1.5.3Grass, herb, vineunspec. var.yunu'