Copala Triqui — English — Spanish Learner's Dictionary
1.5.5. Parts of a plant
ca'ca'³n1pine resinresina de ocote1.5.5Parts of a plant2wood from pine trees with resinmadera resinada del ocoteCa'a̱nj 'u̱nj tacaan quiri̱j ca'. I am going to the hillside to get pine.Voy a la loma a extraer ocote.
caancaan³²nsmall seeds; seedssemillas pequeñas; semillas Ca'a̱nj tumanj caan cuej ta̱'. I am going to spread the papaloquelite seed. Voy a esparcir la semilla del pápaloquelite.1.5.5Parts of a plant
catuu̱ncatuun³¹n1waistcintura… ne̱ quirii Jesucristó cotoó nu̱u̱ so', ne̱ cata'aa so' 'o̱ yatzíj toalla, ne̱ tumíj so' catuu̱n so' a. and Jesus took off the shirt he was wearing, took a towel, and wrapped it around his waist. JHN 13:42.1.2Torso2trunk (of a tree)troncoDan me se nó tu'vii yo' catuu̱n chruun a.It happened that thunder was attached to the trunk of a tree.El trueno estaba ligado al tronco de un arbol.When The of a plant3branchrama"Dan me se 'u̱nj nihánj me ma'a̱n ra'a ma̱nj coj chruj uvá, ne̱ soj me ra'a catu̱u̱n avii xráá ra'a ma̱nj ei. “I am the grape vine; you are the branches that come out on top of me." JHN 15:5aIn this sense, typically preceded by rama'.1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant
ni'yóni'yo⁴n1cactus spine, thorn, prickle; cactus spineaguate, espina; aguateQuixtáj xlúú ni'yo̱ manj. The prickly worm stung me. Me picó el gusano de aguates. 1.5.5Parts of a plant2cactus spine, thorn, prickleaguate, espina
yááyaa⁵nrootraizNihánj me chruun cachij ne̠ naxra' ndo'o tacóó yáá chruun nihánj.This is a tree that has grown a lot and greatly expanded its roots.Este es un árbol que ha crecido mucho y ha expandido mucho sus raices.1.5.5Parts of a plant-yaá