1.6.2. Parts of an animal

chihá chia⁴nneckcuello deA̱j cavi' Juan, ne̱ x'ne' chihá Juan, qui'yáj a. “I beheaded John. I already caused John to die and his neck to be cut.LUK 9:9bNe'en soj se vaa sese toco' vaj nii yuvej xi̱j váj 'núú trigó man chihá yo'o̱ so', ne̱ sese tagüéj nii man so' rque na ya'a̱nj, ne̱ nij uxrá vaa ran' síí 'anj ni̱j rque na ya'a̱nj yo' na̱nj ado̱nj. You know that if someone hangs a big stone for grinding wheat on the neck of such a one and if they throw him in the ocean and those who fall in the ocean suffer very badly.LUK 17:2b2.1.1Head1.6.2Parts of an animalcomp.chihá cotoócollar of shirtchihá ra'awristchihá xcóólower neck, part between neck and shouldergaán chiháthroat of, trachea gaán chiháthroat of, trachea gaán chiháthroat of, trachea ti'le chiháuvula
cutziin cutsiin³²cfyuvé raa̱comp. ofraa̱yuvén1hair (on the body)peloMán ndo'o cutziin xráá curuvii. The chimpanzee has a lot of hair on its back.El chimpance tiene muchos pelos en la espalda.Used alone, this refers to body hair, but in compounds it can also refer to hair on the head.2.1.5Hair2antenna (of an insect)antena (de un insecto) of an insectcomp.cutziin catu̱n'thin hair
cúú cuu⁵(non)posscúú mancomp. ofcúúmann1bone, hornhueso, cuernoA'ngaj cunuda̱j nij cúú manj. All my bones hurt.Me duelen todos los huesos.2.1.6Bone, jointcomp.cúú yuva̱a̱2fish hookanzueloCa'a̠nj go̠' ní' cúú rá na. Let's go fishing.Vamos a pescar.3needleaguja4horn (of a beetle)cuerno (de un escarabajo) of an insectcúú xi̱j ra'athumbcomp.cúú cono'óshot, injectioncúú cuxáinstrument for husking corncúú manbone ofcúú ñan'tooth ofcúú nuvásewing needlecúú raa̱skullcúú riho̱o̱shoulder bladecúú rucua̱a̱ribcúú tacaaspinecúú taca̱njhoof ofcúú tane'tailbone, coccyxcúú taqui̱ibuttockscúú xcóóclavicle, collar bonecúú ya'ni̱jcartilagecúú yave̱head, skull
cúú raa̱ cuu⁵ raa³¹nskullcalavera2.1.6Bone, joint1.6.2Parts of an animalcomp. ofcúúraa̱Older spellingráá
cúú xráá xooturtle shellcaparazón de tortuga1.6.2.2Parts of a reptilecomp. ofxoo
cúú yuva̱a̱ nfangcolmilloRuvi' nuu cúú yuva̠a̠ tu'va xcuááThe fangs of the snake are visible.Se le ven los comillos a la víbora. of a reptilecomp. ofcúúyuva̱a̱
gun' 'ya̱gun'³ 'ya¹³vstink (of fish)heder (a pescado, huevos)Gun' 'ya̠a̠ ndo'o rej ma̠n xcuaj. This place stinks of fish.Este lugar hiede a pescado. of a fishcomp. ofgun'
nuj noco tacun colojsnood (skin hanging from the nose of a turkey) of a bird
nuj noco chiha colojturkey wattlemoco de pavo (verruga que le cuelga al guajolote) of a bird
nuj xráá xcuááscale (on a snake)escama (de culebra) of a reptilecomp. ofnujxrááxcuáá
rque rque³1nstomachestómagoNa'aan rqueI am hungry.Tengo hambre. Juan ve'ee̱ rque. Juan has a stomach ache.Juan tiene dolor de estómago., thirsty5.2.2.6Satiated, full2.5.1Sick2.1.8.2Stomach1.6.2Parts of an animal2prepindentro, adentro Maá ndo'o̱ xcuaj rque chráá.There are many fish in the river.Hay muchos peces en el río.Canó catze' rque ve'.The smoke has soaked into the ceiling of the house.El adentro de la casa se tiznó.Atuj ndo'o nij yuvii̱ rque aga' cachriin. A lot of people are getting on the ferris wheel. Están entrando muchas personas a la rueda de la fortuna. 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionsrequereque̱
scache̱etip of the wingpunta de la ala1.6.2.1Parts of a bird
scaña̱a̱n scayaan¹ngizzardmolleja1.6.2.1Parts of a bird
scaj n1rattle (of a rattlesnake)cascabel1.6.2.2Parts of a reptile2rattle (for a baby)sonaja
squíj squij⁵n1shellcáscaraNuriha̱nj chuchee le'e̱j rque squíj chruj. The chick is coming out of the shell.Ya va a salir el pollito en el cascarón.2scale of a fishescama de pez1.6.2.3Parts of a fish
taa̱ntaan³¹combcresta1.6.2.1Parts of a bird
tachrii̠ tachrii³¹n1featherpluma1.6.2.1Parts of a bird2hair (on the body of the insect)tachrii̱
xcoo xcuajfinaleta1.6.2.3Parts of a fish
xcóó xcoo⁵n1shoulder, armhombro, brazoxcójmy shoulderA'ngaj xcój.My shoulder hurts.Me duele el hombro. 2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm2the distance between the shoulder and and the finger of your extended handmedida del hombre entre 80 cm más o menos3wingalaSe xco̠j xtaj cachran'. The bird's wing broke.Las alas del pajaro están rotas. of a birdcomp.chihá xcóólower neck, part between neck and shouldercúú xcóóclavicle, collar bonetacaan xcóóshoulderxcóó tane̱eelbow
xnánj xnanj⁵ncrop(of a bird)buche (de un ave) of a bird
yaayaa³²(non)possdaantonguelengua2.1.1.4Mouth1.6.2Parts of an animal
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