Parts of a reptile

cúú xráá xooturtle shellcaparazón de tortuga1.6.2.2Parts of a reptilecomp. ofxoo
cúú yuva̱a̱ nfangcolmilloRuvi' nuu cúú yuva̠a̠ tu'va xcuááThe fangs of the snake are visible.Se le ven los comillos a la víbora. of a reptilecomp. ofcúúyuva̱a̱
nuj xráá xcuááscale (on a snake)escama (de culebra) of a reptilecomp. ofnujxrááxcuáá
scaj n1rattle (of a rattlesnake)cascabel1.6.2.2Parts of a reptile2rattle (for a baby)sonaja