
chavé chave⁴vlicklamer… tza̱j ne̱ da̱j doj chuvee ca'na' chavé luj xráá so' a.Even the dogs came and licked his sores. LUK 16:212.3.3Taste2.1.1.4Mouth
daa daa³²(non)possyaantongue oflengua deChiha̱n' ndo'o chá daa scúj. Cow tongue is very tasty. Es muy sabrosa la lengua de la vaca.
lej lej³ngum (part of the mouth)encíaQui nij cúú ñanj ne̱ man tu'va lej vaa 'u̱nj. My teeth fell out and I only have my gums left. Se me cayeron los dientes y nada más tengo las encías.
'nij tu'va 'nij³² tu'va³vcarry in the mouthtener en la boca'Nij tuva’ chuvee xcua’a̱nj maa nij chuvee le’e̱j.The mother dog carries the puppies in her mouth.La madre perra lleva los cachorros en la boca.7.3.1Carry2.1.1.4Mouthcomp. of'nijtu'va
nuj tu'va nuj³ tu'va³nliplabioA'ngaj cúú ñan' rihanj ne̱ 'o̱ lle̱ caraa cu'maan nuj tu'va. My front teeth hurt and they have made my lips swell.Me duelen los dientes incisivos y se me hincharon totalmente mis labios. ofnujtu'va
ti'le chihá ti'le³ zhiha⁴nuvulaúvula2.1.1.4Mouthcomp. ofchihá
tu'va tu'va³nmouth; rimbocaMe se 'nij tu'va so̱' ga̱.What do you have in your mouth?Qué tienes en la boca? Ni naya̱j scaa rndeé vaa nichraa̱ guee̱ tu'va scaa.The liquor bottle was not emptied; it is full up to the the rim.ne̱ nariha̱nj uún xo' rej tu'va̱ chucuaá a. ... and again it came out of its mouth.... y salió otra vez de su boca.Holl 77 (2)ínj tu'va'nij tu'vacomp.ata' tu'vapromisenuj tu'valipxcaj tu'vataste (food)
utaanutaan³vsuckchuparUtaan xlúú nichra̱j ton maa Juán. The leech is sucking Juan's bloodLa sanguijuela está chupando la sangre a Juan. eating2.1.1.4Mouth
xin'xin'³nroof of the mouth paladarCachran' xin' ne'ej ne̱ ni chá ne'ej chraa. The baby has lost his apettite and is not eating. El niño ha perdido el apetito y no come. achran' xin' (break palate) is idiomatic for 'lose appetite'
yaayaa³²(non)possdaantonguelengua2.1.1.4Mouth1.6.2Parts of an animal
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