cuxru'cuxru'³nfistpuñoGa̱a ne̱ cao' xo' cuxru', ne̱ cuta nu̱' se cuxru̱' xo' man ñánj a.And then it hit [it] with [its] fist, and its fist got completely stuck in the wax.The tar' ... cuxru'fighttanee cuxru'distance between elbow and closed fist
xcóóxcoo⁵n1shoulder, armhombro, brazoxcójmy shoulderA'ngaj xcój.My shoulder hurts.Me duele el hombro. 2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Arm2the distance between the shoulder and and the finger of your extended handmedida del hombre entre 80 cm más o menos3wingalaSe xco̠j xtaj cachran'.The bird's wing broke.Las alas del pajaro están rotas. of a birdcomp.chihá xcóólower neck, part between neck and shouldercúú xcóóclavicle, collar bonetacaan xcóóshoulderxcóó tane̱eelbow