Finger, toe

caxra̱' caxra'¹adj1wideanchoCaxra̱' ndo̱' vaa chráá. The river is very wide.El rio es muy ancho.2distance between outstretched thumb and little fingermedida de la distancia entre pulgar y dedo pequeño; cuartaVij caxra' tsej quirán so̱' Buy two hands worth of cloth.Compra dos cuartas de tela2.1.3.3Finger, toe8.2.8Measurecachra̱'
cúú xi̱j ra'a cuu⁵ xij¹ ra'a³nthumbdedo pulgar2.1.3.3Finger, toecúúxi̱jra'a
ra'a niinlittle finger, pinkymeñiqueThe possessed form is often based on ra'a cunii., toe
raa̱ ra'araa³¹ ra'a³nfingertippunta del dedo2.1.3.3Finger, toe
ra'a tanu̱u̱ ra'a³ tanuu²nmiddle fingerdedo medioQuichihan' chuvee cúú ra'a tanu̱u̱ Juán. The dog bit Juan's middle finger.El perro le mordió el dedo medio de Juan.This finger can also be called cúú ra'a tanu̱u̱.When possessed, the form with cúú makes it clearer that we are talking about the middle finger and not the middle of the hand., toecomp. ofra'atanu̱u̱
ra'a tzín' ra'a tzin'⁵nlittle finger, pinkymeñique2.1.3.3Finger, toe
se'ej se'ej³²nringanillo2.1.3.3Finger, toe
ston ston³prep1finger ofdedo destonjmy fingermi dedo9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2.1.3.3Finger, toe2toáne̱ caxríj nij so' sa'anj yo' ston nij apóstol cune' Jesucristó man nata̱' se na̱na̱ so' rihaan yuvii̱ a. ...and they gave the money to the apostles.ACT 4:35aThis is the preposition typically used with the verb axríj 'put, give'9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionscomp.ston tocóótoe
taneetanee³nlength between elbow and fingers; cubitcodo; medida de la distancia entre codo y el dedo2.1.3.3Finger, toe2.1.3.1Arm8.2.8Measurecomp.tanee cuxru'distance between elbow and closed fistxcóó tane̱eelbow