cutziincutsiin³²cfyuvé raa̱comp. ofraa̱yuvén1hair (on the body)peloMán ndo'o cutziin xráá curuvii.The chimpanzee has a lot of hair on its back.El chimpance tiene muchos pelos en la espalda.Used alone, this refers to body hair, but in compounds it can also refer to hair on the head.2.1.5Hair2antenna (of an insect)antena (de un insecto) of an insectcomp.cutziin catu̱n'thin hair
tuvájtuvaj⁵ndandruffcaspaTáj tuváj raj suun ne̱ tu'naa ndo'o raj. I think that I have dandruff because my head itches. Creo que tengo caspa porque me come la cabeza.2.1.5Hair
yuvéyuve⁴(non)possyuvé raa̱comp. ofraa̱yuvénhair (of the head)cabello'nij yuvé rque nihaa chra̱a.There is a hair in the chilaquiles.Hay un cabello en el plato de chilaquiles.2.1.5Haircomp.yuvé maruu̱black hairyuvé raa̱hair ofyu'vé scu'lu̱'eyelash
yuvé raa̱yuve⁴ raa³¹cfcutziin(non)possyuvénhair ofcabellos deNamij ndo'o yuvé raa̱ so̱' vaa ne̱ ca'anj so̱' caca̱ raá so̱'You have very long hair and you need to cut it.Se ve que tienes muy largo el cabello y necesitas cortartelo.2.1.5Haircomp. ofraa̱Older spellingrááyuvé