4.1.6. Disunity

anó tuvi' ano⁴ tuvi'³vargue with, be in controversy withpelear, discutir, reclamarTza̱j ne̱ se̱ canó tuví' so̱' ga̱ yuvii̱ mei. But don't argue with people.Evita las necias controversiasTIT 3:9aSe̱ canó tuví' so̱' che'é se‑tucua̱nj Moisés mei. Don't be in controversy about the way of Moses.Evita las discusiones y peleas sobre la ley de Moises.TIT 3:9d3. ofanótuvi'
na'vej rá na'vej³² ra⁴1vdisagreeno estar de acuerdoNa'vej rá quiri̱' sca'núj ní'. I don't want this situation to break things up between us. No quiero que se descomponga entre nosotros. about4.1.6Disunity2ContVrefuserechazar…ne̱ na'vej rá soj go̱' soj chraa cha̱ tinúú soj ma'. …and you refuse to give food to your brothers. 1CO 11:21a3.3.2.2Refuse to do something3.3.4.2Refuse permission3vdo not allowne̱ na'vej rá ní' quene'e̱n yuvii̱ man nee̱ yo', ne̱ che'é dan aráán ní' yatzíj man nee̱ yo' a. and we don't allow people to see our bodies, and so we cover them with clothes.1CO 12:23
'o̱ rún' 'o² run'⁵1advalonesolo'o̱ rún' ma'a̱n so̱' ca'na' cataj 'u̱nj I told you to come aloneYo te dije que vinieras solo4.1.6.3Alone4.4.2.5Separate, alone2qonly, only onesolamenteurún'
o' ... cuxru'o'³ ... cuxru'³vfightpelear4.8.2Fight4.1.6Disunitycomp. ofo'cuxru'
ri'íj ri'ij⁵v1throw awaytirar (basura)Ri'íj so̠' ni'ya na'. Did you throw out the trash?Tiraste la basura? away2leave, quit, divorcedejar, quitar, divorciar... tza̱j ne̱ taj che'é quiri'i̱j tinúú ní' man no', sese a'vej rá no' cane̱ no' ga̱ so' a. But if she is willing to live with him, he must not divorce her. ...pero ella consiente en vivir con él, que no se divorcie de ella.1CO 7:12b4.1.7.1End a relationship4.1Relationships7.2.3.3Leave4.1.6.2Set self apart4. an organization2.6.1Marriage3throwtirar7.3.1.1Throwri'íjrejectri'íjrejectri'íj yaníjreject
síí ma'a̱n zii⁵ ma'an¹³n1lonely personsolitario4.1.6.3Alone4.1.2Types of people2modest modestoQui'yaj Juán 'o síí ma'a̱n man so'.Juan is modestJuan es modesto4.3.2.2Humble
unu'unu'³vfightpelearCa'vee quisíj unu' nij soj ga̱ nij tuvi' ní'Enough fighting among ourselvesBasta de seguir peleándonos entre nosotros mismosNana̱ na 10.1Ni ne'e ní' me che'e̱ unu' ní' do̱'.We don't know why we are fightingNo sabemos porque pelamosNana̱ na 40.1The object is usually preceded by the preposition ga̱ 'with'. The verb is sometimes used intransitively. against something bad4.8.2Fight4.1.6Disunity4.8.2.1Fight for something good
uriha̱nju³rianj¹v1leave, quit; go outsalir, abandonarGa̱a ne̱ quix'núj ma'a̱n ta'yaa yo', ne̱ curiha̱nj ro̱j so', It opened for them by itself, and they left. ACT 12:10bDan me se caxríj rá Pedró se vaa ya̱ curiha̱nj so' taga', Then Peter realized that he had left the jail. ACT 12: up4.1.6.2Set self apart2appear, show upaparecer, llegarNda̱a ya̱j curihanj so̱' xe'. Finally you've shown up.Hasta ahora te apareces.3find
'yaj iníj 'yaj³ inij⁵vseparate, divide into groupsseparar, dividir en grupos ca'vee quisíj 'yaj iníj nij soj 'o̱ x'ne' man nij soj ; enough creating divisions among yourselves basta de seguir creando divisiones Nana̱ na into piecescomp. of'yaj
yuve̱ yuve¹1adjsecret, hiddensecreto, escondido3.2.3.1Known, unknown4.1.6.5Private, public3.2.3.3Secret2adv-postsecretlyen secretoTza̱j ne̱ ca'anj yuve̱ so' a. But he went secretlytambién él fue, sino casi en secreto.JHN 7:10b… ne̱ a̱ 'ó yuvii̱ uta' ya'an raa̱ aga' ya'an ne̱ axríj yuve̱ nij so' rque 'o̱ chrúún ma'. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Ni se enciende una lámpara para ponerla bajo un cajón.MAT 5:15acomp.atúj yuve̱hidextuu yuve̱rat (Norway)