Food from plants

cáá nato caa⁵ nato³²nbunch of plantainspenca de plátanosCa'a̱nj ní' rque rto ca'ne̱' ní' cáá nato. Let us go to the plantain tree and cut a bunch of plantains.Vamos platanar para cortar pencas de plátano. Very large bunch of plantain. from fruitcomp. ofcáánato
cáá natoCopyright, SIL International 2009, CC BY-ND 3.0
caan nayo' caan³ nayo'³nfigleaf gourdcalabaza de tierra friaThis kind of gourd comes from Chicahuaxtla, San Martin Itunyoso, and Santa Maria Yucunicoco.Cucurbita ficifolia5. from vegetablesunspec. var.caan niho'comp. ofcaan
caan caan³ n1pumpkin, butternut squashcalabazaNaj ndo'o caan yume̱ rihanj. I have a lot of squash. Tengo muchas calabazas. from seeds5. from vegetablescomp.caan aruú2pumpkincomp.caan nayo'figleaf gourdcaan tzi̱'pumpkin sauce (sweetened cooked pumpkin)caan yinízucchinicaan yume̱yellow squash
caan yiní caan³ yini⁴nzucchinicalabaza tierna5.2.3.1Food from plantscomp. ofcaan
caan yume̱ caan³² yume²nyellow squashcalabaza (amarilla) from plants1.5.3Grass, herb, vinecomp. ofcaanyume
chata̱an chataan¹³npineapplepiñaTzi'̱ ndo'o chá chata̱an. The pineapple is very sweet. La piña es muy dulce. from fruitcomp.chiháán chata̱anLoma Bonita
chata̱anCopyright, SIL International 2009, CC BY-ND 3.0
chruj chruj³n1egghuevo1.6.3.1Eggcomp.xrúú chuchee2fruitfrutaNe̱ ase vaa chruun nuvi' va̱j chruj mán raa̱ ga̱a síj dió cuma̱n chruj raa̱ ro'...And they are like a tree that does not have fruit in it when it is the season for fruit ...JUD 1:12dThe type of fruit needs to be mentioned after the word chruj.5.2.3Types of food5. from fruit6.2.1.4Growing fruit1.5.5Parts of a plantcomp.chruj catzi̱i̱egg whitechruj ra'núúntype of fruitchruj se cháedible fruit
chruj ra'núún chruj³ ra'nuun⁵ntype of fruittipo de frutaThe English and Spanish name for this fruit is uncertain and needs more investigation. from fruitcomp. ofchruj
chruj rnej chruj³ rnej³nnance (a type of fruit)nancheThe bark of this tree is used to dye thread. from fruit
chruj se chá chruj³ se³² cha⁴nedible fruitfruta para comer5. from fruitcomp. ofchruj
chruj cuej tuva̱a chruj³ cuej³² tuvaa¹³n ñamoli fruitñamoli fruit5. from fruit-chruj cuej tuvaa̱
chruj rni'yu̱j chruj³ rni'yuj¹npeanutcacahuate5. from seedschruj rni'yo̱j
chruj higó chruj³ igo⁴nfighigo5. from fruit
chruj rnanj chruj³ rnanj³²nnanche (a type of fruit)nanche5.2.3Types of food5. from fruit
chruj squi̱j chruj³ squij¹npeanutcacahuate5. from seeds
chruun rto chruun³ rto³²nbanana treeárbol de plátano1.5.1Tree5. from fruitcomp. ofchruunrto
coj lli̱' coj³² zhi'¹nsquash leaves, flowershojas de calabaza, guia de calabazaCa'anj xcaj ní' coj lli̱' gu̱un nihaa. We're going to bring squash vine for the soup.Vamos a traer guía de calabaza para el guisado. from leaves
coj xneé coj³² xnee⁴nbean leaveshojas de frijolCanó yuvee man coj xneé. The bean plant got blight.Tiene plaga el frijolar. from leavescomp. ofcojxneé
coj limón coj³² limon⁴nhierba de limónlemongrass5.2.3.1Food from plants
cuej cu̱un ca'nu̱' cuej³² cuun¹³ ca'nu'¹nonioncebolla5. from rootscomp. ofcuej
cuej rcaj cuej³² rcaj³²nwatercressberro5. from leavescomp. ofcuej
cuej ne̱e cuej³² nee¹³namaranth leafquintonil5. from leavescomp. ofcuej
cuej ne̱e
cuej rta'yaa̱n cuej³² rta'yaan³¹nnightshade hierba morathis is used for hangoversSolanum nigrum5. from leavescomp. ofcuej
cuej rta'yaa̱n
cuej ta̱' cuej³² ta'¹nBolivian coriander pápaloquelitePorophyllum ruderale5. from leavescuej
cuej tanj cuej³² tanj³²nradishrábano5. from roots5. from leavescomp. ofcuejtanj
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