5.4.4. Care for the teeth

cúú ñan' chraa cuu⁵ yan'³ chraa³²nmolarmuelaA'ngaj ndo'o cúú ñan' chráj. My molar hurts a lot.Me duele mucho la muela. 5.4.4Care for the teeth
cúú ñan' yuva̱a̱ canine toothcolmillo5.4.4Care for the teeth
cúú ñan' rihaan incisorincisor5.4.4Care for the teeth
cúú ñan' too baby toothdiente de leche5.4.4Care for the teeth
gaga' crown (on the tooth)(in the tooth)corona, incrustación5.4.4Care for the teeth
na'nu' na'nu'³v1wash, rinselimpiar, enjuagarGuii cuan' ve'é ndo'o x'núj ne na'nu̱j cuchri' cuan'. It is a nice day today and I am going to wash the car. Hay está haciendo bonito día y voy a llevar el carro a lavar. … na'nu' nij no' tacóó nij yuvii̱ noco̱' man Diose̱ they wash the feet of the Lord’s people...1TI 5:10This word is primarily used for washing things or part of the body, but not for washing the whole body.5.6.3Wash dishes5.6.2Bathe2eraseborrar3brush (teeth)cepillar5.4.4Care for the teeth
nichreebe loose estar flojo 5.4.4Care for the teeth
nij nij³²cfnanijv1fallcaerseQuinij chraa rihaan yo'óó.The tortilla fell on the ground.Se cayó la tortilla en el suelo.se daj gaa qui'yaj nij soj; gane̱ cunuda̱j nij yuvii̱ quini̱j rihaan canee ga̱ soj, cunuda̱j chiháán ní' quini̱j rihaan canee ga̱ soj, If you do this, then all the people and our towns will fall into the abyss with you.Si ustedes hacen esto, entonces todas las personas y nuestros pueblos caerán al abismo con ustedes.Nana̱ na 8.12fall out (of a tooth)caerse5.4.4Care for the teeth
rii rii³²v1take out, pull outsacar, extraerDan me se rej nii̱ me yo', ne̱ a'yuj me güii quiri̱i̱ Herodes man Pedró taga' rihaan nij yuvii̱ a.It was night and the following day was the day when Herod would take Peter out of jail to the peopleActs 12:6Ne̱ dan me se rihaan chruun do̱', rihaan yuvéé do̱', táá nij síí ran', rii nij yuvii̱ man nij síí ran' yo' xe' a. As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats ACT 5:15aQuirii cuchri' gruá man cuchri' ca'anj rej ruvaa̠. The tow truck pulled the car out of the ditch.La grua sacó el automobil que se fué en la barranca. something out of something7.3.2.8Pull2stick out (the tongue)sacar (la lengua)Inaj chuvee 'yaj cachi' ne̱ rii chuvee daa chuvee. The heat made the dog tired and the dog is panting.El calor ha cansado el perro y está sacando la lengua. 3chooseescoger… ne̱ quiri̱i̱ 'u̱nj se chuvií so̱'” ne'ej taj yo' rihaan tanj ne̱... ne̱. "... I will choose a name for you,” said the baby to the thorn."… te voy a escoger un nombre,” le dijo el bebé a la espina.Legend o 4.34catch (fish)pezcar… ne̱ tiguíj ro̱j so' nanj rque na, ne̱ dan me se síí rii xcuaj me ro̱j so' a. ...and they were casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. MRK 1:165cast out, drive outne̱ quirii nij so' man Esteban rque chuman' Jerusalén yo', ne̱ guun che'e̱ nij so' go' nij so' yahij man Estebana. dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. And they drove him out of the city of Jerusalem and they began to throw rocks at him.ACT 7:58aGa̱ane̱ ca'anj so' nu̱' nij chuman' na̱j estadó Galilea, ne̱ ca'mii natáj so' rá ve' tucu'yón nij síí ma̱n nij chuman' yo' se-tucua̱nj Moisés, ne̱ quirii so' man nij nana̱ chre̱e nu̱u̱ nimán yuvii̱ a. So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. MRK 1:396take off (clothes)quitar (la ropa)Va̱j so' chrej, ga̱a ne̱ caráán síí itu̱u̱ man so' chrej, ne̱ go' uxrá nij síí itu̱u̱ man so', ne̱ quirii nij síí itu̱u̱ saga̱n' so', ne̱ da̱j doj se cavi' so', ga̱a ne̱ tanáj nij síí itu̱u̱ man so' a.They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. LUK 10:30b7extract (tooth)extraerQuiri̱i̱ doctór cuñaj se chá xcuu.El doctor va a extraer mi muela que tiene caries.5.4.4Care for the teeth8harvest (a field)9save-rii̱comp.rii talújspit; escupirrii ta'nga'be in charge ofrii yaníj
tocono 1beatbatir5. dishes2rinseenjuagar5. dishes3garglehacer gárgaras5.4.4Care for the teeth
ya'aa ya'aa³²n1broomescoba5.1Household equipment5.6.5Sweep, rake2brushcepillo3toothbrushcepillo5.4.4Care for the teethcomp.ya'aa tucuayuu yacoo̱dust mop