axríj ya'anaxrij⁵ ya'an³²vput in fire, burnquemar, prender lumbre aNe̱ tacóó so' ro', ase vaa aga' bronce mare̱e axríj ya'an nii man rque chrúún hornó vaa tacóó so' a. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. REV 1:15a5.5.4Burnachríj ya'an
cachi'cachi'³nheatcalorUun cachi' ndo'o tu'va na ya'a̱nj. It is very hot at the beach. Hace mucho calor en la playa.Ne̱ nu̱' ne'e nuún soj se vaa avii nana̱ yuva̱a̱ rej rque̱ rej sur, ne̱ nu̱' taj soj se vaa da̱j doj ca'na̱' ndo'o cachi' taj soj, ne̱ veé da̱nj 'yaj xa̱' cachi', ne̱ maan ndo'o na̱nj ado̱nj. And all of you also understand that when the fierce wind comes from down in the south much heat will come and then after than really it will be hot and it will rain a very much.And when the south wind blows, you say, ‘It’s going to be hot,’ and it is. LUK 12:55The noun cachi' 'heat' is typically used with some verb like uun 'become', 'yaj 'do, make', or 'na' 'come'5.5.4Burn8.3.4Hot1.1.3Weather5.5.5What fires producecomp.aga' cachi'heaterna'maân cachi'go down (of fever)nuu cachi'be hot
ichruu̱ichruu³¹nsmokehumoTucua' ndo'o ichruu̱ nanj. The smoke from the cigar is very strong. Es muy penetrante el olor del cigarro. 5.5.5What fires produce
na'ájna'aj⁵v1to put out, extinguishapagar5.5.3Extinguish a fire2to fall illenfermarse, desmayarse Ca'na' 'o̱ síí ca'na' quíí sane quina'áj ne'ej ne̱ niga̱n' tu'vee ne'ej. Someone came yesterday that gave the evil eye to the baby and because of this the baby cried all night. Vino alguien ayer y le hizo mal de ojo al bebé por eso toda la noche lloró el bebé.
nachra̱a̱nachraavto feed (a fire) atizar (un fuego) Se̱ guun ráa̱ 'o̱ ní' nachra̱a̱ doj ya'an. Let us not stir up the fire, No tratemos de atizar más el fuego Nana̱ na 7.1Ca'a̱nj ní' quij gan' sane a̱ 'ó ní' se guun rá nachra̱a̱ ya'an se staj ne o' che'e cano̱ ya'an nij quij.We are going to go far towards the mountain, but no ones thinks of starting a fire, because if so, the fire will spead to the mountains. Vamos a ir lejos a la montaña pero que nadie se lo ocurra prender fuego, de lo contrario, se expanderá el fuego a las montañas. 5.5.2Tend a fire
scaanscaan³²nsparkchispaTumán scaan rihaan focó.The bulb is emitting light [beams of light].El foco esta emitando chispas.
tana'ájtana'aj⁵vextinguishapagar, extinguirAcaa ndo'o quij sane cunucuaj nij yuvii̱ quina'aj ya'an. The mountain was burning up but the people were able to put out the fire. La montaña se estaba encendiendo pero lograron las personas a apagar el fuego. 5.5.3Extinguish a fire