5.6.3. Wash dishes

na'nu' na'nu'³v1wash, rinselimpiar, enjuagarGuii cuan' ve'é ndo'o x'núj ne na'nu̱j cuchri' cuan'. It is a nice day today and I am going to wash the car. Hay está haciendo bonito día y voy a llevar el carro a lavar. … na'nu' nij no' tacóó nij yuvii̱ noco̱' man Diose̱ they wash the feet of the Lord’s people...1TI 5:10This word is primarily used for washing things or part of the body, but not for washing the whole body.5.6.3Wash dishes5.6.2Bathe2eraseborrar3brush (teeth)cepillar5.4.4Care for the teeth
ya' ane ya'³ ane³²n1loofahestropajo5.6.3Wash dishes2scrubbing padestropajoCa'anj 'u̱nj yu'vee quiránj ya' ane. I'm going to the plaza to buy the scrubbing pad.Iré a la plaza a comprar el estropajo.5.1Household equipmentder. ofya'ane
yataa̱n esponjanspongeesponja5.6.3Wash dishes1.3.3Wet
yataa̱nyataan³¹nspongeesponja... ne̱ nica̱j nij so' 'o̱ yataa̱n esponja, ne̱ tucua'anj nij so' yataa̱n rque na vinó yu̱u̱ yo'.... so they took a sponge and soaked the sponge in vinegar.JHN 19:295.6.3Wash dishes