Growing maize

cuxá cuxa⁴n1wooden pinaguja grande alfiler de maderaVaa cuxá rihaan so̱' cachéj xráá tan' na'. Do you have a shucking instrument?Tienes alguna aguja grande para que yo deshoje?2shucking instrument6. maizecomp.cúú cuxáinstrument for husking corn
naa̱ naa³¹(non)possxnaa̱n1cornfieldmilpaCa'a̱nj cana̱j tacóó naa̱. I am going to clear the cornfield. Voy a limpiar la milpa. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)2field
'núú 'nuu⁵cftan'ncornmaízAta̱ so̱' do̱ nanj 'núúCarry the sack of corn for a whileThis refers to the dried ear of corn with the leaves5. from seeds6. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)6.2.6Process harvest1.5.3Grass, herb, vine-'nuúcomp.'núú ta'loopopcorn
ój oj⁵vremove kernels from corndesgranarÓj chana̱ tan'. The woman is removing the kernels from the corn cob.La mujer está desgranando el maíz. maize5. shell, skin
rmíírmii⁵n1dried cornstalk (after the corn has been harvested)totomoxtleCornCorn (all things connected)2dried cornfield (after the corn has been harvested)milpa secaThis word refers to the dried stalks that remain in the field after harvest.CornCorn (all things connected)3dried corn stalktotomoxtle6. maize
tiha̱j ti³aj¹ntender sprout, baby cornelote tierno, jiloteAtaa cano̱ tiha̱j mán naa̱ The cornfield still has not sprouted corn.Todavía no jilotea la milpa. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
tze tze³²nfresh ear of cornelote5.2.3.1Food from plants6. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)tzen
xnaa̱ xnaa³¹(non)possnaa̱ncornfield ofmilpa deCa'a̱nj cana̱j se̱ xnaa̱ Juaan. I am going to clear Juan's cornfield. Voy a limpiar la milpa de Juan. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)
yaányaan⁴n1corncobolote de maizCornCorn (all things connected)1.5.5Parts of a plant2olotecorncob6. maize
yanu' yanu'³ncornsilkpelo de eloteNaxra' yanu' raa̱ nij tiha̱j. The cornsilk is sprouting on the ears.Estan brotando cabello a los elotes. maizeCornCorn (all things connected)1.5.3Grass, herb, vineunspec. var.yunu'
yoo naa̱ corn stalktallo de milpa6. maize
yumíí yumii⁵cfyumi̱jndried corn huskstotomoxtle6. maize-yumií