7.5.1. Gather

atzij atzij³v1involve oneself in, wrapmeterse, envolverse…vaa ta'a̱j soj niha̱' rá catzij rasu̱u̱n chi'ii̱...... there are some of you who like to cause problems...… existen algunos de ustedes que les gusta provocar el mal…Nana̱ na of the hand7.3.4.1Touch
naqui'yaj chre̱' naqui'yaj³ chre'²v1catch, gatherrecogerNaqui'yaj chre̱' ní' sa'a̱nj cavii rihaan yu'vee. Let's collect the money that came from the taxes in the market. Juntemos el dinero que salió de los impuestos en el mercado. 7.5.1Gather7.3.1.2Catch2gather togethercomp. ofnaqui'yajchre̱'comp. ofchre̱'
naran' naran'v1collect, gathercolectar, recogerCa'a̱nj naran' so̱' ra'vii xná. Go and gather oranges. Ve a colectar naranjas. (a fire)atizar (un fuego)Dan me se naran' nii ya'an rá ve' And when some there had kindled a fire in house...LUK 22:555.5.1Light a fire5.5.2Tend a fire3gatherrecoger7.3.4.2Pick up
uno su̱u̱n uno³ suun¹vibe gathered, be assembledser convocadoUno su̱u̱n nij yuvii̱ nuchre̱' nij so' cua̱n'. The people were gathered at a meeting today.Las personas fueron convocados en una reunión hoy., assembly7.5.1Gather
uta uta³v1gather, harvest, catch (fish)cosechar, pescar… ne̱ cuta nij so' do̱j caa trigó a. ...they began to pick some heads of grain. ... ellos comenzaron a arrancar espigas de trigo.MRK 2:23Dan me se quene'en Jesucristó vi̱j rihoo na̱j tu'va na lacuaná, ne̱ síí uta xcuaj me nij síí si'ya̱j rihoo yo'…Then Jesus saw two boats at the edge of the lake, and those who caught fish were the owners of those boats ...Jesús vio dos barcas en la playa. Los pescadores eran los dueños de las barcas.LUK 5: (off of a tree)cosechar, pizcar7.3.4.2Pick up