9.2.3. Pronouns

a̱ 'ó a¹ 'o⁴1prono onenadie9.2.3Pronouns2pronot oneningunoA̱ 'ó ní' se 'yaj suun None of us is going to work.Ninguno de nosotros va a trabajar. A̱ 'ó ní' se sca'a̱nj yu'vee. None of us is going to go to the market. Ninguno de nosotros va a ir al mercado. 3detnot anya̱ 'o̱
asa̱' a³za'¹1interroghowcómo¿Asa̱' ca've̱e gu̱un dínj chiháán ní' se na̱nj da̱j ga̱a̱ qui'yaj ní' nu̱' güii nu̱' ca'anj ga̱. How are we going to achieve peace if we continue doing this?¿Cómo vamos a lograr la paz si siempre vamos a hacer esto?Nana̱ na̱a ne̱ asa̱' quisíj míj nij yo', ga̱a ne̱ cu̱riha̱nj uún síí cu'na̱j Satanás taga' nu̱u̱ so', When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison REV 20:7Tza̱j ne̱ asa̱' ca'na' sayuun noco̱o ndo'o rihaan soj, ne̱ ga̱a̱ nucua̱j rá soj man Diose̱, ne̱ ra̱cuíj so' man soj da̱j ga̱a̱ qui'ya̱j soj, ga̱a ne̱ quinani̱i̱ soj rihaan chrej chi'i̱i̱ yo', ga̱a ne̱ se̱ gaa na̱nj qui'ya̱j soj cacun' chugua̱nj. But at the time when big problems come to you, have confidence in God and he will help you so that you will do it, and you will be saved from the way of evil and you will not be guilty.But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. 1CO 10:13d
da̱j daj¹interroghowcómoDa̱j vaa chrej ca'a̱nj so̱' ga̱. How is the road that you are going to take?Cómo está el camino que vas a ir? 9.2.3Pronouns
=j=jproI, myyo, mi9.2.3Pronouns
me daj me³ daj³²interroghow many, how much, to what extentcuántoMe daj go' so̠' nique̱e̱ tséj nuu so̠' ga̱. How much did the clothes that you are wearing cost you? Cuánto te costó la ropa que llevas puesto? 9.2.3Pronouns
me daj me³ daj³²interrog9.2.3Pronouns
me che'e̱ me³ che'e¹interrog1whypor qué Me che'e̱ ni ca'na' so̱' 'no̱' guii 'no' ca'na' ne̱ ndaa̱ yaj 'na' so̱'.Why didn't you come the other days up to now?Por qué no viniste antes, no que hasta ahora? 9.2.3Pronouns2whyporque9.2.3Pronounsme che'éme xé
me rejme³ rej³²interrogwheredóndeMe rej cavii so̱' ga̱.Where are you from?De dónde vienes?'no̱' guii gaa̱ nadoj maa so̱' me rej vaa so̱' ga̱.When I was looking for you every day, where were you?Cuando estaba buscandote, dónde estabas?9.2.3Pronouns
me se me³ ze³²1interrogwhoquienMe se me so' ga̱. (So' me mestró.) Who is he? (He is a teacher.)Quién es él? (Él es un maestro.)9.2.3Pronouns2pro-formwhat
ní' ni'⁴pro1we (inclusive)nosotros (inclusivo)This pronoun includes the adressee. It is especially appropriate for addressing large groups or groups of indeterminate size. Cunuda̱j ní' "all of us" emphasizes the inclusiveness of the pronoun. 9.2.3Pronouns2ournuestro9.2.3Pronouns
nii nii³proindefinite subjectsujeto indefinitivoGa̱a ne̱ chana̱ a'ngaa ga̱a uchráán yachrúú yo', taj nii a.They say that when a woman is born, the buzzard vomits.Cuando una mujer nace, entonces el zopilote vomita, dicen.Eagle & Buzzard
nijnij³1plpluralplural2pro-formplural relative pron?9.2.3Pronouns
nij no' nij³ no'³prothey (fem.)ellas9.2.3Pronouns
nij se̱ nij³ ze¹proas for usconcierne a nosotrosNi síí nique̱ me nij se̱ me ne̱, ni ne'ej daj vaa sojWe are not poor, I don't know about you allNosotros no somos pobres, y no sé cómo son ustedes.Vaa sa'anj rihaan nij se̱ ne̱Only I've got money. / I'm the one who has money.Ni síí nique̱ me nij se̱ ado̱nj ma'None of us is poorNadie de nosotros es pobreVaa ta'nii nij se̱ ne̱, taj a 'o̱ xnii 'ee̱ rá nij se̱ doj mene̱, taj a 'o̱ ta'nii nij se̱ xnii nachri' nij se̱ mene̱; cuñaan ga̱ 'ee̱ rá ní' man nij ta'nii ní' ne̱. Just as with our children there is no child that is loved more and no child that is hated, let us treat our children equallyAsí como a nuestros hijos, no hay niño que se quiera más, no hay hijo que se odie, tratamos igual a nuestros hijosNana̱ na
nij soj nij³ zoj³proyou (pl.)ustedes9.2.3Pronouns
nij so' nij³ zo'³pro-formtheyellos9.2.3Pronouns
núj nuj⁵cfro̱'rúnjpro-formwe (exclusive)nosotros (exclusivo)Although this shows up in some texts and Roman has heard it, this is less commonly used than other first person plural pronouns such as rúnj.9.2.3Pronouns
ro̱' ro'¹cfnújprowe (dual inclusive)nosotros (dual, inclusivo)Me rá ro̱' ca'anj ro' Macáá tza̱j ne̱ ni cache̱ cuchri' da̱j. We wanted to go to Mexico City but the bus didn't go by. Queríamos ir a la ciudad de México pero no pasó el camión. 9.2.3Pronouns
rójpro-formthose twoellos dos9.2.3Pronouns
ro̱jroj¹dualdual9.2.3Pronounscomp.ro̱j so'3du
ro̱j so' roj¹ zo'³pro-formtwo of themdos de ellos9.2.3Pronounscomp. ofro̱jso'
ro̱j so̱jroj¹ zoj¹³pro-formtwo of youdos de ustedes9.2.3Pronouns
rúnjrunj⁵cfnújprowe (exclusive)nosotros (exclusivo)This pronoun is for a group that does not include the person being addressed. 9.2.3Pronouns
so' zo'³pro1heél9.2.3Pronouns2he, 3rd personel9.2.3Pronounscomp.ro̱j so'3du
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