9.2.4. Prepositions, postpositions

a̱ se vaaa¹ ze³² vaa³²preplike, similar tosimilarXa̱' sañuun ro' a̱ se vaa yuvee vaa yo' a donj, sa̱' catúj rej man nij rasu̱u̱n sa̱' ro' 'o̱ che'e̱e̱ quiri̱' nij rasu̱u̱n sa̱' qui'yaj yo' a donj. It is true that the problems are like the plague; when they come into healthy places, they make all the good things stop working.Es verdad que los problemas son parecidos como la plaga; cuando entran en lugares sanos se descompondrán todas las cosas buenas causados por esto.Address 59:19.2.4Prepositions, postpositionsase vaa̱ase̱ vaaa̱z vaa
ase aze³²prepuntilhastaDan me güii ase cuana̱ ne̱. That is the sun to this day.Aquel es el sol hasta ahora.Legend o, postpositions
asi̱j azij²cfasi̱j rque̱1prepfrom (a place)desde (un lugar)Asi̱j nda̱a yacue̱j cachéé taco̱j 'u̱nj.I walked from Oaxaca.Caminé desde Oaxaca.Primarily used to mean 'from (a place)'. With the meaning 'from (a time)' one more often says asi̱j rque. Ndaa is optional but idiomatic after this preposition9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2prepfrom (a time)desde (un tiempo)asi̱j daj me a'mii nij so' man xna'ánj a'mii ní' asi̱j cuana̱…from that time, they have spoken the language that we speak now...desde aquel entonces hablaban esta lengua, que hablamos hasta ahora…Nana̱ na 56.2asi̱j tocóó ro', sa̱' ndo'o cuno xre̱j soj do̱', sa̱' ndo'o ni'yaj soj do̱'; from the beginning, pay attention, look carefully‎desde un principio pongan mucha atención, vean muy bien;Nana̱ na 7.1Dan me se asi̱j ataa qui'ya̱j Diose̱ chumii̱… From the time before God created the world...1PE 1:20Asi̱j sometimes occurs both before the starting time and the end time of some time period.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions3interrogwhy
asi̱j rque̱ asij² rque¹³ cfasi̱jprepsincedesdeAsi̱j rque̱ ndo'o ro', cumán nij yuvii̱ a'mii se xna'a̱nj. From a long time ago there have been many people who speak their own language.Desde mucho antes, ha habido personas que hablan su propio idioma.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
che'é che'e⁴cfru'maan che'é1nsole of the footplanta del pie“Ca̱ráán ra'a nij so' mán so̱', se̱ gaa na̱nj cano̱ che'é so̱' yahij ma'”. they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” LUK 4:11aThis word for 'foot' appears in some phrases, but the usual independent word for 'foot' is tacóó. 2nfootprint; scent, footprint, tracehuellache'é MariáMaria's footprint3prepbecause ofChe'é Mariá ca'a̱njBecause of Maria, I will go to city hall.Mariá, na quiránj no' na tsi̱'.Because Maria was thirsty, she bought a soda9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions4prepaboutNanó ni̱j so' cuentó che'é sindé nacaa̱.They were talking about the new president.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions5nreasonrazón6prepfor9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionscomp.che'é dan che'e̱ sexe'éaboutunspec. var.lle̱reason
cundá cunda⁴prep1againstcontra9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2forparaQuiránj no' cúú cundá daán no' chuvee.She bought a bone for her dog.Compró un hueso para su perro.Me cunda̠ tico̠ ní' ga̠?What are we going to play for?Para qué vamos a jugar?
da̱j se vaadaj¹ ze³² vaa³²preplikecomo9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
ga̱ga²1prepwithcon —Me che'é tico so̱' ga̱ ne'ej, taj chu̱cua'án' no chacaa a.Why are you playing with the babies? said the grandmother to the crow.Por qué estás jugando con los nenes? le dijo la abuela al cuervo.Holl 77 (2) 3.10Ñáán nij ta'nííj ga̱ 'u̱nj.My children live with me.Mis hijos viven conmigo.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2prepandyNe̱ Diose̱ me se guun rá qui'ya̱j chumii̱ ga̱ xta̱'…And God thought to make the earth and sky ...GEN 1:2fSane̱ a̱, asino ña̱a̱n soj ro', nó xcúún doj nari' sa̱' ñanj ga̱ xna'ánj xláBut you are first responsible for learning Spanish and your other subjects well Pero ustedes son los responsables en aprender primero bien sus estudios y el españolNana̱ na, postpositions3correlconnwhenNihánj me ca'mii ní' ga̱ nij soj síí me síí chuma̱n' ne̱, ga̱ uno su̱u̱n soj nuchre̱' rii ndo'o nij soj, Here we are going to speak with you , the citizens, when you must join togetherAquí vamos a hablar con ustedes los cuidadanos cuando tienen la obligación de reunirse todos.Nana̱ na 10.1Ga̱ naá ne̱ dan me cachéé ranga̱' tu'vii ga̱ naá a.Long ago it happened that the thunder god walked openly.When The 1.1Ga̱ may be the fast-speech variety of ga̱a or may be part of a more complex complementizer such as ga ne̱ or ga̱a naá.comp.chana̱ a'mii ga̱girlfriend
nda̱a ndaa¹³1prepup to, tohastaSuun ndo'o cuchi̱' ndaa̱ yo' na'.Is it very difficult to get there?Es muy dificil llegar hasta alla?Suun ndo'o cavi̱i̱ Juán nda̱a Yacue̱j nama̱n Juán nda̱a nihánj na'.Would it be difficult for Juan to leave Oaxaca and come here? Sera muy dificil para Juan salir de Oaxaca y llegar hasta aqui? 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2from desdeAsi̱j nda̱a yacue̱j cachéé taco̱j 'u̱nj namán nda̱a ngaj.I walked from Oaxaca and arrived at PutlaDesde Oaxaca camine y llegue a Putla 3adjeven4after?da̱a-ndaa̱ndaa̱
nichru̱n' nichrun'¹1prepnearcerca deNichru̱n' ñáán tucuaj ga̱ scuelá. My house is close to the school. Mi casa está cerca de la escuela. 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2advnearly, almost3advsoon
ra⁴prep1in, insideadentro, enMaá ndo̱ xcuaj rá chráá.There are many fish in the river.Ñáán xnii rá ve'.The child is inside the house.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2on, onto9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
raa̱raa³¹prepin, onen, sobre9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionscomp.raa̱ ru̱jknee, kneecap
rihaan riaan³²1nfacecaraXtaan quixtáj rihaan Mariá. The bee stung Maria's face.La abeja picó en la cara de Maria. rihaanacuij rihaan2advhurry up anddeprisaRiha̱a̱n ndo'o canicáj so̱' telefonó rihaan Maestró Aarón. Hurry up and take the phone to AaronDeprisa lleva el teléfono a Maestro Aarón.typically used in the imperative.3preptoáQui'ya̱j so̱' sendo tucuaché so̱' do̱j ñanj rihanj. Do me a favor and pass the book to me.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions4prepin front ofen frente deCachee̱j do̱j rihaan so̱'. I will pass in front of you.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions5prepon, on top ofencima deCuta' so̱' ñanj libró rihaan mesá. Put the book on the table.Rihoo táá rihaan na ya'a̱nj. The boat is on the sea.El barco está en el mar.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions6prepforparaNo' achráá rihaan chii. She sings for the man.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions7conjinenMaá ndo̱' yati' rihaan rasca'. There are a lot of stars in the sky.8idiomthanqueSo' xcaa̱n doj rihaan José. He is taller than Jose.Ca'a̱nj 'u̱nj rihaan soj. Goodbye to everyone.Literally 'I go to you (pl)' but used as the equivalent of these English and Spanish phrases.9nforwardadelantecomp.chrej rihaan10neye-rihaa̱ncomp.Noco' rihaan güiiGood afternoon
rque rque³1nstomachestómagoNa'aan rqueI am hungry.Tengo hambre. Juan ve'ee̱ rque. Juan has a stomach ache.Juan tiene dolor de estómago., thirsty5.2.2.6Satiated, full2.5.1Sick2.1.8.2Stomach1.6.2Parts of an animal2prepindentro, adentro Maá ndo'o̱ xcuaj rque chráá.There are many fish in the river.Hay muchos peces en el río.Canó catze' rque ve'.The smoke has soaked into the ceiling of the house.El adentro de la casa se tiznó.Atuj ndo'o nij yuvii̱ rque aga' cachriin. A lot of people are getting on the ferris wheel. Están entrando muchas personas a la rueda de la fortuna. 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionsrequereque̱
sca'núj sca'nuj⁵prep1inside, amongentre, dentroNe̱ taj va̱j a̱ 'ó síí achiin rasu̱u̱n man 'ni̱j sca'núj nij so' ma'. And there was not any one who things were necessary to who was among them.that there were no needy persons among them. ACT 4:34a9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2betweenentreDan me se otoj Pedró na̱j so' rá taga', ne̱ na̱j so' sca'núj vi̱j tanuu, Peter was in the jail, sleeping between two soldiers,ACT 12:6b9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions3amongunspec. var.snújbetween
ston ston³prep1finger ofdedo destonjmy fingermi dedo9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2.1.3.3Finger, toe2toáne̱ caxríj nij so' sa'anj yo' ston nij apóstol cune' Jesucristó man nata̱' se na̱na̱ so' rihaan yuvii̱ a. ...and they gave the money to the apostles.ACT 4:35aThis is the preposition typically used with the verb axríj 'put, give'9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionscomp.ston tocóótoe
xcó xco⁴prep1behinddetrásCanocó' so̱' xcój ca'anj ní' Follow behind me and let's go.Sigame detrás y vamonos.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2on the other side ofal otro lado deChuvee nicun' xcó ve'.The dog is behind the house.El perro está al otro lado de la casa.Xcó quij ñáán nij yuvii̱.People live on the other side of the mountainHay gente que viven al otro lado del cerro.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions
x'núú x'nuu⁵cfx'nu̱j1prepbesidelado deNiga̱nj achráá nij xtaj x'núú tucuaj . Birds always sing beside my house. Los pájaros siempre trinan alrededor de mi casa. 9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions2nside
xrááxraa⁵1nbackespaldaA'ngaj xráá=jMy back hurts.2prepon, on top ofsobre, encima deLapeseró táá xráá yanj libró.The ballpoint pen is on top of the book.El bolígrafo está en la parte superior del libro.Caráán so̱' xráá danj so̱' yanj libró.You covered your book.Cubrieron su libro.9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionsxichraácomp.nuj xráá xcuááescama (de culebra)xráá tacóótop of the foot