nihajniaj³²ndried corn which has been soaked in limewaternixtamalNi'yaa̱n váj chana̱ nihajThe woman grinds the soaked corn in the morningCornCorn (all things connected)
tan'tan'³cf'núú(non)possstan'ndried ear of corn (without the husks)mazorcaDan me se ne'en soj se vaa síí unô do̱j tzin' 'núú ro', do̱j tan' quiri̱i̱ so', ne̱ síí unô noco̱o uxrá 'núú ro', noco̱o uxrá tan' quiri̱i̱ so'…You know that he who plants little seed will also harvest few ears of corn. And he who plants lots of seed will harvest lots of ears of corn. 2CO 9:6CornCorn (all things connected)