psych Psychological predicate

a'maan rá a'maan³ ra⁴vbe angry, upsetenojarseNe̱ che'é dan a'maan rá nij síí a'mii xna'ánj griego a. And that is why those who spoke Greek were upset.ACT 6:1dCa'maan ndo'o rá no' cavi' nica̱ no' áShe became very angry for sure because her husband had died.Se enojó mucho porque su marido se murió.Thunder 30.1psychPsychological predicate
amán rá aman⁴ ra⁴vbelieve in, have faith (a person, God)creer enAmán ráj ne'ej man ya'anj. I believe in God.Creo en dios.psychPsychological predicate
a'mii xta̱' a'mii³² xta'¹vtalk proudly, arrogantlyhablar presumido, arroganteNe a'mii xta̱' so' ma'. He does not talk all stuck upÉl no es arrogante1CO 13:4dGuun che'e̱ ta'a̱j nij soj ca'mii xta̱' ta'a̱j nij soj…Some of you have become arrogant...Y algunos se han vuelto arrogantes...1CO 4:18Dan me se a'mii xta̱' ndo'o nij so' nana̱ nij rma'a̱n, …For they mouth empty, boastful words...Pues hablando con arrogancia y vanidad2PE 2:18This verb is mostly used in an intransitive sense, but sometimes has an object like nana̱ 'words' in the texts.psychPsychological predicatecomp. ofa'miixta̱'
a'nga' naco̱o̱ a'nga'³ nacoo¹vmockburlarse deTaj yuvii ni chuma̱n rá ga̱a ca'mij ne̱ a'nga' naco̱o̱' nii ni'ya̱j nii manj. When I spoke nobody believed me and they mocked me. Cuando hablé nunguna persona me creyó y se burlaron de mi. psychPsychological predicatecomp. ofa'nga'
'anj rá 'anj³² ra⁴vbe stunnedestar sorprendido'o̱ lle̱ ca'anj ráj ga̱a quene'ej man sndé. I am stunned to see the president.Estoy sorprendido al ver al presidente.psychPsychological predicatecomp. of'anj
aráx'naa ara⁵x'naa³²vpardon, forgiveperdonar, disculparCarax'naa so̱' rihaan 'u̱nj, ni 'u̱nj tumé cacun'Forgive me, I am not gultyPerdoname, yo no soy culpable… cara̱a̱ x'naa soj rihaan so' you should forgive him2CO 2:7… ne̱ se̱ caráj x'naa Diose̱ ni̱'yaj Diose̱ cacun' tumé yuvii̱ ma'.... God will not forgive the sins of the peopleHEB 9:22b… cara̱a̱ x'naa Diose̱ ni̱'yaj Diose̱ cunuda̱nj nij síí amán rá ni'ya̱j man Jesucristó a ... God will forgive all those who have faith in JesusACT 10:43The object can be either a noun phrase or a prepositional phrase with rihaan 'to'.psychPsychological predicatecomp. ofaráj
aran' rá aran'³ ra⁴v1like, agree withgustar, convenirAran' rá Juan maa ve' naca̱ Juan likes the new houseA Juan le gusta la casa nueva2likegustar'u̱nj aran' ndo'o rá ne'e mán so̱', tzaj ne̱ so̱' me se ne ni'ya̱j so̱' doj ma. I like you a lot, but you don't even turn around to look at me.Me gustas demasiado, pero tu nisiquiera volteas a verme.'u̱nj aran' ndo'o rá ne'e chra'.I like the music very much.Me gusta mucho la música.psychPsychological predicate
aráya'a̱nj ara⁵ya'anj¹³v1be amazed, be worried, be enthusiastichacer caso, preocuparse, estar entusiasmado, estar emocionadoAráya'anj ndo'o nij yuvi̱i rej niñáán 'na' snde Macáá The people are very excited when the President of Mexico comes. Las personas están muy emocionadas porque vino el presidente de Mexico. predicate2be concerned withpreocuparse3treat welltratar bienCa'na' ta'nuj ve' ne̱ réj ro' aráya'a̱nj ndo'o.My uncle came to the house, and my father treated him very well.Mi tío vino a la casa, y mi padre lo trató muy bien.4love?
chumán rá chuman⁴ ra⁴vbelieve in, have confidence in creerChumán ráj ne'ej man nana̱ a'mii Ashley. I have confidence in what Ashley says.Yo tengo confianza en lo que Ashley dice.This verb is frequently followed by ne'e or ni'ya̱j.psychPsychological predicate
chu'vi' chu'vi'³v1be afraid (to do something)tener miedo (de hacer algo)Se̱ cuchu'ví' so̱' xca̱j so̱' man chana̱ cu'na̱j Mariá ma'.Do not be afraid to marry the woman called Mary.Do not be afraid to marry the woman called Mary.Matthew 3.3This sense of the word is normally followed by a verb in the potential aspect.psychPsychological predicate2be worried, disturbedGa̱a ne̱ cuchu'vi' ro̱j so', ne̱ catúj yuve̱ ro̱j so' a.And they were worried and they hid themselves.GEN 3:8b
'e̱e̱ rá 'ee¹ ra⁴adj1take care of (e.g. a problem)cuidar'e̱e̱ ndo'o ráj si'yáj telefonó.I take good care of my telephone.Cuido mucho mi teléfono.This is normally used in the continuative with no preceding word. However, potential and completive forms require the verb uun.2love, esteemamar, apreciarGa̱a̱ 'e̱e̱ rá nij soj man nij yuvii̱ ase 'e̱e̱ rá nij soj man ma'a̱n nij soj.You must love others as you love yourselves.deben de querer a las personas como ustedes se quieren a si mismos.Nana̱ na 76.3che'é se ca'na' nana̱ rihaan rój se vaa amán rá soj ni'ya̱j soj man Jesucristó ne̱ 'e̱e̱ rá soj ne'en soj cunuda̱nj yo'ó nij síí sa̱' noco̱' man Diose̱ a. because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people—COL 1:4'U̱nj 'e̠e̠ ndo'o rá man so̱' che'é da̱n narquéj chrej sa̱' man so̱'. I care a lot for you, and so I give you good advice.Yo te aprecio mucho, por eso te doy buenos consejos.psychPsychological predicatecomp. of'e̱e̱
ina̱jinaj²adj1kind, patientpacientepsychPsychological predicate
me ráme³ ra⁴1ContVwant, hopequererO̱rún' nana̱ me ráj cataj che'é cunuda̱j nij rasu̱u̱n ca'mij ga̱ nij soj nihánj ro',Because of all the things that I have said, I want to say a few words to you herePor todas las cosas que he hablado, quiero decirles unas palabras,Nana̱ na 2.1... ne̱ me ráj xe̱j ga̱a̱ cuma̱n nij soj....because I hope that you live in harmony.... porque quiero que vivan en harmonia.Nana̱ na 26.1Me ráj cataj ituu xna'ánj xlá I want to say "ituu" in SpanishQuiero decir "ituu" en español.Me ráj cataj 'u̱nj "sack" xnánj u̱u̱n I want to say "sack" in Triqui.Quiero decir "sack" en Triqui.Ga̱a ne̱ ne'ej yo' me se ni me rá chana̱ ni̱caj. Then those babies, the woman didn't want to have them.Entonces aquellos bebés, la mujer no los quería tener. Legend o 2.1The verb me rá does not change to show aspect. When it is followed by another verb, this verb will be in the potential aspect2vlovequerer, amarGa̱a ne̱ tuvi' yo' rej do̱' me se ni me rá ne'e maa ne'ej yo' ne̱. Then her friends, family and father didn't love her baby. Entonces sus familiares y su padre no querían a su bebé.Legend o 3.1Often followed by ni'yaj or ne'e .psychPsychological predicate4.3.3Love
na'a̱jna'aj¹vbe embarrassed; be ashamedestar avergonzadoNa'a̱j ndo'o ca'miij ngaa̱ maá ndo'o nij yuvii̱.I'm embarrassed to talk when there are lots of people.Ya̱ na'a̱j rihaan ndo'o ya̱ síí nihánj ga̱ a'mii so' ga̱ nij yuvii̱.Truly, he is very shy when he speaks with people.psychPsychological predicate
nachri' nachri'³vhate, disrespectodiar, aborrecerNachri' ndo'oj ne'ej man nij yuvii̱ ne̱. I hate people who lie.Aborrezco mucho a las personas mentirosas.psychPsychological predicate
niha̱' rá niha'¹ ra⁴1vbe happy; happy estar contento; felizCuniha̱' ndo rá nij yuvii̱ ne̱ ca'nga' ndo nij so'.The people are very happy and they laughed a lot.Las personas están muy contentas y se rieron mucho. Niha̱' ndo'o ráj güii cuan' cuan' me güii naránj rá. I am very happy today because today is the day I rest.Yo estoy muy feliz hoy porque hoy es el día que yo descanso.psychPsychological predicate2vbe likely toestar dispuesto a, solerYatzéj catzi̱i̱ niha̱' ndo'o rá yo' ga̱ nacaj. White clothes get dirty easily.La ropa blanca se ensucia facilmente.Niha̱' ndo'o rá nij ne'ej tu'vee nij so'. Babies tend to cry. Los bebés están dispuestos a llorar. 3vbe happy to (do something)alegrarse (hacer algo)... ne̱ niha̱' rá nij so' canicu̱n' nij so' rej nuná tuvi' chrej ca'a̱a̱n noco̱o...... and they are happy to stand where the big roads intersect ...MAT 6:5bFollowing by a verb in the potential aspect4adjpromiscuous
nucua̱j rá nucuaj¹³ ra⁴vhave confidence intener confianza enNucua̱j ndo'o ráj ne'ej man Gabriela. I have a lot of confidence in Gabriela.Tengo mucha confianza en Gabriela.psychPsychological predicate
ri' rári'³ ra⁴vbe discouraged (about)desanimarse (de)psychPsychological predicatecomp. ofri'
ruvi'ruvi'³vappearaparecerNe ruvi' Diose̱ ni'ya̱j yuvii̱ ma'. God does not appear visible to the people.COL 1:15aDan me se curuvi' so' ni'ya̱j síí cu'na̱j Pedró, ne̱ gaa do̱j, ga̱a ne̱ curuvi' uún so' ni'ya̱j nu̱' chuvi̱j nij apóstol cune' so' man nata̱' se‑na̱na̱ so' a.and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. And he appeared to the one called Peter and (a bit later?) he appeared again to all twelve apostles that he named to explain his word.1CO 15:5Cachén do̱j güii, ga̱a ne̱ curuvi' uún so' rihaan 'u̱n' cientó táá doj tinúú ní' síí noco̱' man so' a. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers 1CO 15:6aRuvi' rihaan guii. The sun appears.Se le ve la cara del sol. Ruvi' 'na' xtuu tu'va yu'uj. The mouse appears out of the hole.El ratón sale del hoyo.psychPsychological predicate
táá ri'ñunj taa⁵ ri'yunj³²vhateodiarpsychPsychological predicatecomp. oftáá
uun vi̱j rávbe undecidedestar indeciso, tener dudas... me se uun vi̱j rá nij so' ni'ya̱j nij so' man nee̱ yo'... they are of two minds about that meat...1CO 8:7bpsychPsychological predicate
uun rá uun³ ra⁴cfacaj raa̱comp. ofacajraa̱1ContVwant (to do something)querer (hacer algo), desear'u̱nj guun rá cha̱ rachrúún. I wanted to eat bread.Yo deseaba comer pan.Uun rá in this sense normally precedes a verb in the potential aspect. 3.3Want2vdo voluntarilyhacer (con voluntad)Cha̱a̱ míj se̱ guun rá nij soj ta̱nij nij soj man nij soj rihaan canee; Never consider lowering yourself into the pitNunca piensen arrojarse al abismo, Nana̱ na 6.2Uun rá in this sense normally precedes a verb in the potential aspect., desireamar, tener cariño, desearSe̱ guun rá soj ni̱'yaj soj chumii̱ nihánj do̱', nij rasu̱u̱n ma̱n rihaan chumii̱ nihánj do̱' mei. Do not love the world or anything in the world. (No vean al mundo ni las cosas que hay en el.)1JN 2:15aThis sense of uun rá normally precedes the emotion marker ne'e or ni'yaj.psychPsychological predicate4vthinkpensar'u̱nj uun rá nana̱ nihánj me tucuáán sa̱'.I think that this is the correct one.Yo pienso que esta opinión es la correcta.
xco̱j ruva̱a̱ rá xcoj¹ ruvaa¹ ra⁴adjenvious, hatefulenvidioso, odiosoJuán guun xco̱j ruva̱a̱ rá ne'e man tinúú. Juan is jealous of his brother.Juan tiene envidia de su hermano.psychPsychological predicate