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Triqui de Copala - Inglés



uchi'uchi'³v1arrive (there); arrivellegarSuun ndo̱' cuchi̱' ndaa̱ yo' na'.Is it very difficult to get there?Cuchi' yo' 'o̱ quij ne̱. She arrived at the first mountain. Llegó a la primera montaña. Legend o 4.12hear (with nana̱ 'word' as subject)Dan me se cachén do̱j güii, ga̱a ne̱ catúj uún Jesucristó chuman' Capernaum, ga̱a ne̱ cuchi' nana̱ rihaan nij yuvii̱ se vaa ya̱nj so' rá ve' a. A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, word came to the people that he had come home. MRK 2:1Literally 'Word came to (someone)...' . The one who hears follows the preposition rihaan.
uchra'uchra'³vsplit, breakpartir, quebrarUchra'
Uchra'dial. var. ofuchra'split, break
uchra' ta'a̱juchra'³ ta'aj²vdividedividir
uchraánOlder spellinguchráánvomit
uchree vget wetmojarseCuchree 'u̱nj 'yaj maa̱n. The rain caused me to get wet.Me mojé con la lluvia.
uchrujuchruj³²v1give birthdar luz“¡Cuchruj ne'ej na̱nj á!” “I gave birth to the babies!” she said.“¡Dí a luz a los bebés!” dijo ella.Legend o 5.3ne̱ cuchru̱j no' ne'ej sno̱'o cunii, ne̱ Emanuel cu'na̱j ne'ej ado̱nj”and she will give birth to a son and the baby will be called EmanuelMatthew a relationship2establish, implementimplementarga̱ cuchruj gobiernó asi̱j rque̱ ndo'o ro' 'yaa ráj, ne̱ quisíj tucuáán naj rihaan chiháán ní' cuana̱ vi̱j chiha̱a̱ ña̱a̱n yo', the government implemented the program for indigenous education in our towns forty one years agoEl gobierno implementó el programa de educación indígena hace muchos años atrás, creo que este programa ha estado en nuestros pueblos cuarenta y un añosNana̱ na laws3grow, cultivateDan me se curiha̱nj 'o̱ síí me rá cuchru̱j naa̱ 'núú trigó, ne̱ tix'nuu̱ so' 'núú trigó yo' rihaan yo'óó, A farmer went out to sow his seed.MRK 4:3b4layCuchruj nii man nij síí ran' rá callé rej cache̱n Pedró,They lay the ones who were sick on the road where Peter passed ACT 5:15bcomp.a'mii uchrujmaldecir
u'lu'u'lu'³vbe stuckatascarse
unánjunanj⁵vruncorrerCunánj no'.She ran.Ella corrío.Unánj no'She runs.Cuna̱nj no'.She will run.Ella correrá.der. ofunánj
unánjunanj⁵v1runcorrerNavij rá ro̱j xnii nihánj ne̱ “Ya̱j me se cuna̱nj ndo ro̱' ne̱ cano̱ nda̱a quij yo'” ne̱. These boys decided and (said) “Now let's run a lot and arrive at that mountain.”Decidieron estos niños y (dijeron), “Ahora vamos a correr mucho hasta llegar a aquella montaña.”Legend o 1.2Ne³ guun¹³ yucuan'¹ rej³ chej¹ so'³ cunanj² rej³ chej¹ so'³ rique³ llee⁵ ma'⁴.His father-in-law didn't have time to run from the clearing.Su suegro no tuvo tiempo de huir del claro.Thunder 26.12fleehuirder.unánjcorrer
unánj ticovrace
une'une'³v1set (a trap)poner (una trampa)2placecolocar en posicion3name nombrar4build
unee raa̱ 1make courting movements (of animals)cortejar (de animales) dishes2courtcortejar5. dishes
unouno³²vsow, plantsembrar'O̱ se ase vaa ran' 'núú ga̱a unô nii man yo' rque yo'óó ro', da̱nj ga̱a̱ quira̱n' ní' ado̱nj.Because as corn suffers when someone plants it in the ground, so will we suffer1CO 15:36eStandard transitive verb with agent subject and seed as object; the soil is shown with the preposition rihaan (in examples in Hollenbach's dictionary.) In the text example notice that the ground is shown with the preposition rque.ono
unouno³v1hearoírCuno nij yuvii̱ gaa̱ ca'mii sndé.Everyone listened when the president spoke.Todos esucharon cuando el presidente hablóCu̱nó so̱' ca'mi̱i̱ 'u̱nj, José.Listen to what I say, JosephMatthew complement sense
uno sa̱'vobeyobedecir
uno su̱u̱n uno³ suun¹vibe gathered, be assembledser convocadoUno su̱u̱n nij yuvii̱ nuchre̱' nij so' cua̱n'. The people were gathered at a meeting today.Las personas fueron convocados en una reunión hoy., assembly7.5.1Gather
uno xre̱j uno³ xrej²vlisten, overhearescuchar, espiarTanuu catzi̱i̱ ro’ cunó xre̱j ga̱a a’mii roj síí tume cacún’. The detective heard when the two criminals were talking.El detective escuchó la plática de dos personas que tienen crimen.Ve’é cuno̱ xre̱j so̱’ ga̱a a’mii réj so̱’. Listen well when your father speaks.Escucha bien a tu papá.
unu'unu'³vfightpelearCa'vee quisíj unu' nij soj ga̱ nij tuvi' ní'Enough fighting among ourselvesBasta de seguir peleándonos entre nosotros mismosNana̱ na 10.1Ni ne'e ní' me che'e̱ unu' ní' do̱'.We don't know why we are fightingNo sabemos porque pelamosNana̱ na 40.1The object is usually preceded by the preposition ga̱ 'with'. The verb is sometimes used intransitively. against something bad4.8.2Fight4.1.6Disunity4.8.2.1Fight for something good
ura̱a̱ndial. var. ofuun ra̱a̱ncomp. ofuun
uran' uran'³vadjoin, border (of land)colindar, limitar (de terreno)'U̱nj uran' ga̱ so̱'. You and I border each other. (our lands)Tú y yo colindamos.
uriha̱nju³rianj¹v1leave, quit; go outsalir, abandonarGa̱a ne̱ quix'núj ma'a̱n ta'yaa yo', ne̱ curiha̱nj ro̱j so', It opened for them by itself, and they left. ACT 12:10bDan me se caxríj rá Pedró se vaa ya̱ curiha̱nj so' taga', Then Peter realized that he had left the jail. ACT 12: up4.1.6.2Set self apart2appear, show upaparecer, llegarNda̱a ya̱j curihanj so̱' xe'. Finally you've shown up.Hasta ahora te apareces.3find
uriha̱nj nimán u³rihanj¹ niman⁴v1die (euphemistic)morir Urihanj nimán chana̱ go' cuchri' quii. The woman that the car hit died.Falleció la mujer que fué atropellado ayer2be dying (to do something)Curiha̱nj nimán chuvee cha̱ chuvee chraa rá chuvee a.The dog really wanted to eat tortillas.El perro quiere mucho comer tortillas.
uróuro⁴cfburrónburroburroTza̱j ne̱ snó'o a'ngaa ga̱a ne̱ gu̱un niha̱' rá so' ca̱ta̱ so' uró a.But when a male is born, he is going to be happy to have burros.Pero un varón nace, y va a estar contento de tener burros.The Eagl 14.1