Triqui de Copala – Inglés



ta̱' asuun ta'¹ azuun³²adv1approximatelymas o menosDan me se aga' va'nu̱j rej ca'anj güii ta̱' asuun me se naqui'yaa ranga̱' yo'o̱ se mo̱zó Diose̱ rihaan so', One day at about three in the afternoon he had a vision. He distinctly saw an angel of God, ACT 10:3… ne̱ güii yo' me se canoco' naca̱ va'nu̱j míj yuvii̱ man Jesucristó ta̱' asuun a. ... and about three thousand were added to their number that day.ACT 2:41 …ne̱ canoco' 'o̱ ca'a̱nj cientó yuvii̱ xcó so' ta̱' asuun a. ...and about four hundred men rallied to him. ACT 5:36a2probablyprobablemente
taadial. var. oftajsay mean
taa taa³cfta̱ana flat placellanoTo'ój me yo'óó ta̱a
taáOlder spellingtáábe in, be on top wear to be in/on the top part
táátaa⁵cfnacutáj'nijnuuv1be in, be on topestar en, estar encima deRihoo táá rihaan na ya'a̱nj.The boat is on the sea.El barco está en el mar.Táá ne'ee̱ vará rihaan mesá catsi̱i̱The stick is lying crooked on the white tableTáá nihaa̱ raa̱ coj.The dew is on the leaf.El rocío está en la hoja.Táá is used when one item is touching the top of another.5.3.7Wear clothing2wearllevar puestoTáá tsej raa̱ Juán. Juan wears a turban. Juan lleva puesto un turbante. This is used for wearing a turban. The piece of clothing is the subject of the verb and the object is the possessed body part.3to be in/on the top partXnii táá raa̱ chruun.The child is in the top part of the tree.El niño está en la parte mas alto del árbol.Yuvii̱ táá raa̱ quij.The people are on top of the mountain.La gente están encima del cerro.Xnii táá raa̱ chruun.The child is in the top part of the tree.El niño está en la parte mas alto del árbol.-taácomp.táá ña̱a̱ngo first, go ahead oftáá ri'ñunjhate
ta̱a cftaaadjflatplanoTo'ój me yo'óó ta̱aMy land is flatMi terreno es plano.
táá chiha̱vcarry on the shouldersQuita̱j chiha̱ ní' man níí ran' ne̱ canicaj ní' man no' rihaan síí 'yaj cono'ó.Let's carry the woman who is sick on our shoulders and bring her to the doctor.Cargemos a la señora que está enferma y llevemosla al doctor.
táá ña̱a̱n taa⁵ yaan²vgo first, go ahead ofir primeroTanuu uun chij táá ña̱a̱n rihaan nij tanuu noco'. The soldier who is in charge is in front of the soldiers who are following.El soldado en jefe va enfrente de los soldados subalternos.comp. oftááyaan
táá raa̱vcatch on the head/hornscornear, llevar puesto en la cabezaTáá raa̠ scúj man síí ta̠j man xo'. The bull catches the bullfigher on its horns.El toro cornea al torero.'u̠nj táá raa̠ man roto. I have the blanket under my headTengo la cobija en mi cabeza.
Taa re’é so̱’ na’? Do you need to go to the bathroom?Quieres ir al baño?'é
táá ri'ñunj taa⁵ ri'yunj³²vhateodiarpsychPsychological predicatecomp. oftáá
ta'aa ta'aa³²vcatch; takeagarrar, coger “Cuchi̱' asno ro' ca̱ta'aa lij rihaan, nuva̱' ne̱, nuva̱' xcuáá rca̱j”. “He who arrives first will take the right, the right eye of the dragon.”“Él que llegue primero tomará el ojo derecho, el ojo derecho del dragón.Legend o 1.4Dan me cata'aa ro̱j maa… cuta' ro̱j ra'nga'. They caught him and set a trap. Lo cogieron y pusieron una trampa. Legend o 2.1Ne̱ dan me se ya̱ ya̱ guun so' síí racuíj man nij síí qui̱ta'aa man JesucristóAnd truly, he became the one who helped the ones who took JesusACT 1:16c7.2.6.1Catch, capture
ta'a̱j ta'aj²npart, half, some ofparte, mitadDan me se nata' nii che'é so' rihaan nij yuvii̱ yaníj yuvii̱ ne noco' se‑na̱na̱ Diose̱, ne̱ cuchumán rá ta'a̱j nij so' quene'en nij so' man so' a. And they explained about him to the Gentiles who did not follow the word of God and some of them believed in him.1TI 3:16eta'a̱j yuvii̱some of the peopleHoll. sketch p2728.1.6.1Partda'aj
ta'a̱jta'aj²qhalfmitadTa'a̱j lextoné nuu rque scaaHalf the ribbon is in the basket
ta'a̱j ta'aj²adjyoungjoven, sin experencia
taándial. var. ofxtáánfly
taa̱ntaan³¹combcresta1.6.2.1Parts of a bird
ta'anjunspec. var. ofya'anj god saint
tacaan tacaan³n1uninhabited place, scrublandmonte, tierra sin casas, ladera, loma2mountaincomp.tacaan xcóóshoulder
tacaan xcóó tacaan³ xcoo⁵nshoulderhombropossessed from is the same2.1.2Torso2.1.3.1Armcomp. oftacaanxcóó
tacanjtacanj³cfcanjn1foot of (an animal)pata de, pezuña de2sandal ofcomp.coj tacanj muláplant that makes women sterile when consumedcúú taca̱njhoof of
tacha'nuu_vdispersedispersarMán nij yuvii_ aguáj nij yo' rihaan tucuá suun tzaj ne_ curihanj nij tanuu ne_ ó che'ee tacha'nuu_ nij yuvii_ qui'yaj tanuu.There were people yelling outside the city hall, but the police arrived and made them disperse.Las personas estaban manifestando enfrente del palacio de gobierno pero en eso, llegó la policia y dispersó las personas.comp. oftu-cha'nuu̱
tachrii̠ tachrii³¹n1featherpluma1.6.2.1Parts of a bird2hair (on the body of the insect)tachrii̱
tachrii̱sp. var. oftachrii̠feather