gue̱e̱guee¹1adjwhole, completeentero, completoSe cata'aa so̱' ra'vii vaa ine̱j, se vaa guee̱ cata'aa so̱'.Don't take half the orange, take the whole one.Ni naya̱j scaa rndeé vaa nichraa̱ guee̱ tu'va scaa.The liquor bottle was not emptied; it is full up to the the rim.2advin the same wayigualmente3advcompletelycompletamente4adjcarefulcuidadoso, delicadoSe vaj, nij tuvi' ní' cumán ga̱ rque̱ ro', gue̱e̱ nij so' doj ga̱ nij rasu̱u̱n chi'ii̱. Our countrymen who lived before were more careful avoiding problems.Nuestros antepasados eran mas cuidadosos en no causar problemas.Nana̱ na about5adv-postsafely