Browse Dagbani
ŋ-ŋɔ cf-p kpɛŋɔ ŋɔ 2 ŋɔ 3 1 adv so, in this manner, thus 2 by this time
ŋa cf-p ŋana 1 pn 2 pl they, them, their [third person pronoun, inanimate, plural, neutral] 3 pl those which
ŋaɣisi pl. ŋaɣisira 1 v to elbow one's way 2 to wedge into (as into wood)
ŋahi 2 pl. ŋahira cf-p ŋahigi 1 v to quarter a dead animal 2 to break branches. leaves of a tree 3 to harvest maize or tobacco 4 to interrupt, in anger 5 to erode, wear away a channel, make a rut
ŋahiba 1 pl. ŋahibanima cf-p nee neeŋahiba n uncle, mother's brother
ŋahiba 2 n a natural mark on the skin
ŋahigi cf-p ŋahi 2 v break, be broken, erode
ŋahili 2 pl. ŋaha cf-p -ŋahili 2 ŋahi 1 yɛliŋahili 1 n a proverb 2 a parable 3 a riddle
ŋahinŋahira cf-p ŋahi 1 ŋahili 3 n a teller of proverbs/parables
ŋahiŋga pl. ŋahinsi n nephew, sister's child
ŋam 1 pl. ŋama 1 cf-p ŋampoo n hardening-solution for floors and walls, burnish, glaze