Browse Dagbani
ʒe1pl.ʒiɛya1cf-pbinibinzaanyaanzaanashee1yimzali3zani2zani3zaa3zaasheeʒiɛyimtali1vbe standing2to be in a place (sth. upright)3to stay, remain (like that), not change4to prop, "support a wall or structure with poles (so as not to let it fall)" (IM)
ʒe2pl.ʒiɛra1vto scramble, struggle for sth.
ʒe3pl.ʒiɛra2cf-pkpaʒiɛrimvto rub, anoint
ʒe5pl.ʒiɛra41vto blow2to puff, pant, sniff
ʒee1pl.ʒɛhin"a place where grains (esp. guinea corn, millet, rice) are temporarily stored during harvesting" (IM)
ʒeei1pl.ʒeeracf-pʒiɛhi31vto go astray2to run short of water or rain3to be excessive in seasoning, overseasoned
ʒeei2cf-pʒe6vto doze, fall asleep
ʒi1nseed, "seeds of grass or shrubs" (IM)