Browse Dagbani
chabachaba2idlumpy "of liquid, having lumps inside" (IM)
chaɣipl.chaɣiravto grip, grasp
chaɣibiidcompletely, never again
chaɣilacf-pchaɣisachaɣisi1n'jingles', rattles, sistra
chaɣilipl.chaɣinda1vto faint, pass out, feel faint as result of having imbibed sth.2to be in a coma
chaɣisapl.chaɣisanimacf-pchaɣilachaɣisi1na rattle, sistrum, tambourine
chaɣisi1pl.chaɣisira1cf-pchaɣilachaɣisa1vshake (of bottle, rattle)2shake the arm in triumph
chaɣisi2pl.chaɣisira2cf-pchaai11vto become weak, poor2to lose ones strength, weaken, lose strength (of decoctions)3to be ruined4to lose fertility (e.g. land)
chaɣisi3pl.chaɣisira3vto jump down, to leap
chahi11vto tear, to be torn2to tear sth., tear to pieces3to dig sth. out (yam, groundnuts, rats)
chahi2pl.chahibuvto cry in a shrill voice, make noise like bird, screech