Browse Dagbani
gbabi2pl.gbabira1cf-pgbabovto seize with pincers, tongs fu:&c.
gbabi3pl.gbabira2vlook after, care for
gbabigipl.gbabigiricf-pgbabi1vto snatch, wrench, wrest (from sb.)
gbaɣapl.gbaɣisi11na long basket for carrying kola nuts, or as an animal-cradle2a load3capital, "money given to a person to trade" (IM)
gbaɣipl.gbaɣibuvto shave, slice off
gbaɣiripl.gbaɣitiracf-pdam3damli2gbaɣisi2niŋgbgbaɣiribuniŋgbuŋniŋgbuŋgbaɣiribuwahi3zuɣu2zuɣudamli1vto shake out2to dispose of under financial pressure3to shake the head expressing negation4to have a mild illness
gbaɣisi2pl.gbaɣisiracf-pdam3gbaɣiriniŋgbgbaɣiribu1vto nod, shake the head2to change tone (of voice or drum), weaken, slacken
gbahiŋpl.gbahimana long talk, too much talking