Browse Dagbani
la 1 pl. lara; labu cf-p lari 1 lari 2 1 v to laugh 2 to laugh at, deride 3 to break open (as a seed pod -- "ackee-apple" IM)
la 2 cf-p bana 2 banla 1 dem the, that 2 those in addition, other/s 3 particle indicating termination of dependent clause
la 3 ptc [verb-focus particle]
labi 1 pl. labira 1 cf-p labisi 1 1 v to return, go/come back 2 to retreat 3 to do sth. again
labi 3 pl. labira 2 v to face, turn in the direction of, be opposite
labi 4 1 n a half-piece of cloth 2 a half (of anything)
labisi 1 pl. labisira; labsibu cf-p labi 1 1 v to return sth., give back, put back 2 to bring back, cause sb. to return 3 to retaliate, revenge 4 to reply, answer
labisi 2 pl. labisira v to move, move sb./sth. in the direction of ...
laɣi 1 pl. laɣira cf-p laɣim 1 v to court 2 to seduce, have intercourse with (for money), "offer money to a woman or girl to signify a wish for friendly relations with her" (IM) 3 to make a cross mark to ward off evil
laɣi^ŋmara pl. laɣiŋmariba cf-p laɣifu ŋma 1 n a forger, counterfeiter of money
laɣidira cf-p di 2 laɣifu 1 n 2 pl 'chop money' [Gh.], allowance for food, "pocket-money" (IM)