Dai Lue - English

ᦢᦱᧈ1baa²20001nounshoulderᦃᦸᧃ1 2ᦗᦱ ᦏᦳᧂ ᦠᦾᧉ ᦢᦱᧈ.She had a bag over her shoulder.ᦀᧁ ᦺᦙᧉ ᦅᦱᧃ ᦗᦱᧆ ᦢᦱᧈ.She put the carrying stick across her shoulder.ᦊᦸᧂ ᦢᦱᧈ.He shrugged his shoulders.ᦎᦾᧈ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦗᦸᧈ.He tapped his father on the shoulder. for shoulders9.2.6.1Classifiersᦐᦹᧂ ᦢᦱᧈᦷᦠ ᦢᦱᧈᦡᦳᧅᧈ ᦢᦱᧈᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦎᧂᧉᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ
ᦢᦱᧈ2baa²verb (intransitive)to overflow; spillᦓᧄᧉ ᦕᦹᧂᧉ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦝᦱᧅ ᦵᦣᦲᧃ.Honey spilled onto the floor of the house.ᦢᧂᧉ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦜᦱᧄ ᦑᦱᧁᧈ ᦺᦔ, ᦃᧁᧉ ᦉᦱᧃ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦙᦱ ᦌᧄᧉ.The bamboo tube fell over and all the rice spilled out.
ᦢᦱᧉbaa³2000adjectivecrazy; mad; drunkᦖᦱ ᦢᦱᧉ.A rabid dog.ᦂᦲᧃ ᦜᦻ ᦟᦳᧃᧉ ᦑᦲᧈ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦷᦟᧆ ᦢᦱᧉ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦙᧁ.They drank too much and they were crazy and drunk.ᦀᦸᧃᧈ ᦶᦡᧂ ᦟᦱᧂ ᦘᦸᧂᧈ ᦺᦠᧉ ᦢᦱᧉ, ᦑᧁᧈ ᦞᦱᧈ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦣᦴᧉ ᦷᦠ ᦵᦠᧆᧈ ᦙᧃ.Sometimes a baby will cry like crazy, but you don't know the cause of it.2.5.8Mental illnessᦵᦉᦲ ᦟᦻ ᦢᦱᧉᦕᦲ ᦢᦱᧉᦖᦱᧅ ᦢᦱᧉᦷᦗᧆ ᦢᦱᧉᦢᦱᧉ ᦷᦉᧇ ᦢᦱᧉ ᦵᦉᧂᦢᦱᧉ ᦊᦸᧂᧈᦢᦱᧉ ᦖᦴᦢᦱᧉ ᦙᧁᦢᦱᧉ ᦞᦸᧂᧉ ᦣᦻᧉ ᦇᦱᧃᦢᦱᧉ ᦢᦳᧃᧈ ᦃᦳᧃᧈ ᦷᦙᦣᦸᧂᧉ ᦣᦸᧂᧉ ᦢᦱᧉ ᦢᦱᧉ
ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦂᦱᧉbaa²xæŋ¹hæŋ⁴kaa³nounstrengthᦍᦱᧄ ᦐᦳᧄᧈ ᦙᦲ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦂᦱᧉ.When we are young we have strength.2.4.1Strongᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂᦶᦃᧂᦂᦱᧉ2
ᦢᦱᧉ ᦙᧁbaa³maw⁴adjectivecrazy; mentally illᦅᧃ ᦶᦙᧂ ᦶᦙᧈ ᦘᦰ ᦍᦱᧆ ᦆᦻᧉ ᦺᦔ ᦊᦴᧈ ᦺᦓ ᦶᦀᧅᧈ ᦷᦠ, ᦅᦳᧃ ᦣᧁ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦋᦱᧂᧈ ᦢᦱᧉ ᦙᧁ ᦺᦔ.If the germs move to the brain, they can make us mentally ill.2.5.8Mental illnessᦢᦱᧉᦙᧁᦷᦣᧂ ᦊᦱ ᦅᦳᧃ ᦢᦱᧉ ᦙᧁ
ᦢᦱ ᦟᦱᧄbaa¹laam⁴Alternate spelling ofᦢᦱ ᦣᦱᧄmonk house
ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂbaa²hæŋ⁴2000nounstrength (can be separated)ᦎᦱᧄ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦵᦣᧆ ᦉᦱᧂᧉ ᧞ ᦣᧂᧈ ᦙᦲ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦡᦲ.They worked with their own strength and now they are rich.ᦵᦔᦲᧂ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦵᦔᦲᧂ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦷᦢᧅ ᦷᦉᧃ ᦌᧄᧉ ᦊᦱᧈ.I have wasted my strength in digging up the whole garden.ᦍᦸᧃᧉ ᦞᦱᧈ ᦖᦱ ᦁᦱ ᦍᦳ ᦏᧁᧉ ᦙᦱ, ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦷᦀᧃᧉ ᦍᦸᧇ ᦺᦔ ᦎᦲᧅ ᦎᦲᧅ.Because the dog was getting older, its strength was weakening bit by bit.2.4.1Strongᦢᦱᧈ1ᦶᦣᧂᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦶᦣᧂᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂᦵᦉ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦵᦉ ᦶᦣᧂᦌᧁ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦌᧁ ᦶᦣᧂᦌᧁ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦠᦱ ᦶᦣᧂᦶᦏᧉ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦏᧄ ᦶᦣᧂᦺᦏᧈ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦺᦏᧈ ᦶᦣᧂᦟᦳᧃᧉ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦵᦜᦲ ᦶᦣᧂᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦂᦱᧉᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦂᦱᧉᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦎᧂᧉ
ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦎᧂᧉbaa²hæŋ⁴xæŋ¹taŋ³nounstrengthᦅᦴ ᦛᧂ ᦙᦲ ᦟᦴᧅ ᦵᦃᧀ ᦙᦲ ᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂ ᦶᦃᧂ ᦎᧂᧉ ᧞ ᦙᦱ ᦏᦱᧂ ᦺᦣᧈ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦓᦱ ᦠᦹᧉ.I want to have a son-in-law who is strong and will plant my fields for me.2.4.1Strongᦢᦱᧈ ᦶᦣᧂᦶᦃᧂᦎᧂᧉ
ᦢᦱ ᦣᦱᧄbaa¹haam⁴ᦢᦱ ᦟᦱᧄnounhouse of a monk or hermitᦈᧁᧉ ᦟᦰ ᦉᦲ ᦙᦱ ᦺᦃ ᦔ ᦎᦴ ᦢᦱ ᦣᦱᧄ ᧟ ᦅᦸᧉ ᦣᦸᧂᧉ ᦋᦻ ᦷᦑᧅ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦵᦙᦲ ᦓᧂᧈ ᦺᦓ.The hermit opened the door of his house and called the poor man to come sit inside. of houses6.5.1Building
ᦢᦲbii¹noungall bladder; bileᦐᦽᧈ 3ᦃᦳᧄ ᦵᦖᦲᧃ ᦢᦲ.Bitter like a gall bladder.ᦖᦱᧅ ᦠᦲᧃ ᦺᦓ ᦢᦲ.Gallstones.2.1.8Internal organsᦵᦂᧁᧈ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦢᦲᦓᧄᧉ ᦢᦲ
ᦢᦲᧈbii²1verb (intransitive)to pop open (especially along a seam or natural opening)7.8.2Crack2verb (transitive)to pull apart (as opening beans, or taking apart clothes along seams)ᦀᧁ ᦕᦳᧄ ᦢᦲᧈ ᦑᦸᧂᦰ ᦠᦱ ᦑᦲᧈ ᦣᦾ ᦢᦱᧆ.Pull away his hair to find the wound.7.3.6Openᦶᦎᧅᧈ ᦢᦲᧈᦠᦾ ᦢᦲᧈ
ᦢᦳ1buʔ²2000final particleI don't know; who knows. [Note: Expresses uncertainty or doubt.]ᦅᦹᧆ ᦞᦱᧈ ᦈᧅ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦊᦱᧂᧈ ᦓᦲᧉ ᦺᦔ ᦏᦹᧂ ᦎᦻ ᦢᦳ?I may be like this until I die, who knows?ᦕᧆ ᦃᦸᧂ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦉᧂ ᦊᦴᧈ ᦢᦳ, ᦍᧂ ᦶᦎᧄᧉ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦉᧂ ᦺᦉᧈ ᦺᦓ ᦗᦸᧇ ᦢᦳ.He was turning something or other, and he was writing something or other in his book.ᦝᦹᧃ ᦎᦲᦰ ᦂᦳᧄᧉ ᦅᦱᧈ ᧒、 ᧓ ᦞᧃ ᦢᦳ.The firewood will only last maybe two or three days.ᦔᦲᧃ ᦶᦎᧈ ᦂᧄ ᦶᦎᧈ ᦵᦞᧃ ᦋᧅ ᦓᦱᧁᧉ ᦢᦳ.It may have been fate pulling me, I don't know.ᦞᧃ ᦘᦳᧅ ᦢᦳ ᦞᧃ ᦣᦹ ᦢᦳ ᦈᦲᧂᧈ ᦗᦸᧅ ᦙᦱ.It could be tomorrow or the next day until he gets home.
ᦢᦳ2buʔ²2000verb (transitive)to push aside; push one's way throughᦡᦸᧅᧈ ᦃᦱᧁ ᦢᦳ ᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦛᦱᧂᧈ ᦺᦢ ᦵᦃᧁ.The white flowers are pushing up amongst the green leaves.ᦙᦲ ᦅᦳᧃ ᦢᦳ ᦀᦸᧅᧈ ᦂᦱᧂ ᦑᧂ ᦜᦻ ᦙᦱ.Somebody pushed his way out through the crowd.ᦶᦎᧅᧈ ᦢᦳᦕ ᦜᦳ ᦢᦳ ᦵᦂᦲᧆᧈ
ᦢᦳ ᦅ ᦟbukalaʔ⁵Alternate spelling ofᦔᦳ ᦅ ᦟperson
ᦢᦳ ᦉᦱ ᦷᦟᧆbusaa¹lot⁵nounvehicleᦃᧁ ᦃᦹᧃᧉ ᦃᦲᧈ ᦵᦐᦲ ᦢᦳ ᦉᦱ ᦷᦟᧆ.They rode in the vehicle.ᦷᦟᧆ2
ᦢᦳ ᦏᦳ ᦋ ᦓbutʰucanaʔ⁵adjectivesimple; unsophisticatedᦘ ᦍᦱ ᦈᧁᧉ ᦅᦹᧆ ᦞᦱᧈ, ᦀᦻᧉ ᦷᦎ ᦓᦲᦰ ᦙᧃ ᦢᧁᧈ ᦺᦋᧈ ᦔᦲᧃ ᦅᦳᧃ ᦢᦳ ᦏᦳ ᦋ ᦓ ᦎᦱᧄ ᦷᦟᧂ ᦵᦙᦲᧂ.The king thought, 'This man is not simple in the ways of the world.'7.5.8Simple, complicated
ᦢᦳ ᦕᦱbupʰaa¹nounflowerᦆᦳᧄᧉ ᦵᦣᦲᧃ ᦔᦳᧅᧈ ᦎᦳᧃᧉ ᦢᦳ ᦕᦱ ᦵᦕᧀ ᦡᦸᧅᧈ.In the garden there were flower bushes that were blooming.1.5.5Parts of a plant
ᦢᦴ ᦋᦱbuu¹caa⁴verb (transitive)to offer; give as an offering; worshipᦈᦲᦰ ᦢᦴ ᦋᦱ ᦘ ᦍᦱ ᦘᦳᧄ.They lit fireworks to offer to Brahma.ᦕᦲ ᦗᦸᧈ ᦶᦙᧈ ᦊᦱᧅ ᦃᧁᧉ ᦠᦹᧉ ᦶᦎᧂᧈ ᦢᦴ ᦋᦱ.The spirits of your parents are hungry; you must make offerings to them.ᦘ ᦍᦱ ᦈᧁᧉ ᦀᧁ ᦆᧄ ᦶᦉᧃ ᧚ ᦢᦴ ᦋᦱ ᦈᧁᧉ ᦟᦰ ᦉᦲ.The king offered 100,000 pieces of gold to the hermit., donate4.9.5.5Offering, sacrificeSanskritpujaworship