QUESTIONᦣᦱ1haa⁴an emotive particle used with questions (both yes/no and wh- questions). [Note: ᦣᦱ expresses emotion such as worry, anger or sarcasm. The /h/ is pronounced only following a vowel.]500ᦈᦱᧈ1caa²a particle used with questions (both yes/no questions and wh- questions)2000
QUESTION emotionᦣᦱ1haa⁴an emotive particle used with questions (both yes/no and wh- questions). [Note: ᦣᦱ expresses emotion such as worry, anger or sarcasm. The /h/ is pronounced only following a vowel.]500ᦡᦴduu¹a particle used with questions, especially rhetorical questions expressing worry, anger, sarcasm2000
QUESTION whᦐᦲᧈnii²a particle used with wh- questions [Note: This is usually used with a rhetorical question. Often the speaker is setting the stage for their own answer to the question.]500ᦋᦱ1caa⁴a particle used with wh- questions2000ᦁᦱ2ʔaa⁴a final particle used with wh- questions. [Note: The pronunciation assimilates to the final consonant of the preceding word.]2000
QUESTION yes/noᦣᦱᧈ1haa⁵a particle used with yes/no questions. [Note: The /h/ is pronounced only following a vowel.]500ᦅᦱ1kaa⁴particle used with yes/no questions that anticipate a positive answer500
queueᦶᦋᧃ1cæn⁴queue; line; row2000ᦈᧇ ᦶᦋᧃcap²cæn⁴to queue; be in line