royal teachingᦟᦱ ᦋ ᦒᧄlaa⁴ca-tʰam⁴royal teaching; royal righteousness
royaltyᦑᦱᧁᧉtaaw⁶prince; royal person. [Note: There are three kinds of people in traditional Tai Lue society: ᦺᦘᧈ are commoners, ᦃᦳᧃ are nobles, and ᦑᦱᧁᧉ are royals.]2000
rubᦉᦲ1sii¹to rub; polish; file; scrape2000ᦑᦱtaa⁴to rub on; smear; spread; paint2000ᦏᦴtʰuu¹to rub on; spread overᦏᦼᧈtʰuj²to rub; to level out; smoothe outᦟᦻᧉlaaj⁶to rub; spread (especially with the finger-tip or a brush)ᦷᦓᧆ ᦑᦱnot⁵taa⁴to rubᦟᦳᧇlup⁵to rub; stroke; caressᦌᦰsaʔ⁵to rub; polish; shine; scrub cleanᦆᦹᧆ ᦆᦹxɯt⁵xɯɯ⁴to rub againstᦆᦹ1xɯɯ⁴to rubᦑᦱ ᦟᦻᧉtaa⁴laaj⁶to rub onᦵᦋᧆ ᦟᦻᧉcet⁵laaj⁶to rub on; smearᦕᦸᧅ1pʰɔk²to rub on; smear; apply (as medicine)ᦑᦱ ᦟᦳᧇtaa⁴lup⁵to rub on; to plasterᦅᦸᧇkɔp⁵to rub on; poulticeᦟᦲᧈ ᦶᦟᧃᧉlii⁵læn⁶to rub between the fingers